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Garden o' Shaymin: (W) X2 Gliscor LA HOLO, and X3 Spiritomb PA!

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RE: Shaymin of the skies trade thread [H] Cynthia's, Mesprit, and Heatran LA!

Ummmm sounds ok to me since you're paying a bit extra. (Which is needed for the stamp) But just to let you know I accidentaly put the polis in the wrong type area, they're water type. :p
RE: Shaymin of the skies trade thread [H] Cynthia's, Mesprit, and Heatran LA!

CML for the voltorb IFITDS (shiny) and charmelon IFITDS thanks!
RE: Shaymin of the skies trade thread [H] Cynthia's, Mesprit, and Heatran LA!

I'm not really seeing much sorry.
RE: Shaymin of the skies trade thread [H] Cynthia's, Mesprit, and Heatran LA!

Hey, how about following:
2x Infernape
1x Empoleon (SS, BD)


Flygon (H)

Rayquaza H
3x Unown W

I can do 10$ shipped for those :) LMK
RE: Shaymin of the skies trade thread [H] Cynthia's, Mesprit, and Heatran LA!

Shaymin rules everyone else drools

CML for:
RE: Shaymin of the skies trade thread [H] Cynthia's, Mesprit, and Heatran LA!

ESP do you buy? If so I can do all those, and any 1 extra holo rare up to $3.00 from my list for $10 just LMK. :)

Even if you don't buy I'm interested in your maggy X. :)

(Of course I know I would have to add something into the deal.)
RE: Shaymin of the skies trade thread [H] Cynthia's, Mesprit, and Heatran LA!

I don't buy. Is there anything else you want besides maggy because i have lots of offers for that. Unless you have a really good offer for it.
RE: Shaymin of the skies trade thread [H] Cynthia's, Mesprit, and Heatran LA!

How much do you value the states, and cities cards?
RE: Shaymin of the skies trade thread [H] Cynthia's, Mesprit, and Heatran LA!

Not incredibly highly but not very low. Offer and I'll think about it.
RE: Shaymin of the skies trade thread [H] Cynthia's, Mesprit, and Heatran LA!

Okay how 'bout


Magnezone IFIDS
Frosslass LA
Mesprit LA
Cynthia's LA
Staraptor IFIDS
Probopass Holo LA


Luxio States 08
Shinx Citys 07
And city pin (If you don't hugely value it)

Counter as I know it needs it. :)
RE: Shaymin of the skies trade thread [H] Cynthia's, Mesprit, and Heatran LA!

I'll do it.

PM me to finalize
RE: Shaymin of the skies trade thread [H] Cynthia's, Mesprit, and Heatran LA!

Updated, and added urgent needs!
RE: Shaymin of the skies trade thread, Need many urgent needs quick!

"Shaymin rules everyone else drools"

I've got:
4x Cyclone Energy's
1-2x Multi Energy's

How much would you buy them from me (must be over AUD$2.50-to cover postage).
RE: Shaymin of the skies trade thread, Need many urgent needs quick!

Well presently I have no money after buying a rabbit that totaled up to about 65 USD. Are you allowed Japanese cards in premier events though? (I do know they actually have to be released in your language, but do you need different kinds of sleeves, or what.)
RE: Shaymin of the skies trade thread [H] Cynthia's, Mesprit, and Heatran LA!

androman said:
How about your:
Gyrados MT
Flygon (H) SW
Rayquaza LA
Poliwag x2

For my 6$, LMK.
I'd like to convert it to... your:
Gyrados MT
Flygon (H) SW
Rayquaza LA

For my 5$, realized I didn't need Poliwags, getting 4 from another trade. LMK if this still fits you :)

RE: Shaymin of the skies trade thread, Need many urgent needs quick!

Well out of those I still have,

Poliwhirl and Poliwrath but I recently got another Poliwrath, and a Politoed RH. (Very scratched up but still playable)

I could do,


Poliwrath X2
Politoed RH



Counter if need be. :)

PS: Please re-read the rules however, and add the phrase to your post, thanks. :)
RE: Shaymin of the skies trade thread, Need many urgent needs quick!

I need:
1x Gyarados

2x Flygon

3x Unown W
1x Rayquaza
1x Poliwrath
1x Poliwhirl
2x Victreebel
2x Vileplume

LMK which of these and how many EXCATLY do you have, thanks.

RE: Shaymin of the skies trade thread, Need many urgent needs quick!

Okay I have X1 Vileplume LA, Rayquaza Holo LA, Poliwrath LA, and Poliwhirl LA.

I can do all these for $7.

Counter if needed.

Oh and LV, if you can wait until Saturday I will buy both the Multi Energy for $3 deal?
RE: Shaymin of the skies trade thread, Need many urgent needs quick!

I have 2 Recover Mechanism Regigigas. Would you buy them? Lmk. =]
RE: Shaymin of the skies trade thread, Need many urgent needs quick!

How much for them?

I can give 3-4 dollars but I don't have money ATM, I will however have $3 on Saturday for Allowance and I have 3-4 in change right now but I don't know if you want change. :p
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