Ruling Gardevior psychic lock and Claydol


Proud Member of the RightWing Conspiracy

Alright, so if Gardevior uses psychic lock, can Claydol still use Cosmic power the following turn? Psychic lock says that the opponent can't use and powers ON his/her Pokémon, meaning it only blocks powers that have an effect on the opponents pokémon. This excludes cosmic power because it only has an affect on the opponent's hand, right?
ahahahahhahaha... if only....

but no, when Gardevoir uses Psychic Lock it locks ALL pokepowers that are ON your opponent's Pokemon.

So basically, if you get Psychic Locked, then you are not allowed to use any powers on your turn at all, whatsoever.

Side note since I have a feeling this question will come up, No, Unown G will NOT block the effect of Psychic Lock because the effect is on your opponent, not any specific Pokemon.
Yea, screw Unknown G. Really? Cause it's And the worst part is, with Gardevoir out and powered up, it can pretty much disable the use of all pokepowers for the rest of the game or until it's KOed, whichever comes first. That's a little....extreme, don't ya think?
unfortunately, the attack takes 3 energy, too slow and weak to really hurt, by t3, most people would have already ko'ed her
Sonic_Freak said:

Alright, so if Gardevior uses psychic lock, can Claydol still use Cosmic power the following turn? Psychic lock says that the opponent can't use and powers ON his/her Pokémon, meaning it only blocks powers that have an effect on the opponents pokémon. This excludes cosmic power because it only has an affect on the opponent's hand, right?

Ok, when Gardevoir uses Psychic Lock, it says on his or her Pokemon which means that you can't use any of your Pokemon's PokePowers.
Dar Ksereth said:
unfortunately, the attack takes 3 energy, too slow and weak to really hurt, by t3, most people would have already ko'ed her

DCE dude. GG is making a comeback, and its all cause of DCE. However, when Gardevoir uses Psychic lock, you are COMPLETELY locked down from powers.
Psychic Lock also prevents the use of powers of Pokemon not on the field at the time, such as Set Up or Flash Bite. It prevents all powers on all opponent's Pokemon for each turn that it is used.