Gardevoir ex in Prismatic Evolutions


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Hello everyone! Gardevoir ex was on the rise at the end of the Surging Sparks format and is looking stronger in Prismatic Evolutions. Regidrago VSTAR was one of your tougher matchups before and has been pushed out of the format by the presence of Budew in multiple decks which has opened the door for Gardevoir ex to be one of the most played decks in the format. However, as Regidrago was pushed out of the format the door has been opened for other decks such as Dragapult ex to see success. This has changed the way that Gardevoir ex has been built...

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I just started playing PTCG online and those Budew decks where you hold out just ahead for 20+ minutes only to be nuked by Bloodmoon Ursaluna (which was in their hand the whole time) are evil lol.
I just started playing PTCG online and those Budew decks where you hold out just ahead for 20+ minutes only to be nuked by Bloodmoon Ursaluna (which was in their hand the whole time) are evil lol.
I haven't come across those yet but for me the most evil deck is the ferraligatr+munkidori deck which also uses budew. They bossed my radiant and trapped greninja and spent 12 turns just damage managing using munki+gatr whilst trapping me unable to do anything because I had used all the ways I could get out of that aha. If I played against it again I suppose I would know to save those cards but when they have 4 bosses it is terrifying
I haven't come across those yet but for me the most evil deck is the ferraligatr+munkidori deck which also uses budew. They bossed my radiant and trapped greninja and spent 12 turns just damage managing using munki+gatr whilst trapping me unable to do anything because I had used all the ways I could get out of that aha. If I played against it again I suppose I would know to save those cards but when they have 4 bosses it is terrifying
A deck similar to this with Budew and Munkidori (and floslass I think) is what I’m referring to!!! We kept trading Pokémon (my baby Roaring Moon took Budew out *5* times) but because the decks never got refreshed Ursaluna was laying in wait for me when I had 1 prize card left 🙀
A deck similar to this with Budew and Munkidori (and floslass I think) is what I’m referring to!!! We kept trading Pokémon (my baby Roaring Moon took Budew out *5* times) but because the decks never got refreshed Ursaluna was laying in wait for me when I had 1 prize card left 🙀
Ursaluna in that deck is terrifying aha, I shall never again underestimate the munki-gatr-dew