Ruling Gardevoir / Gallade Technical Question


Since 1997
Hey, So i was looking at the Gardevoir thats ability allowed each Psychic energy on a psychic pokemon to Provide 2 psychic energy instead of one. Would that mean Gallde's Powerful Storm attack 20x the amount of energy on all your pokemon. Do double the attack?
Example: Gardevoir on bench with 2 Psychic energy attached, random pokemon that psychic on bench with another 2, then Gallade is your active pokemon with 1 psychic energy and uses Powerful Storm. Does this attack do 5 X 20 or 10 X 20? This is something that seemed complex and I would like to ask about before using this as a strategy in a deck.
RE: Gardevoir Gallade Technical question

RE: Gardevoir Gallade Technical question
RE: Gardevoir Gallade Technical question
My apologies
RE: Gardevoir Gallade Technical question

Yes, since it says 20x the amount of energy, and the basic psychic energies would supply two energies each per energy card. Note that the text of Powerful Storm says "energy" and not "energy card". If it had said "energy card", then Psychic Mirage would not have provided additional damage.