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Garllade (Garchomp//Gallade 4): Masters: Battle Roads


Hero For Hire!
2-2 Garchomp C
3-1 Gallade 4 Lv. X
3 Honchkrow G
1 Dragonite FB
3 Crobat G
2 Uxie

2 Aaron's Collection
2 Professor Oak's New Theory
2 Bebe's Search
4 Cyrus's Conspiracy
3 Energy Exchanger
4 TGI: Energy Gain
3 TGI: Power Spray
4 TGI: Poketurn
3 TGI: SP Radar
2 Champion's Room
1 Warp Point

4 Basic Darkness
4 Double Colorless Energy
5 Psychic Energy

Spread, pretty simple. Gets hosed against Vileplume. Plenty to search out basics and whatnot to keep your bench full. Needs a little bit of tuning, any help appreciated!
If this is MD on take out Roseanne's and add atleast 1 more SP Radar as you'll find it needed hope this helps and for the "Plume" I sugest warp point as you can bring it up and take it out with one of your Pokemon
If I can get an Uxie Level X, I highly doubt it, but i'll consider adding in Lucario GL.
I have played gallade 4 allot and i think you might need "champion's room" It will give your (all sp pokemon -1 retreat) gallade 4 lv.X free retreat cost after you have used its power (so you don't need to use poke turn). And it's a stadium so you can still use it while you are under trainer lock.
I would take out:
2 warp point

And put in:
2 champion's room

Warp point is a trainer so you can't use it under trainer lock. And you won't need it so often since you spread damage and snipe.

What do people think about taking out the Bebe's Search. They're practically useless with SP Radar in the deck.
Not if you get Trainer locked...

I would keep them in. I would also think about cutting a Crobat G and an Energy Exchanger for two PONT. I've found PONT to be extremely useful for hand refresh.

dmaster out.
Good point, as soon as I posted it I thought about trainer lock. I'll also test out the PONTs, they look good so they'll probably make the cut.
umm..does anybody notice that he doesn't run pokemon collector.
-3 energy exganger
+3 pokemon collector
to get set up and not getting donked.
2- champions room
1+ Dragonnite FB
1+ Warp energie
dragonnite FB use the att for 80 dmg to Sp Pokemons
warp energie retreat dragonnite FB
i think that dialga g lvx is a must in each sp deck nowadays with the threat of spiritomb/ vileplume