Alright, so, here's my thinking. I would ask another one of the high members to take over the group, but MissP has left the forums, MC is no longer active, and I don't want to choose between safariblade and P0KEV0RTEX (being that you're both active and helpful in the group). My warning wears off on the 20th, so I guess we'll just go on until then, so I can reapply the group.
Of course, in the mean time we can act like we always have! We've hit kinda a snag in the organization of the group, but please guys, until I can reapply, just keep on posting art, etc!
EDITZ: at safari- I guess not. At least, for a while. His position is that all he posted in anymore was GDISmeargle (most of our members are on dA) and the Pony Thread, so he doesn't feel that he needs to be in a rush to get back.