GE card discussion.

Lou Cypher has actually made sense for once.
omastar + tgw does equal gg. i applaud u for that lou cypher
Alex and Shaun at Atria was talikg about that on Sunday, I see a future in Fossil decks and Tangrowth.
Tangrowths damage output seems to be a bit on the low side. On the other hand, he is quite tankish.

I think there is a big future for Phione, especially since it can allow you to recover from afformentioned Omastar-TGW blows, which can also help you abuse Scramble.

I also like to note Suzy's Lottery + Solrock. Pull that T1 and you got some nice 20 + Energy boosting.
I think Delibird is at least notable because of its first attack... Requires a coin flip though. At least it's free.

Milotic is kinda cool I guess, but his attack is kinda risky. I hate Twister.

Articuno's power is the exact same as its Game Boy TCG counterpart. If only its attack said to pick someone and give 'em 40, we'd have a near duplicate. I still think the power is pretty cool (no pun intended).

Arbok and Vileplume d maybe? Weezing and Vileplume d?

Gee, Mewtwo, where have we seen this before? Oh yeah, on like nearly every other Mewtwo card ever made. New attacks please :[

Espeon and Umbreon are great for powering up their buddies. Nice, Energy-light costs, too... good stuff.

Unown F seems like something neat to help thin the deck.

Unown G sure seems interesting enough.

Unown P and Primeape or Mothim SW is a match made in heaven.

Exploud is crazy.

Togekiss cheats in the games, it's no wonder his card cheats too.

Umbreon is THE staple in all Eeveelution decks.

Scizor is pretty good.
Exploud is just going to be a beast in GE. All I need to do now is find a good way of using him...
Beedrill is a lot like Kricketune, but slower with higher damage output. This is something I'm going to have to try out, especially if Phione is in the set.
Blaziken looks as though it's going to be great so long as combo comes along for it (unless you want to do 80 every 2 turns instead of every turn...). Maybe Typhlosion (MT)?
Claydol is just awesome. It will be the new draw engine and recovers against Absol starts.
Omastar is just mad if it's in the set.
I think Swampert may be a bit over looked. Have something with loads of energies attached to attack. Bench it to stop it being KOed, put a new one up, move the energies to the new one. It needs a Water Main attacker to work best due to Mantine (or use Weavile (SW) and Moonlight Stadium). Maybe Crawdaunt Ex (HP) or Blissey (MT)?