GeChamp does it suck against G decks?

Card Slinger J

Aspiring Trainer
Some people run SpeedGar over GeChamp, but is SpeedGar the deck of choice over GeChamp to compete better against G decks?
GeChamp is much better!!

When your opponent switches to toxicroak and thinks "you can't hurt me with champ!!"

You switch to gengar and all G decks have massive hands and you only need 2 trainers.

Take out the rest of the bench with champ!
Yeah but what If you don't have Gengar at the moment you need it when you got a Machamp as your Active while your Opponent's got Toxicroak G out reading to go out as the Active?

That's part of the problem though I seriously think a 3-2-4 Gengar SF line is very much needed to make sure you draw into Gengar when you need it the most. 3 Gengar doesn't cut it...

You're relying on speed early game to draw into both Machamp and Gengar and If you don't have both out by then tough luck.
3-2-4 lines??? No wonder why your deck isnt working... I want to give you my list out of pity but, I can't let a good list go to waste. Just play more and stop with Gengar SPAM!