BW/BW2 Gen 5 comes out in three Months and we know 21 pokemon. What pokemon are you looking4

Lovecraftian Pokémon FTW! Granted, most of the latest legendary Pokémon themselves are eldritch abominations (incarnations of time, space, and anti-matter, a creature who was cruel enough to torture a child with an unending slumber filled with nightmares, the Pokémon that can alleviate it, and the dang creator of the universe). Lugia made a storm that lasted 40 days and nights (nod towards Gilgamesh or the Bible, anybody?).

I kind of would like to see a Ghost/Steel type that parodies the whole "ghost in the machine" thing, I've always found it interesting. Maybe, should there be a Lanturn evo, it could be more... anglerfish-like? You know, blank eyes, sharp teeth, more subdued color scheme? I'd squee if they had a penangaalan or maybe a shadhavar Pokémon!
RE: Gen 5 comes out in three Months and we know 21 pokemon. What pokemon are you look

GothLoliBat said:
Lovecraftian Pokémon FTW! Granted, most of the latest legendary Pokémon themselves are eldritch abominations (incarnations of time, space, and anti-matter, a creature who was cruel enough to torture a child with an unending slumber filled with nightmares, the Pokémon that can alleviate it, and the dang creator of the universe). Lugia made a storm that lasted 40 days and nights (nod towards Gilgamesh or the Bible, anybody?).

I kind of would like to see a Ghost/Steel type that parodies the whole "ghost in the machine" thing, I've always found it interesting. Maybe, should there be a Lanturn evo, it could be more... anglerfish-like? You know, blank eyes, sharp teeth, more subdued color scheme? I'd squee if they had a penangaalan or maybe a shadhavar Pokémon!

2 things:

Rotom IS the ghost in the machine

Nintendo would DEFFINATELY NOT allow theyr cute little lite fish to get COOL, and SCARY, otherwise, they might loose theyr 2 year old fans :p XD
RE: Gen 5 comes out in three Months and we know 21 pokemon. What pokemon are you look

The Flaming Ho-oh said:
2 things:

Rotom IS the ghost in the machine

Nintendo would DEFFINATELY NOT allow theyr cute little lite fish to get COOL, and SCARY, otherwise, they might loose theyr 2 year old fans :p XD

There are several pokemon that don't look very cute. Garchomp? Zekrom? Rayquaza?
The Flaming Ho-oh said:
2 things:

Rotom IS the ghost in the machine

Nintendo would DEFFINATELY NOT allow theyr cute little lite fish to get COOL, and SCARY, otherwise, they might loose theyr 2 year old fans :p XD
*facepalms* Dear God, how on Earth did I forget that creepy little guy? O:

But, but... I want a scary angler. T^T
hopefully they can create pokemon based on items and creatures from the zodiac and other constellations
Lucario 92 said:
Black Panther Pokemon anybody? Type/Types? Ability/New Ability?


Type: Dark
Ability: Racism
RE: Gen 5 comes out in three Months and we know 21 pokemon. What pokemon are you look

Majora_787 said:
There are several pokemon that don't look very cute. Garchomp? Zekrom? Rayquaza?


Because Rayquaza is made to be cool. Even with that lipsticked-like lips lol.

I want a legendary trio based on Luck,Fate, and Destiny.

I wonder how they'll look like.
I really don't mind if FireDoll ends up not having an evolution, just so long as he gets a good stat set.
Same thing said for ElectricZebra. Although with the later, I definitely get the vibe that he'll have an evolution...if that makes any sense at all.
Ryo said:
I really don't mind if FireDoll ends up not having an evolution, just so long as he gets a good stat set.
Same thing said for ElectricZebra. Although with the later, I definitely get the vibe that he'll have an evolution...if that makes any sense at all.

I have the same gut feeling. That thing has to evolve.

and to Darkrai Shadowforce- Aren't fate and and destiny the same thing?
Anything! New Pokemon are fun and exciting, and I need more of them! But a Dolphin would be cool, as well as another turtle. I know, I know, turtle is so over done, but I still love turtles.
Kind of Pokemon I wanna see? Well, I would really love it if a Were Wolves Pokemon comes out, And maybe another Fox Pokemon (Not Nine-Tails new Evolution!).
I'm gonna hope for a dolphin, a (jumbo?) shrimp, and a lamp. ...Yes, a lamp.

Hopefully there'll be some more Fire types this generation; we had five in D/P and we have five now, so hopefully we'll get some more. More defensive electric types would be nice too.
DarkBladeOblivion said:
I'm gonna hope for a dolphin, a (jumbo?) shrimp, and a lamp. ...Yes, a lamp.

Hopefully there'll be some more Fire types this generation; we had five in D/P and we have five now, so hopefully we'll get some more. More defensive electric types would be nice too.

Offtopic:I love, lamp.(For those of you, who have seen Anchorman)

Ontopic: A dolphin Pokemon would be kind of cool.
I want a Wolverine pokemon, and maybe more bears? Ursaring and little cute Teddiursa ain't enough.
I want a prehistoric Pterasaur or a dactyl too. Aerodactyl isn'y enough too.
We need a shrimp pokemon, a ground/ dark fossa/fox pokemon, a racoon(dunno if we have one), sea dragon, aye-aye's, A LLAMA MY FAV ANIMAL :D, and a platypus. thats all.