Finished Gender Race: Boys 1 Girls 0 (You-person-person-you)

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RE: Gender Race

tarealex-no need to get rude with people. As you can see, the two of us posted at the exact same time. Mine was above his, but he didn't see until after he posted.

anyway, that brings us to 458, as you and wartortle posted at the same time too.
RE: Gender Race


I was nice the first time, but he continued posting blatantly wrong numbers. It ruins the integrity of the game.
RE: Gender Race


Sorry about saying you can't count. Maybe everyone should just be more careful...>_>
RE: Gender Race

because we're sitting on the topic, mixups are going to happen. just edit your post and move on. Dusk is 455, I'm 454.

and because you posted as I was. I'm now 453.
RE: Gender Race


I guess the original poster didn't intend on us ganging up to ruin the boys. >:D
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