Ruling General TCG Rules

Undocked Windy

Aspiring Trainer

I'm looking for a good website that offers very detailed tutorials on how to play Pokemon TCG. It's been awhile since I've actually played so I'm sure when I 'knew how to play', It's changed dramastically.

I looked around all this site, but it's a forum (obviously) not an actual website and I'm not looking for "questions" necessarily, but more straight-forward guides.

If this is the wrong forum to be asking such a question, PLEASE, don't delete this thread, simply move it - I apologize in advice if so.
I think this may help with the basics:

(For the demo, go down to "Watch the Interactive Demo" thing and click it. I think the picture works but if not there is a link next to the picture)

But for things regarding new mechanics like Lv. X cards, I'd just ask around or pick up a copy of the rulebook that comes in the theme decks.

Also, the Compendium may be of some use to you as well for additional rulings:

The Compendium

Hope this helped, and for other people, this ain't advertising as I am linking to official stuff.
Thank you very much, ragingphantom.

I also heard that some of the older cards (from when the time I used to play) changed, as in their rulings changed - is there any links to verify/give examples of this?
Actually, if you are talking about cards that have been reprinted in newer sets, then this link could help:

Modified Legal Card List

Or, if you are talking about how older cards rulings have been changed, which is what I think that you are asking, then that compendium link that I gave is useful (you have to scroll A LOT though). It contains rulings on all the cards made so far I believe, and it covers a lot of things that aren't very clear rulings-wise.

Remember, if you need to know the ruling on a specific card, then this is the right forum to post the question in (The TCG Rules Questions).

Hope this helps.
Actually, it does help - Thank you very much!

I plan on playing with just my GF since there's no local tournaments (I live on a freakin' mountain basically..) so we'll need to know the rules!!

One more question, SORRY!

Where can I find card scans besides this site for making proxies?
Log in to your My Pokemon account on .
It should be in there.