Genesect EX revealed


黄前さん らしい ね

Can somebody translate the card please? I know the little print is pretty hard to see but if it is something generic it can probably be translated from that.
Bug defaults to grass, and:

ゲノセクトEX(プラズマ団) 草 HP170
特性 レッドシグナル

草草無 メガロキャノン 100

弱炎 抵- 逃1

ゲノセクト 草 HP100
無 なかまをよぶ

草草無 ジェットインパクト 80?

弱炎 抵- 逃1

I'm useless at translating card lingo but here's the transcriptions for Jon and co.

Also (since whoever reports cards on Bulbanews is next to useless now at reading the pages) have this:
First revealed was GenesectEX -- a grass type (to pander to the bug part of it) which is a Plasma Gang owned card coming in at 010/076. Also worthy of noting: Azelf and Druddigon will be in the set going by the artwork on the side of the booster boxes, bringing our total known card count to... four. We'll likely start seeing more of the set the closer we get however.

Additionally, another Genesect card was unveiled. Like the EX, this card is a grass type and will be a promotional card given away in the next issue of CoroCoro.
Got this from 4chan:
"Based on the blurbs, 100 to active, 20 to bench. Ability Red Signal allows you to change opponent's active (not sure which of you picks the new active, the blurb doesn't specify) and apparently you need to have a Plasma Energy attached to use the ability."

Edit: Oh, thanks! Here you go!

Genesect EX HP170
Ability: Red Signal
When you attach Plasma Energy from your hand to this Pokémon, you may switch your opponent's Active Pokémon with 1 of his or her Benched Pokémon.

[G][G][C] Megalo Cannon 100
Does 20 damage to 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokémon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)

Genesect HP100
[C] Call for Family
Search your deck for 1 Basic [grass] Pokémon and put it onto your Bench. Shuffle your deck afterward.

[G][G][C] Jet Impact 80 +
Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 80 + 20 more damage.
hammer time! said:
Grass? WTH?

It should be Steel in my opinion. Probably means were not getting Virizion in this set (or ever if they stop the EX trend with the new generation.)
Except it's main type is bug, which defaults to grass, which was going to be the main type for the card in the first place???

It's rare when a secondary typing is featured as the main element of the card. Yeah, occasionally, as seen by the occasional Stunfisk and Lugia swaps we've seen (and Lugia is bizarre in being typed as something it's NOT in the TCG, so) but not commonly.
Oh, thanks! Here you go!

Genesect EX HP170
Ability: Red Signal
When you attach Plasma Energy from your hand to this Pokémon, you may switch your opponent's Active Pokémon with 1 of his or her Benched Pokémon.

[G][G][C] Megalo Cannon 100
Does 20 damage to 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokémon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)

Genesect HP100
[C] Call for Family
Search your deck for 1 Basic [grass] Pokémon and put it onto your Bench. Shuffle your deck afterward.

[G][G][C] Jet Impact 80 +
Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 20 more damage.
Ah, thank you so much, Viper!

My attempt at translating Genesect EX:

DO NOT QUOTE ME ON THIS. This is just me making an educated guess. I just recognize patterns and phrases; I am not fluent in Japanese.

Ability: Red Signal
Something having to do with Plasma Energy attached to this Pokemon. I think it's something like "When you attach a Plasma Energy from your hand to this Pokemon, you may switch 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon with the Defending Pokemon". Or it might be your opponent's choice; I don't know.

GGC Megalocannon 100
Does 20 damage to 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon. (Don't apply W&R for Benched Pokemon.)

Weakness: R
Resistance: Nothing
Retreat Cost: 1
(Genesect-EX is a Plasma Pokemon)

Regular Genesect:

(It doesn't appear to be a Plasma Pokemon, but there's some sort of foil pattern on the card, like is normally seen on shiny Pokemon.

C Call for Family? (I can't read Hiragana)
Search your deck for a Grass-type Pokemon and put it on your Bench. Shuffle your deck afterward. (I think...)

GGC Jet Impact 80+?
Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 20 more damage?

Edit: Teal, I'm going to end you.
It might see some play with Porygon-Z and Lugia. A Rogue IMO. A Grass CFF might get some more playability for them. said:
Except it's main type is bug, which defaults to grass, which was going to be the main type for the card in the first place???

It's rare when a secondary typing is featured as the main element of the card. Yeah, occasionally, as seen by the occasional Stunfisk and Lugia swaps we've seen (and Lugia is bizarre in being typed as something it's NOT in the TCG, so) but not commonly.

Well, yeah. I know that, but I was hoping for a Steel type. I think it has more of a steel look to it and would better suit it. Another reason I thought it would be Steel is that it translates directly to the cards, whereas Bug has to convert to Grass. I really hope they continue the EX's into the next generation.

I have a feeling they will, though. Maybe thats just me hoping too much. I want a Suicune and this might be its last chance!
Why do you people want Metal over Grass? This game needs more Grass-type attackers. We already have plenty of Metal-type ones.
...And please don't give me the Klinklang excuse. That thing has everything, and Cobalion just gave it more.
Hey, Genesect OHKO:s Keldeo EX. Why would you want it to be metal?
Honestly, I also thought it would be Steel-type instead of Grass. Goes better with its robotic look...

Also, Viperfox, sorry but you're totally wrong. A lot of pokémon are featured in the TCG predomantly with their secondary type instead of the primary. And that happens a lot when it comes to Bug and Dragon types. Examples: Victini, Tao Trio, Galvantula line, Ferrothorn line, Volcarona line, Forretress, Scizor, Vibrava and Flygon, Scolipede line, etc. (Some of them have had prints with their primary type, but most of their cards are printed with their secondary type). Or some are featured with their secondary type as much as their primary type like Lugia, Stunfisk (as you said), Celebi, the Krookodile line and more.

@DNA: the symbol on the promo Genesect is the CoroCoro symbol...
Teal said:
Hey, Genesect OHKO:s Keldeo EX. Why would you want it to be metal?

I dont care much for the game itself. I'd rather it be Metal because it suits it better. And who says that would be the only Grass type card that can be a counter anyway? We have a whole set left to be revealed. We could have potentially had Virizion fill that role.
evilpacman said:
Teal said:
Hey, Genesect OHKO:s Keldeo EX. Why would you want it to be metal?

I dont care much for the game itself. I'd rather it be Metal because it suits it better. And who says that would be the only Grass type card that can be a counter anyway? We have a whole set left to be revealed. We could have potentially had Virizion fill that role.

This is a TCG which is a game. You may not care for the game but Genesect EX being Metal would be very broken for the game.