So I recently dismantled my old Fairy deck, and I thought "Hey! I really need to make a deck that is not only good, but REALLY trolly!" When I talked about what I was planning to do with all of the people I meet with at my local cardshop/Pokemon League, I was greeted with the biggest eye-rolls and sighs of all time. So, after doing a little trading and research I finally have my first draft!
So the strategy for this deck is to put damage all over the field with the bats, then Gengar can swoop in with Creep Show for the Insta-Kill. Crobat has no retreat cost, and neither does Gengar so if needed Crobat can take the active position to put 30 damage on anyone. Assuming a Dimension Valley is out, you can use Skill Dive for free and Creep Show for 1 Psychic Energy which is why there is only 6 total Energy. With Crobats ability to put the minimum damage needed for Creep Show on any Pokemon, no Pokemon is safe. Please let me know whatever you think this deck could utilize to become faster or stronger!
- 3x Zubat 30/83 Generations
- 3x Golbat 31/83 Generations
- 3x Crobat 33/119 Phantom Forces
- 3x Gastly 33/83 Generations
- 3x Haunter 34/83 Generations
- 3x Gengar 60/162 Break Through
- 2x Remoraid 32/162 Break Through
- 2x Sushi Master, er, I mean Octillary 33/162 Break Through
- 4x Dimension Valley
- 4x Ultra Ball
- 3x Lysandre
- 3x Professor Birch's Observation
- 3x Teammates
- 3x Brigette
- 3x Level Ball
- 2x Sacred Ash (With your main attacker being only 130 base HP, this card can really save your... ash?)
- 2x VS Seeker
- 2x Super Scoop Up
- 2x Professor Sycamore
- 1x Rare Candy
- 1x Wally
- 1x Town Map
- 6x Psychic Energy
So the strategy for this deck is to put damage all over the field with the bats, then Gengar can swoop in with Creep Show for the Insta-Kill. Crobat has no retreat cost, and neither does Gengar so if needed Crobat can take the active position to put 30 damage on anyone. Assuming a Dimension Valley is out, you can use Skill Dive for free and Creep Show for 1 Psychic Energy which is why there is only 6 total Energy. With Crobats ability to put the minimum damage needed for Creep Show on any Pokemon, no Pokemon is safe. Please let me know whatever you think this deck could utilize to become faster or stronger!