Gengar EX / Cresselia EX

Matt Deveraux

Aspiring Trainer
Hello everyone, i'm a big reader of this forum and your discussions have helped me a lot to improve my deck and playing experience, so thank you!

I start this topic because i've been playing with Gengar Ex Deck since the release of Phantom Forces and still now I cannot find the perfect consistence for it. I've had the best resoults playing it with Trevenant / Sigilyph / Wobbuffet and using Valley over Virbank, but the only problem is that this combination autolooses with Yveltal Ex Decks.

A day ago I come out with the idea of replace Trevenant Ex / Sigilyph with Cresselia Ex. Trevenant doesn't have a big impact in many of the competitive decks in format, also they can be easy OHKO and rest consistency to the deck. Sigilyph most of the time feels like a death card, because almost every deck has a way to deal with it. But Cresselia can work like a multi use Sigilyph / Robo Sub, it can easy be retreated with float stone or Mistery, also pairing it with jamming Net and even a Jinx FF seems like a good combo.

So,what do you guys think of a deck based in 3 Gengar ex and 2 or maybe 3 Cresselia?
In the Deck Help Forum, there is a related Gengar deck thread in which I suggested incorporating Manectric EX as a counter to Yveltal deck threats. You may find that this particular Poke has a bit more advantages over Cressalia EX.
Yeah, of course Manectric is a best Yveltal EX counter, but what about the energy inconsistency? Also I'm aiming to a combination of pokemon that works fine against the most of other competitive decks, not only against Yveltal EX.
Professor's Letter can help with the energy problem, and as for beating competitive decks, I'd suggest running 2 Suicune; they help against the EX match-up and they can potentially beat out a Donphan if you have Water energy.
Pardon my ignorance, but how is Cresselia EX going to stop your opponent from using Lysandre to catcher up your Dark weak Gengar?

I think you may just be better off keeping your original build and waiting for Weakness Policy to come out. Replace your Dimension Valley with Virbank City Gym (so you can get the 2HKO with Gengar without a Muscle Band) and use Trevenant as the necessary item lock to keep your Pokemon Tools and DCE (barring Xerosic). Incorporating Manectric EX won't cost you consistency either because you can use Rainbow energy without fear of Enhanced Hammer (again, barring Xerosic).
Yea I use 2 Manectric EX in my Gengar deck to put pressure on opposing Yveltal EXs. Also a Zekrom to help even more.
Thank you all for your comments guys, Manectric and Rainbow or Letter seems a better choice. Now this question is for the ones that are playing Gengar / Trevenant. How many Phantums / Trevenants are you playing in your decks? also, du u include Mega Gengar?
I use a 3-3 line of Trevenant. I do not use Mega Gengar because Wobbufet PHF and Trevenant work as Pyroar counters if you ever run into them.

(Pyroar is becoming less and less popular, at least in my area)
Matt Deveraux said:
Yeah, of course Manectric is a best Yveltal EX counter, but what about the energy inconsistency? Also I'm aiming to a combination of pokemon that works fine against the most of other competitive decks, not only against Yveltal EX.
There is no energy "inconsistency" at all in my Gengar deck since I have a sufficient amount of L energy and have ways of accessing needed energy when needed. Should you decide to run Manectric EX and L energy in you deck, just plan your deck accordingly.

Also, the inclusion of Manectric EX makes the overall deck stronger, IMO and much better positioned to counter other decks in the format. In addition, I run Sigilyph and Wobuffet too. I run no Robos.

Matt Deveraux said:
So,what do you guys think of a deck based in 3 Gengar ex and 2 or maybe 3 Cresselia?
My thoughts/concerns with Cressalia EX:

  • Requires 4 energy just to inflict 90 damage; that is not a great energy-to-damage ratio, IMO (despite Dimension Valley which can be replaced).
  • Cressalia EX does not add any significant advantages in other deck matches since many decks will tech Mewtwo EX.
  • As soon as 2 energy is attached to your Cress, it immediately becomes a 1HKO target for any Mewtwo EX.
  • Of the 2 main Poké in your deck, which has priority to get the energy? Opponents, most likely, will not give you the time to power-up both. So, other attackers, requiring less energy, may be more effective.
There is no energy "inconsistency" at all in my Gengar deck since I have a sufficient amount of L energy and have ways of accessing needed energy when needed. Should you decide to run Manectric EX and L energy in you deck, just plan your deck accordingly.

How many L energy and Manectric do you use? Also what are your ways of accessing it?
Matt Deveraux said:
There is no energy "inconsistency" at all in my Gengar deck since I have a sufficient amount of L energy and have ways of accessing needed energy when needed. Should you decide to run Manectric EX and L energy in you deck, just plan your deck accordingly.

How many L energy and Manectric do you use? Also what are your ways of accessing it?

I run the following in my Gengar deck:

2 Manectric EX
3 L

1 Energy Retrieval
1 Professor's Letter
1 Skyla
2 Ultra Ball

In addition, I use 10 Supporters (2 Colress, 4 N and 4 Professor Juniper) which provide solid, card-drawing capability.