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Alt. Format Gengar-EX / Trevenant / Crobat


Aspiring Trainer

Pokemon: 19
  • 3 Trevenant XY
  • 4 Phantump XY
  • 3 Crobat-PHF
  • 3 Golbat PHF
  • 3 Zubat PHF
  • 3 Gengar-EX
  • 3 Wally
  • 2 Xerosic
  • 2 Lysandre
  • 3 Dimension Valley
  • 3 Muscle Band
  • 4 Professor Sycamore
  • 2 Shauna
  • 2 AZ
  • 2 Super Scoop Up
  • 4 Switch
  • 3 Ultra Ball
Energy: 11
  • 7 Psychic Energy
  • 4 DCE

The strategy is to use Wally to get a Trevenant out first turn for item lock. Then keep Tree Slamming, and possibly switching into Gengar-EX to do Dark Corridor, and switching back into Trevenant. Bats are there for extra damage.

First of all, Congratulations to spend some time to create this list :)
I understand that your list is XY-ON based, so I avoid to make some obvious tech recommendations (For instance, Jirachi-EX for increases the chance of Wally, N instead Shauna, Computer Search as ACE SPEC, etctera).

Some points about your list.

- Absence of Vs Seeker. What's your point to not use it? At least 2 is a good quantity.

- So many switch! I understand about not to put Float Stone because it's probably gonna be rotated and it's ok, but Item lock is and still be present in general metagame I think (can be toad, another Trevenant or a Vileplume, for instance). What about Mystery Energy? With Dimension you can use just 2 of them for Dark Corridor or Tree Slam in addition to free retreat (Gengar with 1 energy and Trevenant with 2).

- I think is a hard task mix the Gengar/Trevenant role with the extra damage output of Bats. It's a double edge: the bats can be a problem sometimes because your opponent can catcher them and achieve a turn free from item lock. Besides, you can have some consistency problem with bats with a 3-3-3 line in a deck with many Pokemons. I love the extra damage idea but it's have a high slot cost, and I think bats can have a better play with another partners, like Wobbuffet. I don't tested the list myself, but if I could, I would try without Bats and add more 9 cards for boost consistency and your initial strategy (Item lock, Slam/Corridor).

It's just an ideia:

-9 bats
-3 Switch + 1 Escape Rope (Or 1-1 need to test)
+2 VS Seeker (Urgent)
-3 Psy Energy -1 DCE +4 Mystery Energy (With Dimension you need just 2 energy to use Slam/Corridor so DCE isn't necessary every time)

The suggestions can free a lot of space in your deck. You can adapt your deck in this point for some side:

- Draw: +1 SSU and some Shaymin-EX (With AZ or SSU engine)
- Disrupt: +2 Head Ringer +2 Enhanced Hammer + 2 Red Card and Wobb (is a decent partner for Gengar!)

Or another style of your preference :)

For the rest, I'm curious about how you're experiencing your deck, what difficulties and facilities you noticed....