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Gengar EX / Trevenant

RE: Gengar-EX / Trevenant

darkpulse24 said:
ScottSpain said:
Is Mystery Energy too risky? Figured it would be perfect in this.

For Trevenant? Yeah it would be perfect. But I think with Phantom Forces, both Float Stone and Mystery Energy have equal risks due to the new cards which focus on removing Special Energy and Tools. e.g. Xerosic, Enhanced Hammer.

Don't forget, if you try attacking with Trevenant at any point with the Mystery Energy attached, that might be a poor choice against Aegislash-EX.
I really do think streamlined is the way to go with these decks. Too many techs bog it down and create too many dead draws. Dragalage has always been better in theory than in action IMO. Without the paralyzing effect of Accelgor, and you not wanting to attempt sleep with Lasers, I think Trevenant is too easy of a target and also has the same darkness weakness as Gengar EX.

Sigilyph and possibly a combination of outrage attackers (Zekrom, Reshiram, Kyurem) are the way to go. I hadn't thought of Snorlax and think that'd be an amazing way to avoid people retreating out of poison (M Manectric EX has no retreat cost, Fairy Garden, etc..). Maybe a small Beartic line to help with safeguards and Pyroar, but with VS Seeker (every deck needs at least 3 of these) back you basically have a never ending supply of Lysandre if necessary to work around those issues.

Since the math on Virbank isn't great what would be another useful stadium to use? Dimensional Valley? That will cut down the reliance on DCE in this Enhanced Hammer world we're about to be living in again. Speaking of special energy, I think at least two Mystery energy should be run in the case of running into a Seismitoad and needing to be able to get your Sigilyph out of active. 3 Float Stones and 2 Mystery should be efficient for retreating purposes.

I'll stop typing now...lol
I've been running Palkia/Snorlax for the past while with great success and have found further success lately with Gengar/Snorlax. I won't share my list here but I definately don't run Trevenant or Dragalge. Consistency is key, and that's what Snorlax provides. Sure, people will Lysander around him but it's really no big deal when your running a good disruption/troll deck. Max potion ALL DAY.
What does everyone think about using Enhanced Hammers, Flare Gear, or Xerosic to stall opponents and keep Trevenant alive? I like the idea of an item lock deck with Trevenant and I recognize the struggle is keeping it alive in the active, but if by playing cards to disrupt the opponent, can Trevenant be a reliable form of item lock?
Wobbufett from Phantom Forces does not block your Aegislash Ex since it has to be Active to activate the ability. It is a great card vs Virizion Ex since he is immune to Gengar EX's poison because: Dark Corridor + Muscle Band will do 80 to the active Virizion Ex, send in Wobbufett and he will take the hit while preventing Bust In from Dragonite EX and Red Signal from Genesect Ex (depending on the variant) and hitting for 90 to Virizion Ex for 1 P energy considering you have Dimensional Valley in play.