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Expanded Gengar EX / Wobbuffet / Crobat


Aspiring Trainer
Just go into the TCG and have been play testing a deck that I would appreicate feedback on!

Pokemon: 19
  • 4 Wobbuffet (PHF 36)
  • 2 Gengar-EX (PHF 34)
  • 1 Mewtwo-EX (BLWP 45)
  • 4 Zubat (PHF 31)
  • 4 Golbat (PHF 32)
  • 4 Crobat (PHF 33)
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 31
  • 1 Startling Megaphone
  • 1 Scoop Up Cyclone
  • 3 Muscle Band
  • 4 N
  • 4 Ultra Ball
  • 3 VS Seeker
  • 2 Lysandre
  • 1 AZ
  • 2 Colress
  • 4 Dimension Valley
  • 2 Switch
  • 4 Professor Sycamore
Energy: 10
  • 4 Mystery Energy
  • 6 Psychic Energy

Start with wobbafett (or get him out asap during set up) for his ability, attach special energy so he can freely switch to Gengar, who uses Night Colorado and switches back to Wobbafett. Wobbafett then may attack for at least 80. Bat line for an extra 50 daamage total per crobat played. Mewtwo ex is the awnser for any dark types that may threat Gengars.

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Please add your strategy to your deck so that we can help you with your deck. Without knowing your strategy, it makes it a little hard for us to help. Thanks :)
IMO, a 4th Crobat and Golbat are really not that useful since you want to have an available Golbat and Zubat awaiting an evolution after you AZ a line of Bats back into you hand.

I also run 3 Level and 3 Ultra Balls; the Level Balls can search and get both Zubat and Golbat without the costs of discarding cards (ala Ultra Ball).

I also much prefer to use Dowsing Machine (or Computer Search) over Scoop Up Cyclone; because, although it is a Supporter, Cassius can "closely" serve the same purpose; and this supporter can be re-used via VS Seeker. Lastly, should you need to win the Stadium "war," you can retrieve a Dimension Valley from your discard pile via Dowsing Machine.

Lastly, since you'll want to easily switch your Wobbuffet "wall" out of the active position, a Float Stone would be quite useful to attach to the Wobbuffet.

Given the above comments, I'd suggest the following deck changes:

-1 Crobat
-1 Golbat
-1 Scoop Up Cyclone
-1 Ultra Ball
-1 Switch

+3 Level Ball
+1 Dowsing Machine
+1 Float Stone

I hope you find these comments helpful.

Really lastly, I've found having a 2nd AZ available is more important than a 2nd Lysandre...
Thank you for the advice! They are very helpful. I'll give it a play test as soon as I can and share how it goes.