Gengar-getting to much?

PokeKid Brandon

PM for free stupid...
Well as we all know Gengar has been around since the realese of Diamond and Pearl:Stormfront. It has always been a threat in the metagame and had lead along with Dusknior into peaple playing Unown G in all thier decks. But since then it has continued to get cards that contunue to make it better and better. With the realese of Platinum it got Crobat making it super easy to get those 1-2 counters on the pixies or claydol to 1 hit them with shadow room. With Rising Rivals it got Nidoqueen making it almost impossible to get around Feinting spell through the use of Special condidtions or tucking a Uxie under. With Supreme victors it got a Psychic Baltoy making it easier to abuse Miasma. Metagross to lower all the HP of all pokemon in play by 20 HP putting Claydol, uxie, azelf and many other bench techs in the 1 hit range of Shadow room. With the realese of Arceus we got a new Gengar that allows Gengar to move damage counters around to wherever you need them. And of course Gengar Lv.X which helped against 2 of the decks harder matchups; Dialga G and Flygon which would simply deck you out. Dialga G Lv.X removed all your Pokebodeis that you were using. But now you can just send the Level up away like it's no big deal. Then with our soon to be realesed set Heartgold Soulsilver we got a new trainer, Alph litograph simply put look at your opponets hand without having to use a supporter. Check to see how many Trainers Supporters and stadiums that are in your hand for Poltergiest. And just announced today. A new promo; Hoothoot. Much like alph it has a Poke-Power that lets you look at your opponets hand. Can't decide to use Poltergiest or not. Just check thier hand and see how much damage you would be doing.

Of course to add onto this you have one of the best non-SP basics in the format. Being able to to stop your opponet from using all traniers such as Rare Candy, PokeDrawer+ or luxury ball. Slowing your set-up down even more. All of Gengars attacks cost 1-3 Energy and the more commonly used ones being on the lower side of that number.

But now for my reason for making this thread; it just seems like Gengar is getting a little to much. I mean there is just so much that PUSA is giving it. Do you agree with all that PUSA is doing, Disagree? Whats your opnion on all of this?
RE: Gengar-getting to powerful?

honestly...I've never feared Gengar or had a problem dealing with any of it's I don't really see where it's getting too powerful...especially being, we may not see another Gengar for a few sets
RE: Gengar-getting to powerful?

Its not PUSA making the Gengars, its Japan. And no, I don't think its getting to powerful. Your telling me SPs didn't get a MASSIVE boost at all? Like your telling me SPs aren't getting to powerful? If anything, this is just what Gengar needs to revive it. Simple as that. Its a good card, it was just dying out, so it got a little revision. I like it a lot. Its not to powerful, its getting whatever it needs to stay in tier 1 where it belongs.
RE: Gengar-getting to powerful?

well, there will be at least a Prime Gengar in the japanese Lost Link mini-set...
RE: Gengar-getting to powerful?

If you fear Gengar, then you need to become a better player or something. Seriously, most of the time it's stupidly easy to play around.
RE: Gengar-getting to powerful?

If there's anything you need to be afraid of, it's Dialga/Garchomp. Gengar's great and everything, but DGX and Garchomp can Power Spray Level Down, abuse Unown G, and Deafen-Lock the Trainer cards you mentioned.
RE: Gengar-getting to powerful?

Gengar... lol. Gengar is not gettting anymore power than it already has and even then that is not much. Yes, I agree that gengar was a great deck heck it did finish high at worlds. But seriously sneaking one peak at your opponents hand is not some major advantage. Either you can shadow room or stuck with poltergiest, not too many options otherwise.
RE: Gengar-getting to powerful?

^^Yes, but Poltergeist is what made Gengar so luck based. With this new Noctowl, we can sneak a peak at the hand, and then it wont be luck based anymore. Why? Because we will know every time. And if your opponent knows this, they are gonna want to keep trainers and such buried, meaning they are "getting rid" of their crucial trainers, making it a little easier on you, knowing that you wont have to deal with swarm so fast.
RE: Gengar-getting to powerful?

Seth1789110 said:
^^Yes, but Poltergeist is what made Gengar so luck based. With this new Noctowl, we can sneak a peak at the hand, and then it wont be luck based anymore. Why? Because we will know every time. And if your opponent knows this, they are gonna want to keep trainers and such buried, meaning they are "getting rid" of their crucial trainers, making it a little easier on you, knowing that you wont have to deal with swarm so fast.

Or they could just USE the trainers/a non draw supporter?? I played against a gengar deck at league that was praised for some reason and beat it with a colorless deck. That was lolz. All I did was set up as usual, sacrificing the non-crucial pokes while I set up my bench, then constantly played non-draw supporters and trainers tactically and they NEVER did more than 60 after I set up. All the while I was using cyclone energies to get the cheap prizes until I was out of range of fainting spell stealing the win. Then knocked out the gengar and not caring what they flipped for fainting spell.
RE: Gengar-getting to powerful?

Gengar has never really been an issue for me to deal with, its all a matter of being able to know how its played. Then you will know the exact way to counter it. My friend, Schmawl on here, was able to counter a gengar at cities with his Glaceon LVX.
RE: Gengar-getting to powerful?

Hmm... I'm not quite sure. Here in my town, we split gengar into two main subtypes, Mangar and Gaygar.

Mangar--> Spread/Curse Gengar.
Gaygar--> Fainting Spell/Shadow Room

We see a lot of gaygar mostly because there's a lot of netdecking that occurs. Literally we've had tournaments where my burmy and my friend's Honchkrow were the only non-gaygar decks run. Flatly, I think it's a little hyped. I'm never quite able to sneak the win in (Too much reliance on Trainers for damage, plus being new still), but I can easily see how you can get around it (Cosmic power away the trainers, anyone?).

I think for the time being, it's OP'd, but with some of the speedier cards in HGSS, I think we may see it get taken down a notch or two before it gets a Prime added in.
RE: Gengar-getting to powerful?

Gaygar? That's a way to put it. I don't think the deck is getting too powerful, more along the lines that Seth mentioned more or less though. Gengar SF use to be a vastly played card and has slowed down recently. With new cards giving it a more playable edge, it's back in decks and seeing more play.

Seth1789110 said:
^^Yes, but Poltergeist is what made Gengar so luck based. With this new Noctowl, we can sneak a peak at the hand, and then it wont be luck based anymore. Why? Because we will know every time. And if your opponent knows this, they are gonna want to keep trainers and such buried, meaning they are "getting rid" of their crucial trainers, making it a little easier on you, knowing that you wont have to deal with swarm so fast.

This is true as it gets. With new cards allowing you to freely look at an opponent's hand without having to play a supporter is amazing and it keeps that luck factor down. There were several times I played a "Looker's" and my opponent had only 1 trainer/supporter and I didn't have a valid target for "Shadow Room", so of course you force them to draw a new hand, but that's still luck based. I still only hit for 60 damage several times that happened and I probably would have been better off using a different supporter to set up for the next turn and deal even more damage then both turns combined.

pvtGramps said:
Mangar--> Spread/Curse Gengar.
Gaygar--> Fainting Spell/Shadow Room

We see a lot of gaygar mostly because there's a lot of netdecking that occurs. Literally we've had tournaments where my burmy and my friend's Honchkrow were the only non-gaygar decks run. Flatly, I think it's a little hyped. I'm never quite able to sneak the win in (Too much reliance on Trainers for damage, plus being new still), but I can easily see how you can get around it (Cosmic power away the trainers, anyone?).

I personally believe that the best Gengar build currently is GeChamp. The reason being is that both Gengar SF and Machamp SF force you to play your Unown G's. This is fun to do when you play Relicanth SV and then start sniping anything on the field for 60-90 damage for only one {F} energy. Now with Alpha Litograph you can Poltergiest for mass amounts of damage, check for large number of basics in the hand, or look at Stadiums, Tools, and for Unown G's. The deck is as cheeszy as it gets. I'm not saying it's BDIF, but I do believe it's the better Gengar build.

Seth1789110 said:
Your telling me SPs didn't get a MASSIVE boost at all? Like your telling me SPs aren't getting to powerful?

No sir, I agree, not tell. :)
RE: Gengar-getting to powerful?

Silver--> Like I said, nobody's that creative down here to actually do something like Gechamp. Now that you mention it though, I may have to give it a spin sans-gaygar. Srry, I've got my own ideas as to what's fun with Gengar, and flipping for KO's isn't it.
RE: Gengar-getting to powerful?

This happens every time people start a thread like this. Someone explains in detail why a card is overpowered, and then everybody acts all macho like its not a good card at all. Pointing out decks that can win against it doesn't prove that the card/deck isn't good. Every deck has decks that counter it.

SF Gengar is a beast. Unless you have a very good tech for it, your opponent will murder you if they get a better start.
RE: Gengar-getting to powerful?

amisheskimoninja said:
This happens every time people start a thread like this. Someone explains in detail why a card is overpowered, and then everybody acts all macho like its not a good card at all. Pointing out decks that can win against it doesn't prove that the card/deck isn't good. Every deck has decks that counter it.

SF Gengar is a beast. Unless you have a very good tech for it, your opponent will murder you if they get a better start.

nobody is saying that it's not a good card, even outside of the total lucksack factor of it, but most people are saying they don't have a problem with Gengar and it isn't overpowered...that is a big difference, it's like when I went against you at the old CC with my original AMU deck that had Mewtwo X, Darkrai X, and Mightyena (LA), and you were running a Gliscor/Gengar deck...even though that was my first competitive deck, and I knew about Gengar (SF), I wasn't afraid of it at all, I didn't think it was overpowered, or anything...and I played around it as much as I could, and the game came down to a prize a piece, with you getting about half or more of your Fainting Spell(s) off

since then, I still haven't had any problems dealing with Gengar, and I'm a much better player and deckbuilder compared to then as well...Gengar isn't anything to be afraid long as you're a GOOD player, you will find a way to either just work around Gengar, or just plow through it and not worry about the lucksack Fainting Spell...if it gets you, it gets you, and you just have to be prepared for it or just play through the Fainting Spell KO

that's not being macho, that's just being a GOOD player
RE: Gengar-getting to powerful?

Honestly, Gengar isn't too powerful. All you have to do is keep your hand to a reasonable limit and G your Claydol and you'll be fine. Fainting Spell is annoying, but Uxie LA takes care of that. If they level up, all you have to do is attach Expert Belt to do 40 and they're gone. The only real threat of Gengar in my opinion is Gastly SF. Pitch-Dark blocks so many decks it isn't even funny. Disregarding that, Gengar is simply a card that just is: it isn't good or bad for the game. If you're deck doesn't like it, counter it.
RE: Gengar-getting to powerful?

I'm not saying I have trouble playing against it. I'm just pointing out that over the last year it has gotten so many different cards that just seem to give it more and more options.
Having more options still hasn't ever made it a great deck. Seriously, just play better and you'll beat it. The only time I've ever had trouble against a Gengar was when a girl t1'd it against me and sniped me to death before I could set up. Other than that, it's usually a fairly easy matchup.
RE: Gengar-getting to powerful?

qnetykz said:
nobody is saying that it's not a good card, even outside of the total lucksack factor of it, but most people are saying they don't have a problem with Gengar and it isn't overpowered...that is a big difference, it's like when I went against you at the old CC with my original AMU deck that had Mewtwo X, Darkrai X, and Mightyena (LA), and you were running a Gliscor/Gengar deck...even though that was my first competitive deck, and I knew about Gengar (SF), I wasn't afraid of it at all, I didn't think it was overpowered, or anything...and I played around it as much as I could, and the game came down to a prize a piece, with you getting about half or more of your Fainting Spell(s) off

since then, I still haven't had any problems dealing with Gengar, and I'm a much better player and deckbuilder compared to then as well...Gengar isn't anything to be afraid long as you're a GOOD player, you will find a way to either just work around Gengar, or just plow through it and not worry about the lucksack Fainting Spell...if it gets you, it gets you, and you just have to be prepared for it or just play through the Fainting Spell KO

that's not being macho, that's just being a GOOD player

I'm a lot better than I was back then too. :p Plus Gengar has a bunch more techs than it did back then. I'm not that big on nidoqueen, but crobat and relicanth did it a lot of good. Not to mention Level down.

A lot of people say you have to be lucky to win with gengar because fainting spell works half the time. I say you have to be lucky to win against it because fainting spell works half the time.
With this new Weavile that lets you look at your opponent's hand upon evolving and discarding a card, I think it's safe to say that POP is BEGGING us to play Gengar and win with it lool.

dmaster out.