Gengar-getting to much?

dmaster said:
With this new Weavile that lets you look at your opponent's hand upon evolving and discarding a card, I think it's safe to say that POP is BEGGING us to play Gengar and win with it lool.

dmaster out.

I was actually thinking we finally have an effective anti-Power spray.
Yeah, discarding Power Spray can help, but not really that much for Gengar, unless you really need to use Claydol that turn or something...

dmaster out.
Lol yeah they could burn it I guess. ._.

dmaster out.
True, but even at that, better to "discard" a power spray at your own will than let them see your hand and choose what to discard.
as everyone here has listed most of my problems with playing my misgar (as an easy way to figure what the deck's made up of) I have so many problems playing gengar SF especially against plox, flychamp, and sp variant decks that have 4 power spray (which is getting annoying from time to time, so when my friend plays unlimited with plox or flychamp I use 3 cessation crystal with 4 ssu, works wonder's, sure I can't use my poke-power but neither can they) in fact those that play gaygar (as peeps call em) beware, ur kinda duped, lol. cya

P.S. omastar MD
dmaster said:
With this new Weavile that lets you look at your opponent's hand upon evolving and discarding a card, I think it's safe to say that POP is BEGGING us to play Gengar and win with it lool.

dmaster out.

Or they're trying to make Salamence/Hippowdon/other decks that get wrecked by Power Spray playable.
what if you have two sprays and you spray the weavile.... hmmm? haha and adding in a 1-1 tech just for a power that itself MUST USE A POWER is funny :p
The only thing overpowered on Gengar is that bloody Fainting Spell. His attacks are just about average and he is quite powerful, but he does have lower HP than most stage 2s and has a pretty bad weakness.
Gengar X is not all that great either, I do agree he needed an attack that did certain, reliable damage.
But forcing your opponent to work around a coin flip? That's just bloody annoying if you ask me. Worst game mechanic so far.
I find the card broken enough that I won't play it.

Plain and simply, flip for auto-knock is broken. Yes, ok, It's a flip, I get that, and yes it works "50%" of the time.

But there is absolutely nothing "fair" about having a 200 hp creature on the board having it blown away by a coin flip.

Here's why Fainting Spell is broken: Large Creatures, like Torterra for example, are tuned by PUSA to be slow. They can do alot of damage but they take time and effort to setup. This is balanced against creatures like gengar, machamp or ramparados which require small amounts of energy for mid sized attacks with reasonable hit points.

Fainting Spell throws out the balance mechanic. Simply put, you are punnished by playing a slow deck against fainting spell, because while it takes gengar a single lucky turn to setup, you cannot setup a larger creature in that amount of time: giving a single flip the game edge.

I have seen way too many times where that single fainting spell flip is the change in the game for the gengar player...having any ability that can turn the game on it's head with the toss of a single coin or roll is wrong.

For those of you saying "Gengar is easy, just play around him", I've got to ask what kind of deck you're using, something likely fast and agile. Gengar is one of the main reasons why large tank decks that aren't SP don't work right now...because there's always that likelyhood that your 2 or 3 round setup will get blown away by a single flip of a coin.

Auto Knockout is broken and cheap. Gengar decks aren't overpowered and they're CERTAINLY not BDIF but when you find a deck like Gengar toward the top of the heap in pretty much all the areas across the US in tournaments it tells you there's something special and a bit "overpowered" about the card.

Fainting Spell is it.
Actually, in the description for the Arceus set on the official Pokemon website, it said they (whoever was writing it) were going to make Gengar stay popular with the new Gengar. So they want it to be BDIF?
DarthPika said:
Having more options still hasn't ever made it a great deck. Seriously, just play better and you'll beat it. The only time I've ever had trouble against a Gengar was when a girl t1'd it against me and sniped me to death before I could set up. Other than that, it's usually a fairly easy matchup.

i see... so t1 wins are not great at all... a deck that dominated the first half of cities is not great at all, and gechamp VS LEGOS oh man i terrified for the gechamp player [/sarcasm]

any deck is easy to beat when you know how to play the match up well enough, thats why sps are still around even though machamp is a beast against them. it doesnt mean that gengar isnt a great deck mother gengar, did pretty hot at worlds.

but it may not be bdif and it sure has gotten alot of cards to help it in recent times but the bottom line is that gengar is still a competitive deck and it needed those little helpers for it to remain as such for so long. i dont think it is so overpowered to be upset about however.