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GENGARCHOMP (Gengar & Garchomp C)

At times...
I can use the Aarons Collection to get some SP Pokemon or Energy quick, while still having a Palmers to use for later.
I play Gengar C and I never really found myself using Palmer's at all. have you tried testing with 4 poke turns?
cikdrer said:
Maccavetti said:
xPOKEFREAK72x said:
@ Ghost Bear- True about the Unown...
I actually do need all 3 PokeTurns, since I can pick up a harmed BFBX, an active GCX who used Dragon Rush (which I could use to level up one on my bench to use Dragon Rush again), and Crobat G (for drops). I might take out a Cyrus, but I need a little more playtesting.

@ PHRESHKHID- I feel this deck is superior, as I can snipe with Garchomp C Lv. X to KO Uxies, Azelf, etc. and use Gengar's Shadow Room to OHKO a Spiritomb TR. Taking easy prizes like that can win you the game :).

Would take two shadow Rooms for Spiritomb, Shadow Room does 60 to Poke Powers not bodies. I do agree that you might want to include another crobat or max out turns so that you can pick off a pixie a turn tho while only using one energy instead of discarding a DCE every time with Garchomp

You're thinking of Spiritomb AR. The TR one has a poke-power :)

You and your reading skills :p

I would lose the palmers also, I play stright Gengar and rarely use it. I would like to see the rescue energy go to 3 tho. It really depends on your play style tho. If you find yourself mainly using SP, go for 2 Rescue and 4 Turn.
I rarely find myself using Poketurn, so I really don't think I need another one. Also, I think it is a good idea to get rid of the Palmers, and possibly put in another Rescue Energy or even Crobat G. I will test them out.
Thanks for the feedback everyone.
I don't like Blaziken in here very much, so think you can remove the Blaziken line and the fire for two more Call and a Gengar Prime. Gengar would help with the spread and Call helps your starts. Hope this helps!
Hmm...I tried running 4 Call, but it just messes me up late-game. Also, Gengar Prime doesn't help all that much either. What would you say about this:
-1 Palmer's
-1 Blaziken FB
-1 Blaziken FB Lv. X
-1 Fire Energy
+1 Ambipom G
+1 Crobat G
+1 PromoCroak
+1 PokeTurn or Rescue Energy

LMK. Thanks.
IMO you should definitely keep the BFGX-line as this can be increbibly useful against almost any deck with the disruptive option of Luring Flame. Simply replace the Palmer's with a Crobat and I think the list looks fine;)
i'd go with:
-1 Palmer's
-1 blaziken fb lv x
-1 Blaziken fb
+1 Crobat
+1 poketurn
+frosslass gl
Does the Gengar AR ever come in handy? i've never tried it in my deck. i feel like it takes too many energies. is there a reason why you're running a promocroak?
Cikdrer, the AR gengar (Cursegar) can come in quite handy, it's power curse lets you move 1dmg counter per turn, so it helps you if you dont want to use a poketurn to move a dmg counter onto an uxie or azelf and then shadow room the pixie for the KO
cole said:
Cikdrer, the AR gengar (Cursegar) can come in quite handy, it's power curse lets you move 1dmg counter per turn, so it helps you if you don't want to use a poketurn to move a dmg counter onto an uxie or azelf and then shadow room the pixie for the KO

ahh. so it's only used for it's pokepower?