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Genplomb-Gengar SF,Vileplume UD, Spiritomb AR (BR's, Masters)


Aspiring Trainer
Here is my Gemplomb deck, that I hope to pull together for BR's. Very similar to Mew Jadesters, but I tweaked.

4-3-3-1 Gengar SF
2-2-2 Vileplume UD
4 Spiritomb AR
2 Uxie LA
1 Azelf LA
1 Unown Q MD
25 Pokerman

4 Pokemon Collector
4 Bebes Search
4 Broken Time-Space
2 Looker's Investigation
2 Copycat
2 Professor Oak's New Theory
2 Palmer's Contribution
20 T/S/S

8 Psychic Energy
4 Call Energy
3 Warp Energy
15 Energy

Like I said, very similar. Pretty simple strategy too. Set up the trainer lock, and poltergeist for many-a-damage. Lemme know what you think.

P.S: If anyone suggests Uxie Lv.X, they die. I can simply not get my hands on one, so don't even suggest. If you do, well... you die. Not really, but I can imagine...
-2 professor elms
-2 copycat

copycat could really help you when ur opponent are locked with trainers in there hand.
I would say that your chances of ever using a rare candy should be 0 because if you ever really have to drop the trainer lock your chances of winning are much lower.... So, I would do....

-2 Rare Candy
+1 Psychic Energy
+1 Warp Energy
Good point, changes made.

EDIT: I don't have another Warp Energy. I'll add another Psychic until I can obtain one.