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Geo's New Trading Booth- I'm Back

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its geo baby

California, USA

My Trading Rules

1. I only send to the U.S. and Canada.
2. People with lower refs send first.
3. If you back out of a trade after addresses are exchanged, you will receive a negative ref.
4. If you have ANY negative or neutral refs, you send first.
5. I send in toploaders and sleeves, you should do the same.
6. Do not offer through a PM, all PM’s will be ignored.
7. I will try to check lists, but it’s easier for me if you post what you have and what you need.
8. Don’t rip.
9. I want mint to near-mint cards.
10. Have fun!!

Collection Wants:

Raiku stuff:
Neo Revalation #13
Neo Revalation #22
Skyridge #28
Any EX
Any Japanese promo

Entei stuff:
Neo Revalation #17
Neo Revalation #6
Secret Wonders
Aquapolis #10
Any EX
Any Japanese promo

Suicune stuff:
Neo Revalation #27
Neo Revalation #14
Aquapolis #37
Secret Wonders
Any EX
Any Japanese promo

Deck Needs:
From HIGH to low

Vileplume UD (Preferably RH)
2 Gengar SF (Preferably RH)
2 Gengar Prime


Any of my deck needs can also be in RH!

Ask for anything and everything. Also have plushes and sleeves.

I closed your previous Trade thread.

dmaster out.
I have Dialga G Lv X, BTS, Rescue Energies, and Junk Arms.. do you have any DP40 Gigas promos, Gengar Primes, Mew Primes, Machamp Primes?
Have any Gengar Prime?

BTW, their isn't a Haunter from UD, Do you mean the TR one?
I have:

Dialga G Lv X
2 Junk Arm

Do you have any of these:

Glaceon Lv X
Any ex cards
Mew Prime
Any old Espeon or Umbreon

I have:

Dialga G LVL X
Rescue Energy x2
Junk Arm xX

Do you have:

Magnezone Prime
Gengar Prime
Absol Prime
Mew Prime
Celebi Prime

i have:
vileplume UD x1
Looker's Investigation
2 Junk Arm
Rescue Energy

cml for my wants?
I have some Junk Arm, not entirely sure how many, with 3 Rescue Energy, and a Dialga G RH. Do you have a Blaziken FB X?
I have these from your Wants:
2 Unown R
1 Vileplume UD
Haunter UD
Looker's Investigation
2 Junk Arm
Rescue Energy
Dialga G Lv. X
Dialga G

Do you have any playmats? Barring that, I'm looking for these:
-xX Mew Prime
-Complete Darkrai/Cresselia Legend.
-x1 Kyogre Groudon Legend Top
-x2 Garchomp C LP
-x1 Blaziken FB
-x3 Palkia G
-x4 SP Radar
-x2 Energy Gain
I have a dialga G LV.X and a junk arm. Do you have any raichu LV.X's, collectors, cyrus's conspiracys, or poketurns? I'm also really interested in Blaziken FB LV.X. Check my thread to see any other wants i have.
Dark Trainer- No, sorry.
glaceon- Oh, thanks.
shadow- I have these: Entei Raikou Legend (Full), Raikou Suicune Legend (Full), Entei Sucine Legend (Full), Palkia Dialga Legend (Full), Darkrai Cresselia Legend (Full).
torterra- I think Celebi and others. Let me check.
darkvoid- I have Umbreon MD and Azelfs.
konter- No, but I have Riolu and Glaceon.
spyked- I saw you have a Gengar Prime. Also, I have 2 call and 4 rh candy.
grizzly- I have a dce old, lots of Rare Candy, 2 Call Energy, and lots of Warp Energy.
k1ll3d- How many Cyrus would you trade for that?
adrian- I have Darkrai/Cresselia Full and a Garchomp C LP for trade.
whimsical- Don't have them for trade, but have dce old and 2 call.
This is backwards but I have:
2 Unown R
1 Vileplume UD
Haunter TR
2 Junk Arm
Rescue Energy
Dialga G Lv. X
Dialga G
what do you have from my wants
i no longer need regular call, but i will trade for RH if you have them. and ill trade for 3 RH Candy if you would like. offer?
2 Unown R
1 Vileplume UD
2 Junk arm
1 Rescue Energy


Darkrai Cresselia Legend

And I wasn't aware that there was an UD Haunter
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