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Geo's New Trading Booth- I'm Back

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Are your Rare Candy UL? How many do you have? And how many Call did you say you had?
I have:

Looker's Investigation
2 Junk Arm
Rescue Energy
Dialga G Lv. X
Dialga G
Gengar SF
1 Vileplume UD


Leafeon X
Regigias X (pack/tin)
Flygon X
Snorlax x
Entei Suicune top
Raikou Suicune top
X Pokemon Collector
X Uxie LA
X Smeargle UD

2 Glaceon HOLO MD (RH ONLY!)
2 RH Eevee MD (call for family)
X Uxie Level X World Championship 2009 OR 2010

What sleeves/plushies do you have?
@ Geo

Do you have any Uxies. I can take an azelf but thats not really worth it. The wants in my thread are old ( have to update). Do you have anything in my last post that i wanted besides an azelf?
konter- Only saw Gengar X.
dj- No.
wii man- Look at my bottom message to everyone.
spyked- You said you had 1 Vileplume UD, Looker's, 2 Junk Arm, 2 BTS, and Rescue Energy. Sooo
grizzly- Look at my bottom message to everyone.
mlouden- I have Entei Suicune top and Raikou Suicune top, but I might have 2 RH Eevee MD.
darkvoid- Not for trade, sorry.

I have:
3 Call energy (1 RH)
3 RH Rare Candy UL
3 Rare Candy UL
2 RH Rare Candy GE
2 Rare Candy GE
3 Rare Candy POP 5
Broken Time Space x1
Vileplume UD x1
Looker's x1
Junk Arm x2
Rescue Energy x1

Rare Candy x3 RH
Call Energy x1 RH

lmk or counter! thanks:)
sorry I am going to hold ont to the Gengars for now, I still want mesprit though, so LMK if we can work something out. :)
i have vileplume and gengar SF do you have
2 mew prime
2 gengar prime
2 absol prime
2 smeargle ud
3 pokemon collector
2 sableye sf
1 toxicroak g promo
LMK, i also am willing to trade good for everything.
Geo, you skipped me in your reply. I am interested in your DCL. I asked you why your wants have a Haunter UD, when there is no haunter from that set.
torterra- Sorry, remind me?

spyked- It depends if I work out a deal for the plume, junk arm, and rescue, but here is it if I don't get it.
Your: BTS, Vileplume UD, Looker's, 2 Junk Arm, Rescue Energy
My: 2 RH Rare Candy, RH Call Energy

?marx- Can you be more specific? I saw DGX.

wii man- Rescue energy?

cfourcoltsfan- I have 4 Sableye (3 RH) for trade only.

grizzly- Didn't see anything.

adrian- If you look at my wants, it says Haunter TR, I changed right after I looked at it.

k1ll3d- No thanks.
well why don't you make a (decent) offer involving all of the cards we mentioned?? (that way it will go quicker)
sounds good to me. pm me to confirm it when/if you're ready. if we can include the 3rd candy that would be great, but its okay if we dont
2 Unown R
Haunter TR
Rescue Energy
2 Junk Arm

2 RH Rare Candies UL
Mesprit LA

How bout
Your: BTS, Looker's, maybe something else
My: RH Call Energy
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