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Geo's Trade Store

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RE: Geo's Trade Store-HAVE UNDAUNTED!!!!!!!

HAHAHAA. "Christmas tree" Arceus, made me laugh.

You said you wanted my Latios ex? I'll trade for the christmas tree, also want your torterra x. I have a few latios, latias cards. ;)
RE: Geo's Trade Store-HAVE UNDAUNTED!!!!!!!

2 Sloking Prime
2 Raichu Prime
0-1 Deoxys Rayquaza Legend

2 weavile ud
donphan prime
Cml for more
RE: Geo's Trade Store-HAVE UNDAUNTED!!!!!!!

Very interested in your 2 Slowking Primes and 1 Ray/Deoxys Legend Piece. Can you CML for them? thanks!
RE: Geo's Trade Store-HAVE UNDAUNTED!!!!!!!

CML for the following

3x HSU prerelease sleeves (sealed)
4x HGSS prerelease sleeves (sealed)
2x Raichu (PRIME)
2x Slowking (PRIME)
RE: Geo's Trade Store-HAVE UNDAUNTED!!!!!!!

Hey geo, please cml for your RDL piece thanks!
RE: Geo's Trade Store-HAVE UNDAUNTED!!!!!!!

By 0-1 Deoxys/Rayquaza Legend do you mean the bottom half? If so, how about my Donphan Prime + something off my list for it?
RE: Geo's Trade Store-HAVE UNDAUNTED!!!!!!!

Im interested in your 2x Slowking and 2x Raichu both UD Primes, please CML and let me know if we can work something out, I don't have any of your wants =/
RE: Geo's Trade Store-HAVE UNDAUNTED!!!!!!!

1x Flying Pikachu (Reprint)
1x RDL Bottom
1x Flying Pikachu (Reprint)
1x Surfing Pikachu (Reprint)
1x Kingdra Prime

1x RH Poke Turn
1x Latios ex 96/101

EDIT: Removed the prices.
RE: Geo's Trade Store-HAVE UNDAUNTED!!!!!!!

Hey, I have x2 RH Poke Turn. I'm interested in your:

2 Slowking Prime
2 Raichu Prime
0-1 Deoxys Rayquaza Legend
RE: Geo's Trade Store-HAVE UNDAUNTED!!!!!!!

rarecandy- offer?
hikikimori- no thanks
muffinman- didnt see anything
fesstizio- no thanks, but saw 2 rh judge
aphotic- saw haruka's munchlax, pikachu m x, alto mare's latios, latias *
80baby- saw arceus sleeves and states dice
alex- christmas tree for latios ex? and other stuff for latios/latias
haunter- nothing
wyoungb- saw umbreon prime, espeon prime, and 2 weavile ud

dj- saw rh garchomp c and the hat is from an event idk
RE: Geo's Trade Store-HAVE UNDAUNTED!!!!!!!

what would you do for 1 donphan prime and 2x weavile UD?

i also have a RH power spray and RH energy gain...
RE: Geo's Trade Store-HAVE UNDAUNTED!!!!!!!

The Poke Turn's are in playable condition which is probably what your looking for.
Would you do:

x1 Raichu Prime
x1 RDL piece


x2 Poke Turn RH
RE: Geo's Trade Store-HAVE UNDAUNTED!!!!!!!

I'll do alto mares and harukas munchlax for the legend piece? Are you interested in any of the Pokepark cards?
RE: Geo's Trade Store-HAVE UNDAUNTED!!!!!!!

rarecandy- definitely nooooo
aphotic- get back to me
wyoungb- dont need spray or gain
dj- idk
RE: Geo's Trade Store-HAVE UNDAUNTED!!!!!!!

well what about donphan prime and the UD weaviles?
RE: Geo's Trade Store-HAVE UNDAUNTED!!!!!!!

do you want them and would you trade any of your UD primes or legend pieces for them?
RE: Geo's Trade Store-HAVE UNDAUNTED!!!!!!!

can you cml for the glaceon plush? also may I see a picture. Even if you dont see anything, If i like it I will go to your selling thread
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