EspeonROX said:Was that guy able to send the Gengar? I'm still waiting on your response.
csponsler said:CML for Palkia G Lv.X
SrSpoony said:Would you want to do
Glaceon Lv.X
Shaymin Lv.X Land
LMK thanks
thepacman24 said:hey will u sell these
Infernape 4 Lv. X x1 $25
Lookers Investigation x1 RH $3
Energy Gain RH x1 $3
Poke Turn RH x1 $3
Shiftry RH x1 $2
Luxray GL x1 $3
for $39,
do u got any
machamp sf RH
beedril ge RH
weedle ge RH
machop dp RH
lightning energy holo PK or HP
fire energy holo PK or HP
grass energy holo PK or HP
please pm me to let me know thanks
Puncher said:hi , I have a floatzel gl lv.x , I need your infernape 4 lv.x , maybe you can cml for more , thanks
Infernape 4 LV.X
kashmaster said:CML for infernape 4 lv X
no i'm not going to worlds, i have to workPuncher said:are you going to worlds ? yes I want to buy it
kashmaster said:lol I don't have no money ATM I can trade![]()
Puncher said:whats your prize
btw I have 2 lv.x from your wantz list