I'm a pretty regular detractor of the direction the games have gone in terms of world-building. I've usually likened regions like Kalos, Alola, etc. feeling less like 'real-world places' people could live and you could have believable backstories and whatnot, to "Pokémon theme parks" where the entire region, maps, etc. are set up as a sort of on-rails adventure for the protagonist – and everyone is so obsessed with Pokémon such that not only do people not bother to work, play, or discuss anything unless Pokémon are involved, you begin to think people might not even bother to breathe if not for a Wingull flapping oxygen into their lungs.
Someone pointed out to me Ramanas Park is the "theme park" problem of the series taken to its logical extreme – it literally is a theme park and all ideas of worldbuilding, continuity, are thrown out the window in service of your amusement. Never you mind the Pokémon Mansion, Cerulean Dungeon, or even XY's half-hearted reiteration of the latter, show up with the Game Boy Ticket and walk down the one-way corridor to catch Mewtwo on the Mewtwo ride. The GBA ticket similarly phones in Rayquaza for you..
It's been a reiterative problem for a while now, but where ORAS at least gave you the intrigue of Hoopa's rings punching holes into alternate timelines/continuities to rationalize accessing legendaries, and USUM gave you wormholes along similar lines, we're not even pretending anymore. Just show up for a "Dynamax Adventure" or bring your ticket to the park and the legendaries will show up.
Who would've thought this franchise would've managed to drain the excitement of box legendaries et al. so much they'd become as much a tedious chore as collecting Plates in Gen 4, or Mega Stones in Gens 6/7? Miserable.