Getting a stadium into play...


Crazy Capitalist
I know Palkia from DP can get a stadium into play with Spacial Rend, but hypothetically, if a deck depended on getting a certain stadium out T1, would there be any trainers or pokemon besides Palkia that allow you to do that?
No, unfortunatly not. That would be broken if you could though.
Unfortunately not this format. Scott could do it amazing a few years ago in DX-on, but alas, we have yet a reprint of that epic card. Beldum POTF can search for one, but that's slow and definately not T1. Palkia DP is probably your best bet now. Honckrow can search for one too, but that's an attack, and not T1. :[

dmaster out.
Actually, it is Beldum from PotF that can search for a stadium but the stadium goes to your hand and not immediatly to play, unfortunaly...
Oh ya, you could get the statium with 2 Poke Drawers... you would have to be really lucky though AND go second.
The Darkrai promo also has Spacial Rend
Honchkrow G can get 2 trainers or stadiums with Team Galactic in their names
Cheffords said:
The Darkrai promo also has Spacial Rend

Along with Palkia GE & the Palkia promo, because you should all know by now that they are the same card as Palkia DP. It took them until MD to create a new Palkia & Dialga!