Getting back into competitive play


Aspiring Trainer
Ok, Ive been meaning to get back into competitive video game battles for awhile now, but just been having trouble cause there's so much new stuff to learn.

I used to play all the time, (and was quite good) but the summer after HGSS came out i kinda just stopped playing. So my knowledge on BW pokemon, moves, items and abilities is limited.

Now i know all about how EVs, IVs, and even hidden power works. Its really just the new stuff i need help on. Maybe even get some coaching or something.

I also know about pokemon online, although i do prefer wifi battles. However i see the ease in it. and do like the fact that i can easily test pokemon and teams on it without spending all the time it takes to raise them in game.

Also i could use some help with team building. It's always been my weakest area, and taking almost 2 years off probably hasn't helped.

So ya, any help is appreciated.
Welcome back! It's always good to see more people getting into VG.

The first question is, would you like to play VGC or OU? If it's OU, I would be happy to go on chat sometime and get you up to date on the BW metagame.

Also, here is a list of all the current Pokemon in VG: The ones that say OU next to them are the ones you mostly want to pay attention to.
OU, i might try VGC at somepoint, but probably not till next season.

Anyway, i know about smogon and what teirs are (except i keep forgetting if the new one is better or worse than uu). But i cant really tell what the biggest threats are and even what pokemon that were huge before, but are barley in ou now.

ive put together a team, it needs work though.

anyway, i can hop on chat right now
To answer your earlier question, the new tier, RU (rarely used) comes after UU but before NU.

OU are what you should pay attention to the most, although there are some cool Pokémon in UU and BL that have some awesome niches. Deoxys-D, Slowbro, and Tangrowth are a couple of good examples.
i didnt even realize deoxys-D wasnt still uber. but ive had fun with tangrowth, might be fun with leaf guard in drought :eek:

but ya, i know how useful lower tier pokemon can be, especially when people dont plan for them
^Actually, Chlorophyl might be a tad more useful in Drought.

That's something you ought to know as well. Random stuff like Victreebel and Exeggutor get used now simply because of Chlorophyl + Drought. Be prepared for weather in the new format.