Getting Back Into the game.


Aspiring Trainer
Hi im Davinci been meaning to get back into the Ptcg but when I saw how much has changed I cried in fear. Has anyone got any tips on getting back into it and any links to stuff that I can read to get more info. Ciao.

restart from the basics, read the new rulebooks, that's all I can advice, the game has seriously changed since the old days

also, what was the last set you played with before leaving?
My money and get to a league. With your money, find a simple deck online that isn't too much, and buy the singles on Ebay for it. Learn with it and test it around, until you accumulate more cards and learn the rules at the League and earn prizes, etc. Then you can also go to one of the City Championships that are currently going on when you think you're ready, or wait until the next tournaments are here if you don't think you are ready.

Takes time, but basically just:

1) Go to a weekly League/Tournament.
2) Save money.
3) Practice, practice, practice.
4) Read online what's going on.
5) Go to a tournament when you think you're ready.

Follow those steps and I assure you you'll get good in the tournament seen fairly quickly. Just remember, nothing is easy-even Pokemon.

Hope it helps.

Arcanine out.
Arcanine slight problem. The nearest league no longer runs after sevral people were sent to hospital. THis ois why I stopped playing. Also im in england and there arn't any tournaments close. I found out about apprentice. But I nee someone to tutor me. Here is my old deck I found it along with the rest of my cards in the attic.

Grass Pokemon
4x Bulbasaur 2x Ivysaur
2x Venusaur
4x Nidoran
3x Nidorino
1x Nidoking
3x Koffing
30x Leaf Energy

Trainer Cards 1x Bill
3x Energy Removal
2x Gust of Wind
4x Potion

and I also have a few theme decks...
New or old theme decks?

Hmm you live in England. I don't really know where to go there.... I think there some English members though. You might want to PM bacon-boy and ask him, though I don't know if he plays the card game. All I've seen him talk about is the GBA.

Arcanine out.
Old Theme decks. Hmm ill try pming bb. Till then my search for a online tutor is on...
I am from england but I seriously have no idea about where leagues and stuff are being held. It seems that it is not advertised very much or there are less of them because the popularity went down. My only suggestion is to search on the internet.
If you search under United Kingdom, quite a few leagues turn up.
Same with tournaments. :)
Lame. Well I would be happy to tutor you in apprentice, build you a decklist around new pokes you like, or suggest certain things for cards you like. Just pm me/ let me know.