getting my girl friend into the game

From what i can see at my local league alot of the new kids are running hybrid giratina-shaymin decks, would be quick to build a good way of teaching her how to not be afraid of running more than 1 colour, and to top it off she'd have weakness on her side against machamp and rampy.
She can be your secret rouge
BTW emerald nice new name
I got my girlfriend into the game with an eevee deck. Not Leafeon or anything, but a fun Flareon, Espeon and Umbreon deck. It wasn't tournament grade or anything, but she had fun playing with it. The key is starting her off with pokemon she's interested in (like the pixies in your case) and going from there. Another big thing is that you don't want to just build the deck for her. Let her build the deck with you, so that she feels involved in it.
Lyte said:
I got my girlfriend into the game with an eevee deck. Not Leafeon or anything, but a fun Flareon, Espeon and Umbreon deck. It wasn't tournament grade or anything, but she had fun playing with it. The key is starting her off with pokemon she's interested in (like the pixies in your case) and going from there. Another big thing is that you don't want to just build the deck for her. Let her build the deck with you, so that she feels involved in it.

even though my opinion sounded nothing like that, that is some good stuff your talkin there
The Pain said:
From what I can see at my local league alot of the new kids are running hybrid giratina-shaymin decks, would be quick to build a good way of teaching her how to not be afraid of running more than 1 colour, and to top it off she'd have weakness on her side against machamp and rampy.
She can be your secret rouge
BTW emerald nice new name

Why thank you- You only knew because I listed my deck.

I have the fear you mention-think i've told you. I hate running more than one colour. Simply because I either hit the colour I don't need when i'm in need of a particular colour, or I panic about how many of each colour to put in.

Maybe I should have had a hybrid deck to start with.

I think two colour decks would be a great idea for a new starter...wouldnt have my problem:D
My girlfriend and I both started with starter decks (imagine that), but we were also both starting at the same time with little to no decent cards to work with, but I'll try to tell you what has worked in the whole process that keeps her interested.

Like mentioned above, don't build the deck for her - let her at least have some input and don't be afraid to let her choose something semi-horrible. Just try to be patient and try to explain things like synergy and cards that work together (even examples might help from your collection, which might make her interested in decent cards rather than just the "cute" ones or whatever)

It really does help when she can play with whatever style works for her. I've straight out asked my gf what kind of deck she likes to play (i.e. speed, spread, setup, etc) and finding the right style of play for her once you've established some basic skills is the best way IMO to keep her playing and having fun with her deck.

p.s. don't be afraid to lose a couple matches near the beginning until she can beat you 50% of the time (or close enough to that percentage)
nardd said:
p.s. don't be afraid to lose a couple matches near the beginning until she can beat you 50% of the time (or close enough to that percentage)

I don't think i've ever beaten my boyfried, unless its with his own decks lol (2% of the time)

With his own decks, as long as they like me and are in a good mood with me, tend to work...then again, he just wants me to try harder.

OHH something else- don't be afraid to encourage her, encouraging will help her to learn and to enjoy the game, and be patient, explain what the card does and how to link it with other cards. Don't get frustrated when she does something differently to how you would have done it.
Build a deck around some Pokemon that remind you of her.

And yeah, you need to throw some matches when she's starting or else she won't want to play if she doesn't win sometimes.
i'd sy only throw your matches if your either not to good or she doesn't know how good you are. if your an ace player and she's able to beat you with her first deck she might notice your throwing the matches which won't help
What Lyte said is definately the thing to do (And all that time and I thought he was a girl...I like the Shaymin girl Avatar, though!)! That seems to be the best thing to do, by far... You'll have fun, as well, and you might actually learn something! If you do, thank her a lot (And I don't mean Lyte; thank him anyways!)!
Scizor is not great beacuse it can be somewhat inconsistent. I dont like the pixes beacuse it is somehwhat hard to play. It depends on how quick she learns the concept.
My GF's deck i made...she loves it...
3 Dialga G
1 Dialga G LV.X
2 Toxicroak G
2 Crobat G
2 Bronzong G
1 Skuntank G
1 Baltoy
1 Claydol
1 Unown G
1 Uxie
1 Azelf

4 Cyrus`s Conspiracy
4 Roseanne`s Research
2 Bebe`s Search
1 Looker`s Investigation
4 Energy Gain
4 Poke Turn
4 Power Spray
1 Warp Point
1 Premier Ball
1 Luxury Ball
1 Time-Space Distortion
2 Galactic HQ
2 Conductive Quarry
1 Snowpoint Temple

3 Metal Energy-Basic
4 Metal Energy-Special
3 Psychic Energy
2 Call Energy