Getting my girlfriend started into TCG

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Brandon Smiley

"Big Tex"
How should i get my girlfriend started into the TCG?

I honestly have no idea what to do. She knows like.. 4 Pokemon. If even.

I just want this to be a fun experience for her, and for me as well. I'm really competetive though, so this will show me how much more fun it is when you just play for fun. xD

What decks should i use to teach her? I was just thinking to ask her a type, and build that.

I'm going to have to go pretty slow though, since she isn't a genious. (I learned the game completely in like, 2 hours tbh)

I use ReshiPhlosion, ReshiBoar, and Zekrom/Pachi/Shaymin decks when i play, mainly. I could use those to teach her, but they may be a bit to much for a newer player.

I'm not going to go buy theme decks for us, since i can just make them myself.

I know enough about the game to teach her everything she needs to know, i just need a good way to explain it, and what types of decks to use.

Any help/ideas? Everything is appreciated.
RE: Getting my girlfriend started

Make like a Fire deck and a Water deck with simple Pokemon, simples lines, and like no strategy. Then put in random trainers. After a few tests to let her get the ropes, let her pick her own type and her own trainers (Just easy stuff though, no difficult strategies)

The other deck is for you to use. Don't use a competitive deck against her basic one. It will just be too confusing.
RE: Getting my girlfriend started

I was thinking something a long the lines of that.
Something like a basic Emboar deck. (The ability and the bad one) And a basic Samurott deck. (The ability one)

But i also need something to help teach her Pokebodies and Pokepowers since their still in the format.

Maybe build a Samurott Feraligatr Deck and a Emboar deck? Those would be pretty simple in my opinion.
We'll both just use those two decks and switch every few games or so.
RE: Getting my girlfriend started

Your girlfriend may not be a "genious" like you, but I'm pretty sure she will get the idea after a match or two. If an eight year old can play the game, I'm sure she will get the idea pretty quick.

The fire vs water matchup won't be over her head.

Take it from me though, she may not give a dang about pokemon no matter how hard you try. If tha'ts the case try to take an interest in whatever she's interested in (despite how boring and pointless it may seem). She's probably way more interested in YOU than your pokemon so don't try to force the game if she really isnt feeling it.

Good luck and have fun.
RE: Getting my girlfriend started

Cuthbert said:
Your girlfriend may not be a "genious" like you, but I'm pretty sure she will get the idea after a match or two. If an eight year old can play the game, I'm sure she will get the idea pretty quick.

The fire vs water matchup won't be over her head.

Take it from me though, she may not give a damn about pokemon no matter how hard you try. If tha'ts the case try to take an interest in whatever she's interested in (despite how boring and pointless it may seem). She's probably way more interested in YOU than your pokemon so don't try to force the game if she really isnt feeling it.

Good luck and have fun.
Yeah, but she has never played any card game before. It's her first.

She's the one who wanted to learn, i didn't ask her. She found out recently that i actually play, so she wanted to try it out. I've tried her interests, and i don't think modeling is my type of thing.. if you know what i mean. xD But i understand what your saying.

Thanks a lot, man. Really appreciate the comment.
RE: Getting my girlfriend started

I had a similar situation a couple of years ago.
I gave my girlfriend a Speedrill deck, probably one of the easier decks to play (but one of the hardest to understand fully).
RE: Getting my girlfriend started

StealthAngel667 said:
I had a similar situation a couple of years ago.
I gave my girlfriend a Speedrill deck, probably one of the easier decks to play (but one of the hardest to understand fully).

Ahh, i wish i could do that.. I loved Speedrill, so much. D;
Hmm.. maybe i should give her Volbeat/Illumise? That'll show her how terrible Pokemon is with all the flips.
Maybe not..
RE: Getting my girlfriend started

I'd go with a dual-type deck that can demonstrate evolution, powers and weakness whilst not being too bad competitively. Something like Magnegatr would do the job. I started with a Cursegar/Dusknoir deck as my main deck whilst getting into the game, and it worked like a charm. Remember to let her have some choice with modification, though.
Good luck and I hope this helps!
RE: Getting my girlfriend started

I'd go with a dual-type deck that can demonstrate evolution, powers and weakness whilst not being too bad competitively. Something like Magnegatr would do the job. I started with a Cursegar/Dusknoir deck as my main deck whilst getting into the game, and it worked like a charm. Remember to let her have some choice with modification, though.
Good luck and I hope this helps!

I would build MagneGatr for her, but i've sold most of my Magnezones.. Anything else that i should build? I was thinking maybe Cinccino with something else as well.
RE: Getting my girlfriend started

I actually run Cinccino anyway although I've been playing for four years now. :p
Good partners can be:
-Mew Prime
-Yanmega Prime
-Kingdra Prime
Hope this helps!
RE: Getting my girlfriend started

Hmm. I may build her Cinccino Yanmega Kingdra. I'm not sure yet. It might be harder though.
RE: Getting my girlfriend started

Remember, you can always start off with just Cinccino and a load of Normal types that aren't necessarily good until she gets the idea of matches. When she understands well enough, introduce partners and synergy. Good luck in getting her interested!
RE: Getting my girlfriend started

Just read the thread and subscribe to it, and you can get the same advice. :p Why would it be any different advice for you?
RE: Getting my girlfriend started

I've had the problem of trying to get my father and my girlfriend involved in the game... and here's the thing you have to remember:

Don't start with ANY strategy at all.

Just card mechanics. Make sure you build a simple, simple deck with no strategy, but some of every common mechanic: Poké Powers, Poké Bodies, Energy, Trainers, Supporters, Stadiums, Evolution, and Special Conditions (at least one, then you can explain the rest a lot more easily). After she gets the general gist of the game– taking prize cards, attacking, etc.– you can start explaining more complicated topics such as strategy.

Strategy's fairly easy to explain if you simplify it to making combinations that quickly produce the highest damage output and/or limit your opponent's (except for a few exceptions, of course). Make sure you explain everything more than once– with Pokémon, some things are easy to forget. And be sure to give examples (with visuals, naturally). Explain how people look for synergy between cards– such as Typhlosion and Ninetales– to get damage on the field.

Sometimes it's best to get her to learn the card mechanics, then play a competitive game against a third person (or a deck you control yourself) whilst describing to her everything you're doing, and most importantly WHY. If you do that, she'll get it pretty quickly. It's always easiest to be shown rather than be told.

Good luck, hope that helps.
RE: Getting my girlfriend started

^I disagree almost completely. The game is not fun without strategy. Then it's just like the DS games, maybe even worse. Two guys poking at each other until one dies. That's not interesting at all. You shouldn't make it too complicated for new players, but you should still let them enjoy the intricacies of a strategic game.

Well, it also depends on how old your girlfriend is I guess.
RE: Getting my girlfriend started

What? I never said it was fun without strategy. Never. I honestly don't even know whether you read more than one sentence of my post.

No strategy is what you start out with. Teaching without strategy, just game mechanics. Once mechanics are understood, you can start with strategy, but you aren't going to start out by giving her MegaZone and just letting her figure it out, you've got to take steps. And those steps start without strategy...
RE: Getting my girlfriend started

If you're asking if you should, don't. Everyone will hit on her if you bring her to tournaments .-.

If how, start by playing with starter decks, teaching her what the cards do, and the mindset you need for the game.
RE: Getting my girlfriend started

Scizorliscious said:
What? I never said it was fun without strategy. Never. I honestly don't even know whether you read more than one sentence of my post.

No strategy is what you start out with. Teaching without strategy, just game mechanics. Once mechanics are understood, you can start with strategy, but you aren't going to start out by giving her MegaZone and just letting her figure it out, you've got to take steps. And those steps start without strategy...

Nah that's not what I meant. I mean if they taught me the game without strategic choices, I wouldn't even want to learn the game. It wouldn't appeal to me. That's why I think you should start with strategy right away.
RE: Getting my girlfriend started

What's interesting is that I JUST had this same situation come up last week. My girlfriend actually asked me to teach her (awesome).

All I did was sit down with her, showed her my cards and let her pick which type of pokemon she wanted. After choosing her type I built her a deck, something fairly straightforward and not something complex from the current metagame, around that and ran a practice game with her. Before we started I showed her pokemon, trainers, and energy cards and explained each of their significances. And through the practice game I went really slow and told her the order of what she can do each turn. And also just had her show me her hand most of the game just so I could recommend and explain why certain cards would be good to use. She actually caught on really quickly and loves to play.

Two things I would recommend though, have patience when teaching anyone, and also I would encourage to build a deck based off of one card set or series. The decks I used were in the unlimited format, so some cards had different layouts, and I think that ultimately led to a little confusion a couple of times.
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