
TuxedoBlack said:
A new Supporter, Ghetsis, will soon be released with the upcoming Plasma Freeze set. It states, "Your opponent reveals his or her hand and shuffles all Item cards found there into his or her deck. Then, draw a number of cards equal to the number of Item cards your opponent shuffled into his or her deck." This card when played, especially early game when one's hand might have a large number of Item cards, seems like it could be very disruptive and could possibly impact the game play significantly.

So, my questions are:
  1. Do you expect that Ghetsis will become a deck "staple" (i.e., you intend to play this Supporter in all your decks) for you?
  2. How many do you expect to run in your deck and why (please state your rationale; it would be appreciated)?
  3. Of a "typical" deck's Supporter mix consisting of 3 Bianca/Cheren/Colress, 4 N, and 4 Professor Juniper, how do you expect this mix to change in order to include Ghetsis and why (please state your rationale; it would be appreciated)?
My playtesting with Plasma Freeze card proxies will start this weekend; so, I will have some additional feedback/insight about Ghetsis later and I will post my initial observations then.

Following are some thoughts I have about this new Supporter. So, I will address my own questions first to get the feedback/comments started:

  1. Yes. The ability to disrupt my opponent's hand by removing his/her Items from hand and possibly drawing 3+ cards as a result is just too good not to play, IMHO. Needless to say, this card seems most effective early-mid game (or after my opponent has played a Professor Juniper (for example)). Another side benefit, not to be under-valued, is that I also get a chance to see my opponent's current hand which could also be very beneficial at that time in the game. On the other hand, especially during mid-late game, playing this Supporters may yield no cards drawn.
  2. I plan to initially playtest with 4 Ghetsis in my deck in order to maximize my chances of having 1 turn 1 or 2.
  3. I currently have 4 competitive decks that I play: LMT/LMTG (aka Big Basics without/with Garbodor), Blastoise-Keldeo EX-Black Kyurem, Darkrai EX-Sableye, and Rayquaza EX-Eels. The Supporter mix is typically 3-4 Bianca (1 per Ultra Ball in the deck), 4 N, and 3-4 Professor Juniper. I do not play Bicycle in any of these decks; so, I have no other card draw support other than the aforementioned Supporters listed.

    Given the disruptive nature of Ghetsis, my first thought was to replace all my Ns for Ghetsis. However, mid-to-late game, Ghetsis appears to be less effective; but playing a well-timed N can be game-changing.

    When your hand is depleted (e.g., your opponent just Nd you since you're ahead in prizes :)), drawing a Professor Juniper at that time is simply great. So, I think these need to stay at the current count in my decks.

    That leaves the Bianca/Cheren/Colress group to tinker with. I plan to replace all of these Supporters with Ghetsis for initial playtesting purposes until I find/derive a proper Supporter mix for each of my decks.
Your thoughts/comments? Thanks.

I think that this card will only be good in fun decks. This is a terrible substitute for N. :)
ggummybears said:
I think that this card will only be good in fun decks. This is a terrible substitute for N. :)
After some intial, albeit limited, playtesting, I've concluded that 1-2 Ghetsis are worth running in my competitve decks; playing these are quite situational; the timing of playing Ghetsis is "best" at the beginning of a game when my opponent's hand is potentially filled with Items or mid-late game when I'm about to make a risky move and knowing what's in my opponent's hand would help me significantly.

I only plan to replace current Bianca or Cheren with Ghetsis.
DrunkSpinda said:
Ghetsis is a watered-down Lass. Lass used to play A LOT, but Ghetsis will not be played as much. Big Basics won't want it most of the times because it would probably be better off drawing more cards. It might see play in some control decks, imo

Control decks? Current Pokemon format? That's a nice joke though XD

In all seriousness, the only reason I wouldn't play 4 Ghetsis is because of its randomness. You could very well check into his hand of 0 items and you would have screwed your supporter for the turn. High risk, high reward card. Pokemon now lacks consistency in decks, it takes a lot of guts to play a lot of high risk, high reward cards.
1. It's not really a staple because it's actually our most unreliable draw Supporter. However, I love its disrupting possibilities, and, if it's not expected can be devastating.
2. 0-1 depending on the deck. I feel like if I played more than one then people would expect it and clear their hand of Trainers when they get them. And if people start expecting Ghetsis and clear their hand, then it's not really good at all. It reminds me of Hugh--the card had so much potential because nobody would clear their hand for five cards expecting it.
3. I would probably take out a Bianca or Colress for one of these in some of my decks because both are unreliable, although they give a definite draw number before you play them (If you have four cards in your hand with Bianca, you can play it and draw three, and if you and your opponent have 5 Pokemon on the bench you can draw 10, but Ghetsis is so risky because you never know).
If only there were Abilities to be able to check the hand beforehand, that way you can time the Ghetsis well.
Liepard from Plasma Storm has an attack that looks at your opponent's hand (and uses a Supporter you find there, discarding it). It doesn't help with timing it, but it makes it more effective if you can rid your opponent of Trainers AND Supporters, but it would require devotion to a lock deck, so probably not what you were looking for. Not sure why I mentioned this in hindsight, but I suppose it is relevant to Ghetsis in general.
Because Control Decks won't win in Pokemon unless you're ridiculously lucky. Ghetsis is sort of a control card, therefore it's not going to do generally well in this format.
How much do you guys think Ghetis will cost? T&T has it at I think four now. Is that too high, too low, or just right?
You could try Ghetsis in a mill deck, like Durant. Shuffle the items back into the deck, then mill their cards.
Why on earth would you want to make their deck thicker in a mill deck...
I don't really like Ghetsis
I haven't tested it that much yet, but I think it's a little underpowered.
If it discarded the items I would consider it, but as is, I'd rather use a supporter that is more useful in setting up.
I think it is something that I will want to test out, because I know we all have those moments in a match were you are hoping they do not have a catcher, or switch etc.
I'd only use 1 if any at all. I have a FA one since I pulled it, but I'm probably going to end up selling it. It just doesn't give enough draw power.
It really doesn't. I only played three games agsinst it, and the most my opponent ever got off of Ghetsis was two. I have a habit of playing most of those Trainers when I draw into them anyway. The two cards he got out of my hand was a Super Rod and a Catcher.
Yeah the draw is inconsistent and when it does it pretty much only gets 3 max, so I'd rather play Cheren/Bianca.
LOL! It's not THAT bad. It sure is better than your average rare. It's just a bit confusing because unlike most supporters it only fits into few decks. (Mew, Stoutland)