Friend Code: 3239-2847-9694
Time Zone: Mountain Time (US)
Times Available: Week Days: Varies, generally available after 1700 local time. Weekends: Again, varies, generally available in the afternoon in local time.
Pokémon Available With Hidden Abilities: (Updated 15 Feb 15)
-Bulbasaur (Chlorophyll)
-Charmander (Solar Power)
-Squirtle (Rain Dish)
-Treecko (Unburden)
-Torchic (Speed Boost)
-Mudkip (Damp)
-Turtwig (Shell Armor)
-Chimchar (Iron Fist)
-Piplup (Defiant)
-Ninetales (Drought)
-Eevee (Anticipation)
-Dragonair (Marvel Scale)
-Bagon (Sheer Force)
-Fletchling (Gale Wings)
-Gyarados (Moxie)
-Braixen (Magician)
-Chespin (Bulletproof)
-Froakie (Protean)
-Lapras (Hydration)
-Goomy (Gooey)
-Spiritomb (Infiltrator)
-Absol (Defiant)
-Riolu (Prankster)
-Scyther (Technician)
-Starly (Reckless)
-Lillipup (Run Away)
-Ditto (Imposter)
-Chansey (Healer)
-Smeargle (Moody)
-Audino (Klutz)
-Kecleon (Protean)
-Ponyta (Flame Body)
-Larvesta (Swarm)
-Gogoat (Grass Pelt)
-Toxicroak (Poison Touch)
-Whirlipeed (Speed Boost)
-Pikachu (Lightning Rod)
-Helioptile (Solar Power)
-Luxio (Guts)
-Diggersby (Huge Power)
-Gothorita (Shadow Tag)
-Duosion (Regenerator)
-Rhydon (Reckless)
-Piloswine (Thick Fat)
-Pinsir (Moxie)
-Gabite (Rough Skin)
-Trevenant (Harvest)
-Mightyena (Moxie)
-Mawile (Sheer Force)
-Togepi (Super Luck)
-Drifblim (Flare Boost)
-Golurk (No Guard)
-Growlithe (Justified)
-Poliwag (Swift Sim)
-Pansage (Overgrow), Pansear (Blaze), and Panpour (Torrent)
-Pyroar (Moxie)
-Pancham (Scrappy)
-Modern-Pattern Vivillon (Friend Guard)
-Tentacool (Rain Dish)
-Loudred (Scrappy)
-Liepard (Prankster)
-Nidoran (Hustle)
-Espurr (Own Tempo)
-Litwick (Infiltrator)
-Scraggy (Intimidate)
-Gligar (Immunity)
-Abomasnow (Soundproof)
-Abra (Magic Guard)
-Swablu (Cloud Nine)
-Foongus (Regenerator)
-Breloom (Poison Heal)
-Lileep (Storm Drain0)
-Corphish (Adaptability)
-Tepig (Thick Fat)
-Drillbur (Mold Breaker)
-Whismur (Rattled)
-Snorunt (Moody)
-Ralts (Telepathy)
-Hawlucha (Mold Breaker)
-Heracross (Moxie)
-Mienfoo (Reckless)
-Pidgey (Big Pecks)
-Cranidos (Sheer Force)
-Roselia (Leaf Guard)
-Oshawott (Shell Armor)
-Snivy (Contrary)
-Shuckle (Contrary)
-Carvanha (Speed Boost)
-Slowpoke (Regenerator)
-Staryu (Analytic)
-Buneary (Limber)
-Zangoose (Toxic Boost)
Services Offered:
National Pokédex Completion
I have a Living Pokédex; I've captured one of every single species of Pokémon and stored them in Pokémon Bank to have for future games. If you need anything for the 'Dex, I can provide it. This service is strictly trade-and-return, unless you want a specific basic-level Pokémon (ie: Turtwig, Skrelp, etc.). Trading Legendaries will require a collateral Pokémon (such as another Legendary or a shiny) and will never be traded for keeps.
PokéBall Pattern Vivillon Now Offered!
I have a PokéBall Pattern Vivillon and will clone it on demand for anyone who is interested. Details to be posted later.
Custom-Bred Pokémon!
This is exactly what it sounds like. You name any Pokémon, and I'll breed it for you to your specifications. It can be as vague or as specific as you'd like, to include: species, nature, gender, moveset, nickname, and IV spread. (however, I don't do hidden power type customization) Effort Value Training and/or evolution will be offered upon the user's request, however this will require an item or additional Pokémon in return. Bonus: all EV-trained Pokémon will be infected with PokéRus as part of the training. The turnaround on getting a Pokémon bred and raised depends on the specifics of the order, and may take up to a week. Because of school and my job, I will take only five requests at a time, and only one request per user at a given time unless there are extraneous circumstances (ie: if I'm offered a Megastone or shiny for two custom Pokémon.)
Shiny Pokémon & Cloning
I'm now capable of cloning Pokémon, and will thus offer any of my shiny competitive Pokémon as a clone in exchange for another shiny competitive Pokémon, or any of my regular shinies for another shiny. The list is as follows. Note that these Pokémon are the only clones I make, any other Pokémon requested, be it for Pokédex completion or a custom order is created through breeding and effort. I only clone shinies due to their rarity. All are Kalos Born unless noted.
-Gardevoir "Solstice" (Nickname Changeable)
Nature: Timid
Ability: Trace
Item: Gardevoirite
Gender: Female
Pokérus: Cured
Level: 100
IV's: 31/x/31/31/x/31
Moves: Moonblast / Focus Blast / Psyshock / Calm Mind
EV's: 252 Speed / 252 Sp. Atk / 6 HP
-Vaporeon "Mira" (Nickname Changeable)
Nature: Bold
Ability: Water Absorb
Item: None
Gender: Female
Pokérus: No
Level: 100
IV's: 31/x/31/31/31/x
Moves: Scald / Wish / Haze / Protect
EV's: 252 HP / 252 Defense / 6 Sp. Atk
-Trevenant "Fangorn" (Nickname Changeable)
Nature: Impish
Ability: Harvest
Item: Sitrus Berry
Gender: Male
Pokérus: Cured
Level: 100
IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Moves: Horn Leech / Curse / Leech Seed / Substitute
EV's: 252 HP / 252 Sp. Def / 6 Def
-Ninetales "Silverfire" (Nickname Changeable)
Nature: Timid
Ability: Drought
Item: None
Gender: Female
Pokérus: Cured
Level: 100
IV's: 31/31/31/x/31/31
Moves: Flamethrower / Will-O-Wisp / Roar / Sunny Day
EV's: 252 HP / 120 Def / 136 Speed
-Charizard (Nicknameable)
Nature: Modest
Ability: Solar Power
Item: Charizardnite Y
Gender: Male
Pokérus: Cured
Level: 100
IV's: 31/31/x/31/31/31
Moves: Solar Beam / Focus Blast / Fire Blast / Roost
EV's: 252 Speed / 252 Sp. Atk / 6 HP
-Butterfree "Mothman" (Nickname Changeable)
Nature: Timid
Ability: Compound Eyes
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: Cured
Level: 100
IV's: 31/x/x/31/31/31
Moves: Bug Buzz / Sleep Poweder / Quiver Dance / Substitute
EV's: 252 Speed / 252 Sp. Atk / 6 Sp. Def
-Togepi (Nicknameable)
Nature: Modest
Ability: Serene Grace
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: No
Level: 1
IV's: 31/x/31/31/31/x
Moves: Charm / Extrasensory / Nasty Plot / Psycho Shift
EV's: None
-Larvesta (Nicknameable)
Nature: Modest
Ability: Flame Body
Item: None
Gender: Female
Pokérus: No
Level: 1
IV's: x/x/31/31/31/31
Moves: Ember / String Shot
EV's: None
- Umbreon (Non-Kalos Born)
Nature: Calm
Ability: Synchronize
Item: None
Gender: Female
Pokérus: No
Level: 27
IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Moves: Wish / Protect / Heal Bell / Foul Play
EV's: Unknown
- Metagross (Non-Kalos Born)
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Clear Body
Item: None
Gender: N/A
Pokérus: Cured
Level: 100
IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Moves: Hammer Arm / Bullet Punch / Pursuit / Earthquake
EV's: 252 Atk / 248 HP / 8 Sp. Def
- Lucario (Non-Kalos Born)
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Inner Focus
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: Cured
Level: 97 (At time of Posting)
IV's: 31/31/31/x/31/31
Moves: Close Combat / Swords Dance / Bullet Punch / Extreme Speed
EV's: 252 Atk / 252 Speed / 6 HP
-Milotic (Nicknameable)
Nature: Bold
Ability: Marvel Scale
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: No
Level: 1
IV's: 31/31/31/31/x/31
Moves: Dragon Pulse / Water Gun / Haze / Splash
EV's: Not Trained
-Gigalith (Nicknameable)
Nature: Impish
Ability: Sturdy
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: Infected
Level: 34
IV's: Unknown
Moves: Headbutt / Smack Down / Rock Blast / Sandstorm
EV's: Sporadic
-Weavile (Nicknameable)
Nature: Bashful
Ability: Pressure
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: No
Level: 36
IV's: 3 Perfect, otherwise unknown
Moves: Metal Claw / False Swipe / Hone Claws / Night Slash
EV's: Sporadic
-Noivern (Nicknameable)
Nature: Timid
Ability: Frisk
Item: None
Gender: Female
Pokérus: Infected
Level: 48
IV's: x/31/x/x/31/31
Moves: Air Slash / Thief / Leech Life / Roost
EV's: Sporadic
-Haxorus (Nicknameable)
Nature: Bashful
Ability: Mold Breaker
Item: None
Gender: Female
Pokérus: Cured
Level: 51
IV's: x/31/31/31/31/x
Moves: Dragon Claw / Assurance / Slash / Dragon Dance
EV's: Sporadic
-Blastoise (Nicknameable)
Nature: Rash
Ability: Torrent
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: Infected
Level: 39
IV's: 3 Perfect, otherwise unknown
Moves: Water Pulse / Bite / Rapid Spin / Protect
EV's: Sporadic
-Poliwrath (Nicknameable)
Nature: Bold
Ability: Water Absorb
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: No
Level: 30
IV's: 3 Perfect, otherwise unknwon
Moves: Body Slam / Bubble Beam / Double Slap / Rain Dance
EV's: None
-Torterra (Nicknameable)
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Overgrow
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: No
Level: 31
IV's: 31/x/31/31/31/31
Moves: Earthquake / Seed Bomb / Withdraw / Bite
EV's: Sporadic
-Crawdaunt (Nicknameable)
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Adaptability
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: Infected
Level: 33
IV's: 4 Perfect, details unknown
Moves: Superpower / Knock Off / Aqua Jet / Dragon Dance
EV's: Sporadic
-Exploud (Nicknameable)
Nature: Lonely
Ability: Scrappy
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: Infected
Level: 41
IV's: 3 Perfect, details unknown
Moves: Crunch / Stomp / Howl / Supersonic
EV's: Sporadic
-Delibird (Nicknameable)
Nature: Mild
Ability: Vital Spirit
Item: None
Gender: Female
Pokérus: No
Level: 1
IV's: Unknown
Moves: Present
EV's: None
-Swalot (Nicknameable)
Nature: Relaxed
Ability: Sticky Hold
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: No
Level: 26
IV's: Unknown
Moves: Sludge / Body Slam / Pount / Yawn
EV's: Sporadic
-Sliggoo (Nicknameable)
Nature: Timid
Ability: Sap Sipper
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: No
Level: 30
IV's: 3 Perfect, details unknown
Moves: Bide / Dragon Breath / Rain Dance / Flail
EV's: Sporadic
-Magmar (Nicknameable)
Nature: Sassy
Ability: Flame Body
Item: None
Gender: Female
Pokérus: No
Level: 30
IV's: 3 Perfect, details unknown
Moves: Clear Smog / Flame Burst / Confuse Ray / Fire Punch
EV's: None
Nature: Modest
Ability: Soundproof
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: No
Level: 30
IV's: Unknown
Moves: Grass Whistle / Swagger / Mist / Ice Shard
EV's: None
Nature: Hardy
Ability: Keen Eye
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: No
Level: 7
IV's: Unknown
Moves: Growl / Water Gun / Supersonic
EV's: None
-Kingdra "Rapture" (Unchangeable)
Nature: Naughty
Ability: Sniper
Item: None
Gender: Female
Pokérus: No
Level: 41
IV's: Unknown
Moves: Hydro Pump / Ice Beam / Brine / Twister
EV's: Sporadic
-Clawitzer "Red Lobster" (Unchangeable)
Nature: Gentle
Ability: Mega Launcher
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: No
Level: 38
IV's: Unknown
Moves: Crabhammer / Bubble Beam / Water Pulse / Swords Dance
EV's: Sporadic
-Torchic (Unchangeable)
Nature: Modest
Ability: Speed Boost
Item: None
Gender: Female
Pokérus: No
Level: 1
IV's: Unknown
Moves: Scratch / Growl
EV's: None
-Eevee (Unchangeable)
Nature: Quiet
Ability: Adaptability
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: No
Level: 1
IV's: Unknown
Moves: Helping Hand / Growl / Tackle / Tail Whip
EV's: None
-Dratini (Unchangeable)
Nature: Hardy
Ability: Marvel Scale
Item: None
Gender: Female
Pokérus: No
Level: 1
IV's: 31/x/31/x/x/31
Moves: Wrap / Leer / Dragon Dance
EV's: None
-Gourgeist (Unchangeable)
Nature: Serious
Ability: Frisk
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: No
Level: 30
IV's: Unknown
Moves: Razor Leaf / Leech Seed / Bullet Seed / Shadow Sneak
EV's: None
- Politoed "Kermit" (Unchangeable)
Nature: Sassy
Ability: Damp
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: No
Level: 35
IV's: Unknown
Moves: Body Slam / Bubble Beam / Mud Shot / Rain Dance
EV's: Sporadic
- Typhlosion (Unchangeable)
Nature: Modest
Ability: Blaze
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: No
Level: 57
IV's: x/x/x/x/31/x
Moves: Solar Beam / Lava Plume / Flame Charge / Sunny Day
EV's: Sporadic
- Oddish (Unchangeable)
Nature: Hasty
Ability: Chlorophyll
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: No
Level: 13
IV's: Unknown
Moves: Absorb / Sweet Scent / Acid / Poison Powder
EV's: None
- Basculin (Unchangeable)
Nature: Naive
Ability: Rock Head
Item: None
Gender: Female
Pokérus: No
Level: 35
IV's: Unknown
Moves: Aqua Tail / Take Down / Crunch / Soak
EV's: None
- Nincada "Naruto" (Unchangeable)
Nature: Gentle
Ability: Compound Eyes
Item: None
Gender: Female
Pokérus: No
Level: 30
IV's: x/31/31/x/x/x
Moves: Sand Attack / Fury Swipes / Mind Reader / False Swipe
EV's: None
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Rivalry
Item: None
Gender: Female
Pokérus: No
Level: 64
IV's: Unknown
Moves: Earthquake / False Swipe / Swords Dance / Taunt
EV's: Sporadic
Nature: Relaxed
Ability: Rivalry
Item: None
Gender: Female
Pokérus: No
Level: 24
IV's: Unknown
Moves: Bite / Double Kick / Poison Sting / Growl
EV's: Sporadic
Nature: Hardy
Ability: Intimidate
Item: None
Gender: Female
Pokérus: No
Level: 57
IV's: Unknown
Moves: Earthquake / Bite / Ice Fang
EV's: Sporadic
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Static
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: No
Level: 30
IV's: Unknown
Moves: Charge / Volt Tackle / Endeavor / Endure
EV's: Sporadic
- Zubat "Vlad"
Nature: Quiet
Ability: Inner Focus
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: No
Level: 28
IV's: Unknown
Moves: Astonish / Bite / Wing Attack / Confuse Ray
EV's: None
*Note: This is a survivor of my ruby Nuzlocke run. It sounds silly, but treat him with care.
- Girafarig
Nature: Bashful
Ability: Inner Focus
Item: None
Gender: Female
Pokérus: No
Level: 33
IV's: Unown
Moves: Double Hit / Stomp / Assurance / Psybeam
EV's: None
- Hitmonlee
Nature: Bashful
Ability: Limber
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: No
Level: 20
IV's: Unknown
Moves: Revenge / Double Kick / Meditate / Rolling Kick
EV's: Sporadic
- Gengar
Nature: Lax
Ability: Levitate
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: No
Level: 100
IV's: Unknown
Moves: Thunderbolt / Shadow Ball / Curse / Trick Room
EV's: Sporadic
- Serperior
Nature: Modest
Ability: Overgrow
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: Infected
Level: 39
IV's: Unknown
Moves: Leaf Blade / Leaf Tornado / Tackle / Wrap
EV's: Sporadic
- Sceptile (Japanese)
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Overgrow
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: No
Level: 52
IV's: 31/31/31/x/31/31
Moves: Leaf Storm / Dragon Pulse / Rock Slide / Acrobatics
EV's: Unknown
- Porygon-Z "Lord Ducky"
Nature: Calm
Ability: Adaptability
Item: None
Gender: N/A
Pokérus: No
Level: 50
IV's: x/x/x/31/x/x
Moves: Thunderbolt / Tri Attack / Toxic / Recover
EV's: Sporadic
- Glaceon
Nature: Modest
Ability: Snow Cloak
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: Infected
Level: 18
IV's: 31/0/0/31/0/31
Moves: Tackle / Sand Attack / Icy Wind / Quick Attack
EV's: Sporadic
- Espeon
Nature: Modest
Ability: Synchronize
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: Infected
Level: 18
IV's: 31/0/0/31/0/31
Moves: Tackle / Sand Attack / Baby-Doll Eyes / Swift
EV's: Sporadic
Currently Working On:
-Shiny Buneary (Limber)
-Shiny Perfect* Talonflame
-Other Shiny Perfect* Pokémon
-4-5IV Pokémon
-Any other good offers welcome! I won't demand a legendary or a shiny for a competitive Pokémon, but I won't go trading a 5 or 6 IV Pokemon for a freshly-caught Flabebe or other ComMon.
* Perfect meaning 4-5 IV's of 31 in beneficial slots, a helpful nature, and a good ability.
Time Zone: Mountain Time (US)
Times Available: Week Days: Varies, generally available after 1700 local time. Weekends: Again, varies, generally available in the afternoon in local time.
A big thank-you to Breakfast Cereal for the 6IV Japanese Ditto!
UPDATE: After a long absence I'm back! Things'll be a bit sparse around here while I look at my stock and take inventory, but I've updated the Hidden Abilities list, and there are a ton more shinies available. I'm also offering rare Poke Ball Female Pokemon now; including Kurt's Poke Balls and Dream Ball Females. More details to come!
Custom Order Pokémon List:
UPDATE: After a long absence I'm back! Things'll be a bit sparse around here while I look at my stock and take inventory, but I've updated the Hidden Abilities list, and there are a ton more shinies available. I'm also offering rare Poke Ball Female Pokemon now; including Kurt's Poke Balls and Dream Ball Females. More details to come!
Custom Order Pokémon List:
Pokémon Available With Hidden Abilities: (Updated 15 Feb 15)

-Bulbasaur (Chlorophyll)

-Charmander (Solar Power)

-Squirtle (Rain Dish)

-Treecko (Unburden)

-Torchic (Speed Boost)

-Mudkip (Damp)

-Turtwig (Shell Armor)

-Chimchar (Iron Fist)

-Piplup (Defiant)

-Ninetales (Drought)

-Eevee (Anticipation)

-Dragonair (Marvel Scale)

-Bagon (Sheer Force)

-Fletchling (Gale Wings)

-Gyarados (Moxie)

-Braixen (Magician)

-Chespin (Bulletproof)

-Froakie (Protean)

-Lapras (Hydration)

-Goomy (Gooey)

-Spiritomb (Infiltrator)

-Absol (Defiant)

-Riolu (Prankster)

-Scyther (Technician)

-Starly (Reckless)

-Lillipup (Run Away)

-Ditto (Imposter)

-Chansey (Healer)

-Smeargle (Moody)

-Audino (Klutz)

-Kecleon (Protean)

-Ponyta (Flame Body)

-Larvesta (Swarm)

-Gogoat (Grass Pelt)

-Toxicroak (Poison Touch)

-Whirlipeed (Speed Boost)

-Pikachu (Lightning Rod)

-Helioptile (Solar Power)

-Luxio (Guts)

-Diggersby (Huge Power)

-Gothorita (Shadow Tag)

-Duosion (Regenerator)

-Rhydon (Reckless)

-Piloswine (Thick Fat)

-Pinsir (Moxie)

-Gabite (Rough Skin)

-Trevenant (Harvest)

-Mightyena (Moxie)

-Mawile (Sheer Force)

-Togepi (Super Luck)

-Drifblim (Flare Boost)

-Golurk (No Guard)

-Growlithe (Justified)

-Poliwag (Swift Sim)



-Pansage (Overgrow), Pansear (Blaze), and Panpour (Torrent)

-Pyroar (Moxie)

-Pancham (Scrappy)

-Modern-Pattern Vivillon (Friend Guard)

-Tentacool (Rain Dish)

-Loudred (Scrappy)

-Liepard (Prankster)


-Nidoran (Hustle)

-Espurr (Own Tempo)

-Litwick (Infiltrator)

-Scraggy (Intimidate)

-Gligar (Immunity)

-Abomasnow (Soundproof)

-Abra (Magic Guard)

-Swablu (Cloud Nine)

-Foongus (Regenerator)

-Breloom (Poison Heal)

-Lileep (Storm Drain0)

-Corphish (Adaptability)

-Tepig (Thick Fat)

-Drillbur (Mold Breaker)

-Whismur (Rattled)

-Snorunt (Moody)

-Ralts (Telepathy)

-Hawlucha (Mold Breaker)

-Heracross (Moxie)

-Mienfoo (Reckless)

-Pidgey (Big Pecks)

-Cranidos (Sheer Force)

-Roselia (Leaf Guard)

-Oshawott (Shell Armor)

-Snivy (Contrary)

-Shuckle (Contrary)

-Carvanha (Speed Boost)

-Slowpoke (Regenerator)

-Staryu (Analytic)

-Buneary (Limber)

-Zangoose (Toxic Boost)
Services Offered:
National Pokédex Completion
I have a Living Pokédex; I've captured one of every single species of Pokémon and stored them in Pokémon Bank to have for future games. If you need anything for the 'Dex, I can provide it. This service is strictly trade-and-return, unless you want a specific basic-level Pokémon (ie: Turtwig, Skrelp, etc.). Trading Legendaries will require a collateral Pokémon (such as another Legendary or a shiny) and will never be traded for keeps.
PokéBall Pattern Vivillon Now Offered!

I have a PokéBall Pattern Vivillon and will clone it on demand for anyone who is interested. Details to be posted later.
Custom-Bred Pokémon!
This is exactly what it sounds like. You name any Pokémon, and I'll breed it for you to your specifications. It can be as vague or as specific as you'd like, to include: species, nature, gender, moveset, nickname, and IV spread. (however, I don't do hidden power type customization) Effort Value Training and/or evolution will be offered upon the user's request, however this will require an item or additional Pokémon in return. Bonus: all EV-trained Pokémon will be infected with PokéRus as part of the training. The turnaround on getting a Pokémon bred and raised depends on the specifics of the order, and may take up to a week. Because of school and my job, I will take only five requests at a time, and only one request per user at a given time unless there are extraneous circumstances (ie: if I'm offered a Megastone or shiny for two custom Pokémon.)
Shiny Pokémon & Cloning
I'm now capable of cloning Pokémon, and will thus offer any of my shiny competitive Pokémon as a clone in exchange for another shiny competitive Pokémon, or any of my regular shinies for another shiny. The list is as follows. Note that these Pokémon are the only clones I make, any other Pokémon requested, be it for Pokédex completion or a custom order is created through breeding and effort. I only clone shinies due to their rarity. All are Kalos Born unless noted.

-Gardevoir "Solstice" (Nickname Changeable)
Nature: Timid
Ability: Trace
Item: Gardevoirite
Gender: Female
Pokérus: Cured
Level: 100
IV's: 31/x/31/31/x/31
Moves: Moonblast / Focus Blast / Psyshock / Calm Mind
EV's: 252 Speed / 252 Sp. Atk / 6 HP

-Vaporeon "Mira" (Nickname Changeable)
Nature: Bold
Ability: Water Absorb
Item: None
Gender: Female
Pokérus: No
Level: 100
IV's: 31/x/31/31/31/x
Moves: Scald / Wish / Haze / Protect
EV's: 252 HP / 252 Defense / 6 Sp. Atk

-Trevenant "Fangorn" (Nickname Changeable)
Nature: Impish
Ability: Harvest
Item: Sitrus Berry
Gender: Male
Pokérus: Cured
Level: 100
IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Moves: Horn Leech / Curse / Leech Seed / Substitute
EV's: 252 HP / 252 Sp. Def / 6 Def

-Ninetales "Silverfire" (Nickname Changeable)
Nature: Timid
Ability: Drought
Item: None
Gender: Female
Pokérus: Cured
Level: 100
IV's: 31/31/31/x/31/31
Moves: Flamethrower / Will-O-Wisp / Roar / Sunny Day
EV's: 252 HP / 120 Def / 136 Speed

-Charizard (Nicknameable)
Nature: Modest
Ability: Solar Power
Item: Charizardnite Y
Gender: Male
Pokérus: Cured
Level: 100
IV's: 31/31/x/31/31/31
Moves: Solar Beam / Focus Blast / Fire Blast / Roost
EV's: 252 Speed / 252 Sp. Atk / 6 HP

-Butterfree "Mothman" (Nickname Changeable)
Nature: Timid
Ability: Compound Eyes
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: Cured
Level: 100
IV's: 31/x/x/31/31/31
Moves: Bug Buzz / Sleep Poweder / Quiver Dance / Substitute
EV's: 252 Speed / 252 Sp. Atk / 6 Sp. Def

-Togepi (Nicknameable)
Nature: Modest
Ability: Serene Grace
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: No
Level: 1
IV's: 31/x/31/31/31/x
Moves: Charm / Extrasensory / Nasty Plot / Psycho Shift
EV's: None

-Larvesta (Nicknameable)
Nature: Modest
Ability: Flame Body
Item: None
Gender: Female
Pokérus: No
Level: 1
IV's: x/x/31/31/31/31
Moves: Ember / String Shot
EV's: None

- Umbreon (Non-Kalos Born)
Nature: Calm
Ability: Synchronize
Item: None
Gender: Female
Pokérus: No
Level: 27
IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Moves: Wish / Protect / Heal Bell / Foul Play
EV's: Unknown

- Metagross (Non-Kalos Born)
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Clear Body
Item: None
Gender: N/A
Pokérus: Cured
Level: 100
IV's: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Moves: Hammer Arm / Bullet Punch / Pursuit / Earthquake
EV's: 252 Atk / 248 HP / 8 Sp. Def

- Lucario (Non-Kalos Born)
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Inner Focus
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: Cured
Level: 97 (At time of Posting)
IV's: 31/31/31/x/31/31
Moves: Close Combat / Swords Dance / Bullet Punch / Extreme Speed
EV's: 252 Atk / 252 Speed / 6 HP

-Milotic (Nicknameable)
Nature: Bold
Ability: Marvel Scale
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: No
Level: 1
IV's: 31/31/31/31/x/31
Moves: Dragon Pulse / Water Gun / Haze / Splash
EV's: Not Trained

-Gigalith (Nicknameable)
Nature: Impish
Ability: Sturdy
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: Infected
Level: 34
IV's: Unknown
Moves: Headbutt / Smack Down / Rock Blast / Sandstorm
EV's: Sporadic

-Weavile (Nicknameable)
Nature: Bashful
Ability: Pressure
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: No
Level: 36
IV's: 3 Perfect, otherwise unknown
Moves: Metal Claw / False Swipe / Hone Claws / Night Slash
EV's: Sporadic

-Noivern (Nicknameable)
Nature: Timid
Ability: Frisk
Item: None
Gender: Female
Pokérus: Infected
Level: 48
IV's: x/31/x/x/31/31
Moves: Air Slash / Thief / Leech Life / Roost
EV's: Sporadic

-Haxorus (Nicknameable)
Nature: Bashful
Ability: Mold Breaker
Item: None
Gender: Female
Pokérus: Cured
Level: 51
IV's: x/31/31/31/31/x
Moves: Dragon Claw / Assurance / Slash / Dragon Dance
EV's: Sporadic

-Blastoise (Nicknameable)
Nature: Rash
Ability: Torrent
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: Infected
Level: 39
IV's: 3 Perfect, otherwise unknown
Moves: Water Pulse / Bite / Rapid Spin / Protect
EV's: Sporadic

-Poliwrath (Nicknameable)
Nature: Bold
Ability: Water Absorb
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: No
Level: 30
IV's: 3 Perfect, otherwise unknwon
Moves: Body Slam / Bubble Beam / Double Slap / Rain Dance
EV's: None

-Torterra (Nicknameable)
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Overgrow
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: No
Level: 31
IV's: 31/x/31/31/31/31
Moves: Earthquake / Seed Bomb / Withdraw / Bite
EV's: Sporadic

-Crawdaunt (Nicknameable)
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Adaptability
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: Infected
Level: 33
IV's: 4 Perfect, details unknown
Moves: Superpower / Knock Off / Aqua Jet / Dragon Dance
EV's: Sporadic

-Exploud (Nicknameable)
Nature: Lonely
Ability: Scrappy
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: Infected
Level: 41
IV's: 3 Perfect, details unknown
Moves: Crunch / Stomp / Howl / Supersonic
EV's: Sporadic

-Delibird (Nicknameable)
Nature: Mild
Ability: Vital Spirit
Item: None
Gender: Female
Pokérus: No
Level: 1
IV's: Unknown
Moves: Present
EV's: None

-Swalot (Nicknameable)
Nature: Relaxed
Ability: Sticky Hold
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: No
Level: 26
IV's: Unknown
Moves: Sludge / Body Slam / Pount / Yawn
EV's: Sporadic

-Sliggoo (Nicknameable)
Nature: Timid
Ability: Sap Sipper
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: No
Level: 30
IV's: 3 Perfect, details unknown
Moves: Bide / Dragon Breath / Rain Dance / Flail
EV's: Sporadic

-Magmar (Nicknameable)
Nature: Sassy
Ability: Flame Body
Item: None
Gender: Female
Pokérus: No
Level: 30
IV's: 3 Perfect, details unknown
Moves: Clear Smog / Flame Burst / Confuse Ray / Fire Punch
EV's: None

Nature: Modest
Ability: Soundproof
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: No
Level: 30
IV's: Unknown
Moves: Grass Whistle / Swagger / Mist / Ice Shard
EV's: None

Nature: Hardy
Ability: Keen Eye
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: No
Level: 7
IV's: Unknown
Moves: Growl / Water Gun / Supersonic
EV's: None

-Kingdra "Rapture" (Unchangeable)
Nature: Naughty
Ability: Sniper
Item: None
Gender: Female
Pokérus: No
Level: 41
IV's: Unknown
Moves: Hydro Pump / Ice Beam / Brine / Twister
EV's: Sporadic

-Clawitzer "Red Lobster" (Unchangeable)
Nature: Gentle
Ability: Mega Launcher
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: No
Level: 38
IV's: Unknown
Moves: Crabhammer / Bubble Beam / Water Pulse / Swords Dance
EV's: Sporadic

-Torchic (Unchangeable)
Nature: Modest
Ability: Speed Boost
Item: None
Gender: Female
Pokérus: No
Level: 1
IV's: Unknown
Moves: Scratch / Growl
EV's: None

-Eevee (Unchangeable)
Nature: Quiet
Ability: Adaptability
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: No
Level: 1
IV's: Unknown
Moves: Helping Hand / Growl / Tackle / Tail Whip
EV's: None

-Dratini (Unchangeable)
Nature: Hardy
Ability: Marvel Scale
Item: None
Gender: Female
Pokérus: No
Level: 1
IV's: 31/x/31/x/x/31
Moves: Wrap / Leer / Dragon Dance
EV's: None

-Gourgeist (Unchangeable)
Nature: Serious
Ability: Frisk
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: No
Level: 30
IV's: Unknown
Moves: Razor Leaf / Leech Seed / Bullet Seed / Shadow Sneak
EV's: None

- Politoed "Kermit" (Unchangeable)
Nature: Sassy
Ability: Damp
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: No
Level: 35
IV's: Unknown
Moves: Body Slam / Bubble Beam / Mud Shot / Rain Dance
EV's: Sporadic

- Typhlosion (Unchangeable)
Nature: Modest
Ability: Blaze
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: No
Level: 57
IV's: x/x/x/x/31/x
Moves: Solar Beam / Lava Plume / Flame Charge / Sunny Day
EV's: Sporadic

- Oddish (Unchangeable)
Nature: Hasty
Ability: Chlorophyll
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: No
Level: 13
IV's: Unknown
Moves: Absorb / Sweet Scent / Acid / Poison Powder
EV's: None

- Basculin (Unchangeable)
Nature: Naive
Ability: Rock Head
Item: None
Gender: Female
Pokérus: No
Level: 35
IV's: Unknown
Moves: Aqua Tail / Take Down / Crunch / Soak
EV's: None

- Nincada "Naruto" (Unchangeable)
Nature: Gentle
Ability: Compound Eyes
Item: None
Gender: Female
Pokérus: No
Level: 30
IV's: x/31/31/x/x/x
Moves: Sand Attack / Fury Swipes / Mind Reader / False Swipe
EV's: None

Nature: Jolly
Ability: Rivalry
Item: None
Gender: Female
Pokérus: No
Level: 64
IV's: Unknown
Moves: Earthquake / False Swipe / Swords Dance / Taunt
EV's: Sporadic

Nature: Relaxed
Ability: Rivalry
Item: None
Gender: Female
Pokérus: No
Level: 24
IV's: Unknown
Moves: Bite / Double Kick / Poison Sting / Growl
EV's: Sporadic

Nature: Hardy
Ability: Intimidate
Item: None
Gender: Female
Pokérus: No
Level: 57
IV's: Unknown
Moves: Earthquake / Bite / Ice Fang
EV's: Sporadic

Nature: Jolly
Ability: Static
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: No
Level: 30
IV's: Unknown
Moves: Charge / Volt Tackle / Endeavor / Endure
EV's: Sporadic

- Zubat "Vlad"
Nature: Quiet
Ability: Inner Focus
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: No
Level: 28
IV's: Unknown
Moves: Astonish / Bite / Wing Attack / Confuse Ray
EV's: None
*Note: This is a survivor of my ruby Nuzlocke run. It sounds silly, but treat him with care.

- Girafarig
Nature: Bashful
Ability: Inner Focus
Item: None
Gender: Female
Pokérus: No
Level: 33
IV's: Unown
Moves: Double Hit / Stomp / Assurance / Psybeam
EV's: None

- Hitmonlee
Nature: Bashful
Ability: Limber
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: No
Level: 20
IV's: Unknown
Moves: Revenge / Double Kick / Meditate / Rolling Kick
EV's: Sporadic

- Gengar
Nature: Lax
Ability: Levitate
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: No
Level: 100
IV's: Unknown
Moves: Thunderbolt / Shadow Ball / Curse / Trick Room
EV's: Sporadic

- Serperior
Nature: Modest
Ability: Overgrow
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: Infected
Level: 39
IV's: Unknown
Moves: Leaf Blade / Leaf Tornado / Tackle / Wrap
EV's: Sporadic

- Sceptile (Japanese)
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Overgrow
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: No
Level: 52
IV's: 31/31/31/x/31/31
Moves: Leaf Storm / Dragon Pulse / Rock Slide / Acrobatics
EV's: Unknown

- Porygon-Z "Lord Ducky"
Nature: Calm
Ability: Adaptability
Item: None
Gender: N/A
Pokérus: No
Level: 50
IV's: x/x/x/31/x/x
Moves: Thunderbolt / Tri Attack / Toxic / Recover
EV's: Sporadic

- Glaceon
Nature: Modest
Ability: Snow Cloak
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: Infected
Level: 18
IV's: 31/0/0/31/0/31
Moves: Tackle / Sand Attack / Icy Wind / Quick Attack
EV's: Sporadic

- Espeon
Nature: Modest
Ability: Synchronize
Item: None
Gender: Male
Pokérus: Infected
Level: 18
IV's: 31/0/0/31/0/31
Moves: Tackle / Sand Attack / Baby-Doll Eyes / Swift
EV's: Sporadic
Currently Working On:
-Shiny Buneary (Limber)
-Shiny Perfect* Talonflame
-Other Shiny Perfect* Pokémon
-4-5IV Pokémon
-Any other good offers welcome! I won't demand a legendary or a shiny for a competitive Pokémon, but I won't go trading a 5 or 6 IV Pokemon for a freshly-caught Flabebe or other ComMon.
* Perfect meaning 4-5 IV's of 31 in beneficial slots, a helpful nature, and a good ability.