Gigas takes 6th at the hardest state (Masters w/ list)


We will bury you
Sup guys. This is my Fl regionals masters report. I made it to top 16 at FL states with Holiday Gigas but unfortunately was beaten in top 16. The only chance for me to attend nationals is if my rating hits roughly 1780+. I was at 1725 before regionals and I thought I had a pretty decent shot at getting to 1750 or so, but not 1780-1800.

We got to the hotel and I am pretty excited, to say the least. The hotel lobby is pretty gorgeous. We go to our room and we're like...WHAT? The lobby was a cover up! Anyways, i'm trying to decide over Vilegar with a Blissey tech. or Holiday Gigas. Both are seemingly good options, although I feel that the metagame is heavily stacked against Holiday Gigas. From what I recalled at states, Mewperior, Luxchomp, and Gengar swarmed everywhere. These are all 50-50 to bad matchups for my deck.

The night prior to the event, 8 of us go out to Denny's and eat. I only get a Sprite and just relax a bit, we have a lot of fun and Jose gets me freakin wet with sprinklers all over. It was a lot of fun. Afterwards, Franco and I decide to testplay oevr sleeping. We test until 4 am from 12, only really playing Vilegar and Luxchomp. The Vilegar matchup was incredibly difficult. I had to use all resources and I practically lost every game. I was hopign that I would not run into any Vilegar at the tournament. At 5AM, Franco and I find 2 couches outside of the hotel and fall asleep. I wake up drooling everywhere. Gross. Anyways,

I've played Gigas for almost the whole season, switching to Vilegar for one cities, which I won. With Regigigas I have achieved these;

BRs; 3x top cut, 2x win
Cities; 3x top cut, 1x win
States; Top 16 (11th)
Regionals; Top 8 (6th)

Pokemon: 18
2-2 Regigigas (2 Drag Off)
3-1 Uxie Lv X
1-1 Abomasnow
3 Mesprit
1 Azelf
1 Regice
1 Crobat G
1 Unown Q
1 Relicanth

Trainers: 27
4 Pokemon Collector
3 Sages Training
2 Judge
3 Seeker
2 Twins
1 Black Belt
1 Warp Point
1 Switch
3 Pokemon Rescue
3 Pokemon Communication
3 Expert Belt

Energy: 15
4 Double Colorless
4 Water
4 Fighting
3 Metal

The list I built was originally crafted through Cetra's Pokegym article, although I had cut almost half the deck and crafted it to my own liking. Abomasnow is quite unique but it functions as an aswer to all my bad matchups, including Vile/gar, Machamp, Donphan, Mewtwo, and ERL. I normally just treat it as a second attacker and often go aggro with it. I also had Cyrus Initiative but dropped it in favor of Relicanth. I never got to use Relicanth at states, but Franco Puertas convinced me to keep it in. AFter all, it was a nice SP counter, and many people have caught the trend of playing 2 Unown Q in Vilegar. With a BTS, that's very useful.

Here are the games;

Round 1 vs Daniel T (Lostgar + Machamp)
We start. I flip over Unown Q benched Uxie, and he flips...Machop and Gastly. I am searching for the donk but it's nowhere to be found even though I have Seeker in hand. Instead I start to setup my Gigas. I start taking Prizes and attacking Machokes through Drag Off and he finally sets up a Gengar Prime after about 10 turns. I have 2 prizes left and he plays very slowly. We go into 30+3. Turn 1 I Giga Blaster Gengar Prime, leaving it with 10 HP left. Turn 2 He Q's, drops Uxie for 5, and rips a Machop, Machamp, Rare Candy, Rainbow energy, and Takes out my Active Gigas belted for 2 prizes, leaving him with 1. I don't have anything to respond, Uxie + Black Belt doesn't give me the KO. I lose, and lose about 32 points.

Already I am very discouraged and upset at the loss. I have much more skill than this player and should have won the game. Life goes on...

Round 2 vs ??? (Absol Prime)
He tells me that he is just learning how to play again after 10 years. Flipping over Uxie, I mirror him with an Uxie start. I get a Turn 2 Gigas which is just oevrkill, and KO his Uxie. He promotes Absol Prime and hits me for 90. I knock it out with Giga Blaster and he has nothing on his bench, but he has an Uxie in hand (even though he was powerlocked). I guess he didn't know that I could KO him...

Round 3 vs Alex D (Lostgar + Machamp)
Alex is an awesome player who made top 16 at FL states just a month ago. He flips over Gastly to my Regigigas and I groan. The game is generally very close, I am able to KO his benched pixies and Spiritombs while he is using Seeker to Lost Zone pixies on my bench. I get to 2 prizes and he has 4 with 5 of my Pokemon in the Lost Zone. I use Giga Blaster to KO a Gengar Prime, knowing that he has a Machop in hand. The way he is holding his cards, I can almost assure that the card I want is the one I am choosing. I pull out the Machop and discard it. Very lucky. From there he just plays on but he really has nothing to respond after that. He shows me the Machamp, Rare Candy, Rainbow energy in his hand. Close call. Good game Alex!

Lunch break at KFC is OK. I spend 7 bucks and get a big meal that's a bit too much for me. I give some to Sebastian and am feeling sick after eating it all. We get back to the venue and I fall asleep for 30 minutes. From there, they finally start.

Round 4 vs Ellie P (Tyranitar)

The deck is literally straight Tyranitar. No Uxie at all. I set up very very slowly as she builds up 2 Tyranitar primes on the bench. I am power locking for basically no reason. The only thing I can ithink to do I set up KO's, but she isn't even caring too much. She goes back to Sableye and sets up again. I have the win in my hand via Black Belt, and she slowplays after awhile. Time is called and she finally decides if she's going to attack or not (after 8 minutes). She ALSO tries to take the Sableye that she had benched, and put it back in her deck. Literally syaing "what is this doing here?" I respond saying that it's been benched for 3 turns (she sees that it's a liable drag off KO prize). I don't let her cheat. I am down 3-2 so I have to take a prize. KO benched Larvitar. She brings up a Sableye. I have to be able to avoid the KO fromher benched Tyranitar with SP darks on it or I lose (knowing she has the belt and sp dark in hand) stupidly instead of playing Judge, I just KO the Sableye. She drops it all and signs the slip. This is why I hate swiss.

From this point I want to drop. I just got slowplayed, and also my opponent was not very nice. Also, I am 2-2, what's the chance of me even top cutting? I am really upset here.

Round 5 vs Kenny F (Loxchomp)

Kenny's a cool guy and we are both QQing about how we lost our last games. The game is relatively easy for me, as he plays no counters to Regigigas. I am able to powerlock,s et up turn 2, and just beatdown all of his SP attackers with relative ease. After about 12 turns, I win. Quick game.

Round 6 vs William O Sullivan (Kingdra Prime + Snorlax + Floatzel GL + Lapras)

My round 6 opponent has a big bushy beard, sunglasses, and a hat on. He looks like he's having a great time, and we become friends in a quick minute. He talks about how he donked his last opponent and i'm freaking out, thinking he plays Machamp. He flips Horsea, Snorlax, and Horsea and i'm in the clear. I start Mesprit and luxury ball for Regigigas and attach a DCE. He gets up a quick snorlax and starts harrassing my Mesprit. I finally setup and drag off a horsea for KO. he sets up Floatzel GL and brings up a Kingdra prime. We swing back and forth, exchanging Prizes. We are both seekering and I end up KOing his Snorlax as well. He has me on the ropes, insanely. He gets out his Lapras, and attaches. The floatzel just hurts so bad, as he is able to recover every KO'd kingdra and set it up again. instantly. In the end he belts Floatzel and Giant Waves for 70, leaving my Gigas with 20 HP. I sieze the opportunity and play Black Belt. I drag off Kingdra Prime (belted) for the game.

Round 7 vs Sebastian Inks (Loxchomp)

:(. Me and Sebastian have both went from 2-2 to 4-2. We didn't want to play each other since we're both pretty good friends. When I see the pairing i'm like, whose this kid? He tells me the same thing since we both met each other yesterday. Anyways, the game gets intense as I start with my Uxie to his Sableye. Fearing the donk, I drop Relicanth and attach for 20. he Turn 1 Judges me into Regigigas Lv X, DCE, Water, Abomasnow. I'm screwed. I'm really upset, knowing that i'm going to lose. He poison binds my Relicanth twice with Roserade, and it has 20 HP left. I topdeck a Luxury ball! From there, I get up a Gigas in 2 turns. Down 4-6 in prizes, I need to mount a comeback. I KO his Roserade with Giga Hammer, and then KO his sacrificial pixie. I set up the mesprit lock. He initiatives...double tails. From there, he evolves his Murkrow into Honchkrow and attaches a DCE to it. I am creaming "yes" in my head, knowing that I have a Black Belt in hand. I play the Black Belt down, and (belted) I drag off for 90, and KO his benched Honchkrow! He has no way to respond, and I finish off 2 benchsitters for game.

Finally a record that isn't terrible. Now, I just need to win my last game!

Round 7 vs Allan S (Luxchomp)

I have never seen this kid before but he does flip over 2 Luxrays so I know i'm in for a match. The Luxchomp matchup can be close to 50/50 pending on techs. I have a ridiculously slow start but finally use Collector for the usual Mesprit/Uxie/Gigas and finally start rolling. we trade prizes back and forth. He poisons my Gigas with Roserade, but I just switch, sacrifice active, Giga Hammer. (Everyone's been trying that, WHY?!) Anywho, he decides to use Twins and the prize count is 3-1 me. He grabs Toxicroak Promo and he KOs my active Belted Gigas, making the game closer than it should have. I assume he doesn't play Croak since he got it out so late and don't bother to sacrifice off the 50 damage on my active. I promote Relicanth and attach a fighting, and do 60 to Azelf. He has the game in hand, all he has to do is Poketurn Luxray X, promote his benched luxray, and level up KO. Well, he gets a bit too cocky/excited and ends up forgetting to retreat his Promocroak. Whoops! Leap Away...tails. He is pissed and i'm laughing in my head as my Relicanth is finally used 1/16 games for the win.

Top 32 vs Tim Y (Gyarados)

Both games are fairly easy. I donk the first game after he decides not to drop Uxie (I assume because he doesn't think that I can attach 3 energy in one turn turn 2, but thanks to Regimove and sacrifice I actually can). I KO his active Karp for game 1. Game 2 is a little easier. He gets out Gyarados swinging for a massive 30 as I powerlock him for literally 10 turns. When I hit his Gyarados, and then drop a Crobat G to negate the rescue energy, then seeker and KO his pixie for game, he is quite mad and storms off. Onto top 16 (the following day)

Top 16 vs Ben K (Vilegar)
I assume that I won't make it through top 16. Vilegar is a very difficult matchup. Well, somehow I pull through. Abomasnow is very useful both games. First game I have to force a Fainting spell flip, which ends up being a tails thank god. The prizes are 2-2 as I take an early lead and hold it until late game, but I only have 2 cards left in my deck and need to take 2 prizes. I Black Belt Gigas, drag off the active Blissey, knowing he plays little energy. He has to pass, and the damage is just enough for me to retreat and KO with Uxie with an energy attached. The issue was, I could deckout, and to KO the active Blissey I had to use Uxie or I would deckout, but if I retreated i'd only have 2 energy, not enough to drag off the Azelf with 40 on it for game. The Uxie goes to the bottom and I draw a card, then use the Sage's Training that I chose through my prizes, draw my deck, attach the metal, and KO the Azelf for game 1.

Game 2 is much easier. I am able to keep pretty dominant control of the board via ABomasnow whom I get out Turn 2, and from there I Snow Play for 5 turns straight. he has no answer and I take 3 prizes this way. His Gengar has a rescue but he whiffs energy once again. I drop a Crobat G the following turn to KO his Gengar negating Fainting Spell and the Rescue energy, and he scoops.

Top 8 vs Justin S (Blaziken FB + Garchomp C +Smeargle)
Having already played this deck I feel that I have a pretty good advantage going into it. Game one I draw 4 energy and an Uxie and he disrupts me very well, utilizing Cyrus Initiative and Chatot G to stop me from drawing into what I need. I finally get out a belted Gigas, but it's too late and he takes it via Warp Point.

Game 2 is much easier once again for me. I get a T2 gigas via Luxury Ball setup and never look back. He judges me, and I rejudge him. Somehow, he is left with 0 cards in his hand and scoops. Very good decision and won him the whole top 8 in my opinion.

Game 3 is scary. He gets a solid start, while I once again can't see to draw into anything. He Smeargle's my hand and sees this, goes for Chatot G, and messes with my topdecks or almost 5 turns straight. I dead draw with an active Gigas X, 2 energy attached and belted with a benched snover. He gives me an energy for some reason and I am able to Drag off a Garchomp C for a KO. From there I start rolling but I am still being disrupted bad. I misplay by sacrificing my snover over my uxie with a 2 card hand and a Pokemon rescue! Darn! The game comes down to him using Crobat G's toxic fang, and then next turn using my own Black Belt via Smeargle to KO my active Gigas with Uxie. I can't respond and he takes it. Great games bro!


I can't complain. The flips could've been a little better, the draw could've been a little better, but for me to get to top 8 and place 6th after starting the day 2-2, I am pretty happy to say the least. My points hopefully hit 1800, because that would mean I have a pretty solid chance at Nationals. I have a lot of props to write, so sorry.

First and foremost, Tony B. and family, THANK YOU SO MUCH for everything. You guys brought me in, drove me here, gave me a place to stay, food, and don't understand how much I appreciate it, I am very thankful to have friends like all of you. It was awesome :)

Franco, thanks for the 4 hours of Vilegar testplay. It won me top 16.

Tony B + Family-Too much to list
Jon-Covering my butt and helping me test
Team Miami-You guys rock
Silvestro- Biggest reason i used Gigas basically.
StOrm07- <3 hours hours hours of testing.
Heidi-awesome event
Larry and Danny- Thanks for offering me a ride, very much appreciate but I wasn't allowed to go to GA!
People in general
Regigigas, Tier 1.

Yeah, I really couldn't believe that I didn't draw that psychic energy after the Uxie AND the Looker's. I run 7 Psychic, 3 Rescue, and 3 Warp. It shouldn't have been that hard... Oh well! Great game!

Long live Gigas.

Great job! BTW, how has Sage's Training been working for you?
Best card in the deck. You're usually searching out the metal or X so you can get it easily, plus burn things you don't need.
This is amazing. I frankly believe you've been a big inspiration in helping me run Gigas and get better, and seeing you do so well at Florida Regionals (I've heard many stories about Florida being super difficult), I applaud you. (I can sort of imagine it too, California has a pretty wide meta as well, and pretty much anything goes.)

@Gliscor: I personally think "All Hail Gigas" is more fitting.