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Giratina EX Deck Help!

Neil Tortonesi

Aspiring Trainer
Giratina EX -3
Deino - 3 Drgx
Zwelious - 1 Drgx
Hydreigon - 3 Drgx
Wurmple - 2 Drgx
Beautifly - 2 Drgx
Ho-oh EX - 1
Genesect EX - 1

Pokemon: 16

N - 4
Pro Juniper - 4
Skyla - 2
Colress - 2
Pokemon Catcher - 4
Laser - 4
Rare candy - 4
Virbank - 2
Float Stone - 3
Scramble Switch - 1

Trainers - 28

Blend Energy GFDP - 4
Grass - 4
Psychic - 4
Dark - 4

Energy - 16

Just wondering if this would be competitive at all. And I only have one genesect ex so I'd thought I'd throw him in there. Anyways, please comment for any input you have on this deck list!!! Thanks!!!
Could you elaborate on which sets your Pokemon are from? There are currently several Hydreigon that are in the format.

What exactly is your strategy with the deck?
I'm pretty sure the Hydreigon he is using is the one that lets you move Dark Energies around based on the rest of the deck.

Just wondering if this would be competitive at all.

It really wouldn't. The deck is too slow for the format. If you still wish to pursue the deck, the Trainer line is going to need major work.
Defz3r0 said:
Could you elaborate on which sets your Pokemon are from? There are currently several Hydreigon that are in the format.

What exactly is your strategy with the deck?

Well the hydregion are the dark trans ones, and beautifly is from dragons exalted, and the Deino and zwelious would be from dragons exalted.

King Arceus said:
I'm pretty sure the Hydreigon he is using is the one that lets you move Dark Energies around based on the rest of the deck.

Just wondering if this would be competitive at all.

It really wouldn't. The deck is too slow for the format. If you still wish to pursue the deck, the Trainer line is going to need major work.
I just thought as long as I get the beautifly set up, I could easily get the energy to set up giratina and ho-oh for the next attack. And if I have hydreigon set up, if I had the blend energies on giratina and it was about to be ko'd, I could just dark trans on ho-oh or genesect and float stone retreat. But, if neither one of them is set up, then I would just use scramble switch if any of the EXs that were about to be ko'd. But then again, I guess switch would help if I face snorlax decks.
I can't -- and no one else can -- give you any real advice without some sort of strategy in mind. I assume, however, you mean to set up with Beautifly/Ho-Oh and use Hydra to move the energy to Giratina and start wailing away with his second attack? If this is the case, then I would definitely not run Beautifly. It is just too inconsistent for what the deck's main strategy is. I haven't really thought about Ho-Oh, but without Energy Switch, you cannot get off the Psychic Energy from him after you Rebirth. If you want to run them, I would actually consider running them in their own deck. Simply pile on energy with Beautifly and whomp people's faces in with Ho-Oh. But not in this deck.

So, here's what I would do to make this deck a true Giratina EX deck:

- Dragon Deino (You'll find out why later)
- Beautifly line (4)
- 1 Ho-Oh
- 4 Grass (not needed because of Blends)
- 4 Psychic (same as above)
- 3 Float Stone (You'll find out later, as well)
- 1 Scramble Switch (with Hydra and the lack of other colored energy, this card is useless in this deck)

Free cards: 17

Surprisingly enough, though, you could keep Genesect if you face a lot of Keldeo and you wanted a nice little tech to blow their faces away.

After all of that is said and done, I would do this. Now, bear in mind that this might not work, and this is just an idea that I had, so no guarantees whatsoever that this will be at all playable or consistent, but:

+2 Darkrai EX (For a second attacker and for his Free Retreat Ability. This guy makes Float Stone useless in this deck; he's that good! Plus, these guys are pretty easy to come by, especially since they came out in tins a while back)
+2/2 Altaria line: (Little rogue idea I had. I mean, with two of these out, you can OHKO Deoxys EX and Thundurus EX. You fall a bit short on 180 HPers, but still, that is pretty sweet.)
+3 Dark Energy (Because eight energy in the deck is way too low after you take out the other energy. :p)
+ Dark Deino (Because of the next entry)
+4 Dark Patch (They speed up Dark Energy to Darkrai and the Dark Deino, so you can get set up and start whacking away faster)
+1 Computer Search (Computer Search is just an overall good card. Not only do you discard Dark Energy so you can Dark Patch them, you can search for anything in your deck. Anything. It's that good.)
+3 Sableye (Sableye Junk Hunt is one of those things that makes it a good day to be a Dark Player. Not only do you get to snag those Candies, Catchers, Lasers and whatnot out of the Discard, he's a Dark so you can Dark Patch to him! He has been, and probably will be until all of the Dark Stuff goes out of rotation, one of the most defining cards of the format. Plus, he's cheap as dirt.)

Cards: 17

Total: 60

Hope this helps! :D
For energy acceleration you could use Virizion EX. I do also agree with the Altaria line. In all honesty I think that would be all the Pokemon needed if Giratina is going to be the main attacker, although Sableye would be a good asset because of Giratina discarding cards from the deck and with Dark being on "Giratina's" blend energy it makes it perfect. One Genesect probably wouldn't hurt to have in there for being a back-up attacker.

As for Supporters: four juniper and four N, and I wouldn't use Colress because this deck doesn't seem like it would have a big bench (except for the Alteria line) I would suggest throwing some Skylas in though, three is a good number for her.

Your trainers seem pretty good, although you wouldn't need rare candy anymore and level ball would be a good asset becuase you can search out the Altaria line and the Sableye. Also super rod is good to put grass energies back in the deck for Virizion. I do think Computer Search is the better Ace Spec because it can get you that one card that you need.

Energies I'm not the best at figuring out an appropriate count, but maybe five psychic, five grass, and four GFPD blends (someone correct me if it looks wrong)

Hope this helps :)
WoLf_PaCk said:
For energy acceleration you could use Virizion EX. I do also agree with the Altaria line. In all honesty I think that would be all the Pokemon needed if Giratina is going to be the main attacker, although Sableye would be a good asset because of Giratina discarding cards from the deck and with Dark being on "Giratina's" blend energy it makes it perfect. One Genesect probably wouldn't hurt to have in there for being a back-up attacker.

As for Supporters: four juniper and four N, and I wouldn't use Colress because this deck doesn't seem like it would have a big bench (except for the Alteria line) I would suggest throwing some Skylas in though, three is a good number for her.

Your trainers seem pretty good, although you wouldn't need rare candy anymore and level ball would be a good asset becuase you can search out the Altaria line and the Sableye. Also super rod is good to put grass energies back in the deck for Virizion. I do think Computer Search is the better Ace Spec because it can get you that one card that you need.

Energies I'm not the best at figuring out an appropriate count, but maybe five psychic, five grass, and four GFPD blends (someone correct me if it looks wrong)

Hope this helps :)

Yeah I think you are right on. Thanks. I'll make sure to make some changes since your description is pretty good. Thanks man!
No problem Neil, glad I could help. I realized I never really gave you numbers for each of the cards. Here's the deck list that I would use (and may use in the future):

Pokemon: 12 (Decided to drop the Genesect, but work with it and see if you like it)
3x Giratina EX
2x Virizion EX
2-2 Altaria Line
2x Sableye
1x Absol (to attack Suciune or Siglyph)

Supporters: 11
Juniper: 4
N: 4
Skyla: 3

Items: 23
4x Catcher
3x Laser
3x Ultra Ball
3x Level Ball
2x Float Stone
2x Switch
2x Virbank Gym
2x Super Rod
1x Computer Search/Scramble Switch (whichever one you prefer because Scramble Switch does have advantages)
1x Tool Scrapper

5x Psychic
5x Grass
4x Blend GFPD

I am not a pro tcg player at all, so definitely get some advice from multiple people. But this is the design that I feel is best and would personally like to run myself. Try different cards and get a feel for what you think is best. Good Luck!! :)
WoLf_PaCk said:
No problem Neil, glad I could help. I realized I never really gave you numbers for each of the cards. Here's the deck list that I would use (and may use in the future):

Pokemon: 12 (Decided to drop the Genesect, but work with it and see if you like it)
3x Giratina EX
2x Virizion EX
2-2 Altaria Line
2x Sableye
1x Absol (to attack Suciune or Siglyph)

Supporters: 11
Juniper: 4
N: 4
Skyla: 3

Items: 23
4x Catcher
3x Laser
3x Ultra Ball
3x Level Ball
2x Float Stone
2x Switch
2x Virbank Gym
2x Super Rod
1x Computer Search/Scramble Switch (whichever one you prefer because Scramble Switch does have advantages)
1x Tool Scrapper

5x Psychic
5x Grass
4x Blend GFPD

I am not a pro tcg player at all, so definitely get some advice from multiple people. But this is the design that I feel is best and would personally like to run myself. Try different cards and get a feel for what you think is best. Good Luck!! :)

Hey bud, just wanted to give you a heads up- from what I've been reading, Giratina EX's first attack ignores Safeguard. You don't really need Absol.