Giratina X?


I've been looking at this card for a while as a potential candidate to use with Lost World, but I'm not quite sure how to make it work. I'd definitely be using the Strafe Giratina ( for the ability to retreat somewhat, and I think I'd use Honchkrow SV to get some easy KOs on Magikarps and Hoppips as well as dealing with Machamp and Mewtwo. Is there anything else I could use with this to turn it into a good combo?

EDIT: Giratina X
I guess PGX to free up bench space, Level max, and lost world would all pair togher effictvily in a deck :/ but it would be up to you to make it work, and PLZ add a scan of Giratina X so others can see it
Palkia G X seems like it might be starting to clunk up the deck a bit, not to mention it'd be a little harder as they'd probably chose to send their near death Pokemon with Lost Cyclone, preventing me from getting my KOs. Another option that came to my mind was Honchkrow G; it can hit past Umbreon, as well as setting up pixies and other bench sitters for a KO the next turn. I may try a variant of Sablelock using Giratina rather than Garchomp with the goal of disrupting the opponent long enough to set up for a slew of KOs with Giratina. I'll try to win the game with six prizes but have a couple of teched Lost Worlds just in case they end up becoming necessary. Does it sound like an okay idea?
IDK TBH but the main theroy with my Idea was to try to leave the opponent stranded with minimal resources (via Giratina let lose and mesprit, chatot G etc) which can be lost cycloned and Giratina X FORCES your opponent to discard 1 to attack, and you can use honchkrow to attack/pull back basics and eventually you will have either lost zoned enough via Giratina and Palkia, or Koed enough Via honchkrow and Giratina to win
You need a dark-type counter. So many people will be running Umbreon/Mandibuzz/(insert dark-type that counters LostGar here) that it will be a huge threat to your success.
The best cards for counters would probably be fighting-type, although Mandibuzz having a resistance to that hurts a lot. If you want a good counter, you should test the waters a bit. If Umbreon/Absol are getting popular, Machamp SF or Relicanth would be good as counters; but if Mandibuzz becomes big, Luxray GL LV.X might be a good idea to include (can't think of many other Lightning-types off the top of my head), and could help in many matchups.
...what is Madibuzz?

Maybe Gallade 4 X and lots of Crobat G's could help. One tech could be Vileplume to shut off SSU and Poketurn.
I don't think Vileplume would help him as much, since level max and premier ball are big in getting out a lv X card.
you will definitely need some DCE, that's really the only way to run tina X.

another good partner would be Metagross UL because it makes poke's with psychic energy have a 0 retreat cost and also has an OK spread attack to make tina get more KO's on it's spread attack, Tina has a rather large retreat as well so the pokebody is awesome for Giratina.

Snow point to bump you up to 150 HP and maybe an expert belt for 170 HP and then it'll do 50 damage to the active and 30 to each benched. you'll have a higher probability to have a KO on their active if you expert belt and plus power it. unfortunately, there isn't a way for Tina X's bench damage to be increased, so there is a big draw back.

as far as disruption cards go, I recommend Ambipom TM cuz it messes with their hand and can OHKO a Garchomp C X.
Rocket's trickery for draw and hand disruption.
and cyrus's initiative. all these cards will help with Giratina's Poke-body. and maybe some mesprint drops to stop Uxie's Setup.
OR you can run multiple ambipom G who can also one shot Garchomp C X and hand disrupt, then you can power spray an Uxie's setup or Gengar X's level down.

it'll probably be clunky since deck space will be used up by energy. =/
i hate to turn this into a LostGar deck buuuut. gengar prime with gengar x. your tina gets KOed send in gengar x with prime underneath to finish up the rest of there bench with compound pain. of course you could just have multiple giratina x.......ya....go with that....
Alright, so after thinking this over for a while I think I have a good Pokemon list going... however I'm not sure on a couple things.

3 Honchkrow G
3-1 or 2-2 Giratina X (Which Giratina?)
2-1 or 3-1 or 2-2 Palkia G X ?
2-2 Honchkrow SV
3 Mesprit LA
1 Unown Q
1 Chatot G
2 Crobat G
1 Ambipom G

Strategy would be to hope for a Honchkrow start, begin to gather TGIs in the hand to spray key things while powering up a Giratina on the bench. Once they fill up their bench drop the Palkia G to start LZing things, then send up Giratina to attack until the game's over basically, with techs helping against certain cards.
do the strafe giratina. just in case you start with it you can attack and then retreat to the bench for free. its the uhhh oh...there are 4 in platinum...well the one with strafe (why do we need 4 of the same pokemon in a set?)
@ catutie, I use my giratina different than most. it sits on the bench unless I can KO at least 2 pokemon with its attack.
I actually use my glaceon lv X as the attacker in my deck so gengar X won't be able to level down. I also switched out ambipom in favor of Slowking. control their topdeck, glace+tina lets me reduce damage done to all my pokemon, force the opponent to discard multiple cards a turn, even one their turn in order to attack. it turns into a total lock if you don't know what I'm doing. once u know what's up, it's too late. you have no hand, you have no way to refresh it, and I'm still hitting you for 50 a turn + paralysis. I know 50 isn't much, but when you can only attack every (at best) other turn, it's enough, or 70 + 20 to each bench if I can top deck something useless.

there are ALOT of ways to use tina. (I also use the LA as the base so I can maybe prevent attacks done to me before it's leveled up or do 50+ if I have to) but I think I found the most annoying combo
^i said if you start with a giratina. use the strafe one so that you arnt stuck with a retreat of 3. if you already have 3 on him might as well lvl x him and keep him out.
One idea i had with Giratina X is to use cards to disrupt your opponent's hand and make it so they have less cards (Weavile UD. Iniative, TRT) and either really disrupt them, or try to get invulnerabilty.
Use Promo Gliscor (Cutting Turn), Cyclone Energy, and Giratina X to get multiple Pokes in the Lost Zone.

I'm running a Giratina/Gengar spread/snipe deck with an emphasis on gengar and it is performing decently well. It is not a lostgar deck, and the lost zone is simply a 2nd way to win, not the primary. Giratina and Gengar can both do good damage, and they spread just as well. Personally, I prefer the Let Loose Giratina so I can get some straight damage instead of just spread if I need it. Also the pokebody is essentially a free Judge, which is always annoying to your opponent.
I'm glad that someone has done this - I used to use this until the HS series, but now that the Lost World has returned I'll use it again. Potentially, you could pair it with Gengar X and Gengar Prime. You could have Giritina X up, use Darkness Lost, then on the next turn Strafe and retreat for Gengar X. Use Compound Pain - that's 60 damage to each Pokemon altogether except the active, which it does 80 to altogether (presuming that they don't retreat), then retreat for free and Darkness Lost to almost guarantee a win if you're using Lost World. Other uses with these two are Hurl Into Darkness (Gengar Prime) and Cursed Drop (Gengar Prime) to go the extra mile in using the Lost World to win you the game. However, I do realise the disadvantages (Absol Prime is paired against you and uses the x2 weakness to beat you with Vicious Claw etc.)
Isn't this a bit slow? You're only getting in 1 attack that KOs a Pokémon every 2 turns. Sure, sometimes you'll get multiple Pokes, but for a large majority of the turns, your opponent can evolve/heal/SSU/Retreat+Seeker so you don't get a prize.
It's alright; I'm just not sure it's too viable.