Girl problems

Charizard88 said:
Krucifire that song is not sotheing so I don't think that will help much.

Muahahahaha. Did you read the title? That was the subtle hint I was trying to drop. Nonetheless, Nightwish FTW!

Dude, your a kid, enjoy it while you can, once you grow up, life sucks. Have fun, don't be worrying about meeting parents and all that just yet.
Wow PMJ that was really deep, you too mitchell. Funny the same person who gave me some of the best advice (Mitchell) Is also the same name as this really mean kid who torments me. I guess, well I guess this is kind of solved, but don't lock it yet. The day after tomorrow I leave to visit my girlfriend...I still don't know what to do though. Oh yeah and coin-flipping never works for me because I like Heads more than Tails, so then I'd have to flip for who's heads, then I'd have to flip again :p. But yea so please leave this open if you want, but more of me is leaning torwards the girl far away.