Ruling Giving prize cards

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Aspiring Trainer
I am new to the game and I am considerably confused by two cards and their effects. The two cards are Regigigas Lv.X and Palkia G Lv.X These two cards require sending one of your cards to the discard pile, and palkia does your opponents as well. The confusion comes in with the prize cards.

If somebody uses sacrifice with Regi does that mean the opponent gets a prize card?

If I use Palkia Gs power to send some of mine and my opponents cards to the discard pile, do we get any prize cards for this?

If there is any wording that I should look at on the card to make these exceptions and for future cards, please point it out to me.

Thank you for and all comments.
crazedjustice888 said:
I am new to the game and I am considerably confused by two cards and their effects. The two cards are Regigigas Lv.X and Palkia G Lv.X These two cards require sending one of your cards to the discard pile, and palkia does your opponents as well. The confusion comes in with the prize cards.
Don't worry. I'll get through the rulings with you.

If somebody uses sacrifice with Regi does that mean the opponent gets a prize card?
Yes. If you read Gigas LV.X's power, it specifically states that the selected Pokemon is "Knocked Out," resulting in a prize being taken.

If I use Palkia Gs power to send some of mine and my opponents cards to the discard pile, do we get any prize cards for this?
No. They are only sent to the Lost Zone, but are not Knocked Out.

If there is any wording that I should look at on the card to make these exceptions and for future cards, please point it out to me.
If it tells you that the selected Pokemon will be Knocked out, then a prize will be taken. If not, then no.

Thank you for and all comments.
Zyflair said:
crazedjustice888 said:
I am new to the game and I am considerably confused by two cards and their effects. The two cards are Regigigas Lv.X and Palkia G Lv.X These two cards require sending one of your cards to the discard pile, and palkia does your opponents as well. The confusion comes in with the prize cards.
Don't worry. I'll get through the rulings with you.

If somebody uses sacrifice with Regi does that mean the opponent gets a prize card?
Yes. If you read Gigas LV.X's power, it specifically states that the selected Pokemon is "Knocked Out," resulting in a prize being taken.

If I use Palkia Gs power to send some of mine and my opponents cards to the discard pile, do we get any prize cards for this?
No. They are only sent to the Lost Zone, but are not Knocked Out.

If there is any wording that I should look at on the card to make these exceptions and for future cards, please point it out to me.
If it tells you that the selected Pokemon will be Knocked out, then a prize will be taken. If not, then no.

Thank you for and all comments.

Thank you so much, I am now one step closer to grasping this game.

thnx, although my friend still says that i can't get a prize card whenever he uses sacrifice. just a question is there something like this in a official pokemon website?
Go to the compendium.

The Compendium said:
Lost Cyclone
Q. If Palkia-G Lv.X uses its "Lost Cyclone" Poke-POWER to put one or more of my benched Pokemon into the Lost Zone, do those Pokemon count as being KO'd and the opponent takes a prize for each one?
A. No, they do not. (Apr 2, 2009 PUI Rules Team)

The Compendium said:
Q. If I use Regigigas Lv.X's "Sacrifice" Poke-POWER but there are no Basic Energy in the discard pile, can I still remove 8 damage counters?
A. Yes, you can. (Dec 4, 2008 PUI Rules Team)

Q. Can I use Regigigas Lv.X's "Sacrifice" Poke-POWER and choose to knock itself out?
A. Yes, it can knock itself out with Sacrifice; but you would not be able to do anything with the energy since Regigigas Lv.X is no longer in play. (Dec 4, 2008 PUI Rules Team)

Q. If I use Regigigas Lv.X's "Sacrifice" Poke-POWER to Knock Out one of my Pokemon with energy attached to it, may I attach some of that energy from the discard pile to Regigigas Lv.X for the second part of the "Sacrifice" Poke-POWER?
A. Yes, you can. (Feb 12, 2009 PUI Rules Team)

Q. For Regigigas Lv.X's "Sacrifice" Poke-POWER, do I have to attach at least one energy from the discard pile if there are any, or can I choose to attach no energy if I want?
A. It does not say "you may", so you must attach at least one energy if you are able. (Feb 12, 2009 PUI Rules Team)

~professor dragonexpert
MewEX said:
thnx, although my friend still says that I can't get a prize card whenever he uses sacrifice. just a question is there something like this in a official pokemon website?

If he reads the card, it specifically says "Knocks Out". You ALWAYS get a prize card for Knocking Out, unless specifically stated NOT (Ex: Weezing RR).
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