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Standard Glaceon/Greninja-GX


Aspiring Trainer
Pokémon - 21

* 4 Eevee SUM 101
* 1 Tapu Lele-GX GRI 60
* 4 Froakie FLI 22
* 1 Volcanion {*} FLI 31
* 4 Frogadier FLI 23
* 3 Glaceon-GX UPR 39
* 4 Greninja-GX FLI 120

Trainer Cards - 28

* 3 Aqua Patch GRI 119
* 1 Rescue Stretcher GRI 130
* 2 Professor Sycamore BKP 107
* 2 N PR-BLW BW100
* 1 Crasher Wake FLI 129
* 1 Acerola BUS 112
* 4 Cynthia UPR 119
* 3 Guzma BUS 115
* 1 Pal Pad FLF 92
* 1 Brigette BKT 161
* 4 Ultra Ball SUM 135
* 3 Choice Band GRI 121
* 2 Float Stone BKT 137

Energy - 11

* 4 Double Colorless Energy FCO 114
* 7 Water Energy XYEnergy 9

This is an idea that a lot of people had when Greninja-GX was revealed and I pulled three tradelocked ones so I figured that I was obligated to try to make an online list from them. It works well in some matchups despite some consistency issues, especially against Zoroark but it feels like it has issues with Buzzwole. Considering including a Mewtwo EVO as a way to help that matchup. Thoughts? Any inclusions/potential techs I'm missing?
I would advice to experiment with adding Devolution sprays.
Since your goal in to consistenly have Glaceon as active pokemon to block abilities, you wouldnt have much use of Greninja`s on your bench. But once they`re there you would like to get maximum profit of them, so try those Devilution Sprays.

I myself experiment with Zoroark/Greninja deck. Maybe some time later i will try Glaceon or Ninetails Variant.

BTW, Volcanion here looks nice, may help you in some moments.
but really i feel like Greninja-GX need some more serious ability support from the bench, tooo low damage.
If I were to do that I'd use super scoop ups like people did with Bats decks back in the day since they let you go all of the way back to Froakie and use both Frogadier and Greninja's abilities. My gameplan so far has been to switch to Greninja after softening opponents up with Glaceon. Its attack shuffles it and all cards attached to it back into the deck which is another way to recycle it. If I can aqua patch a water energy onto it I can do this pretty reliably.

The only reason I don't use super scoop up is because it's already kind of a tight list and I don't want to drop my Eevee count.
But is Super scoop really better?
First, it depends on icon flip. Otherwise you could use Acerola, but it takes your once-a-turn-trainer opportunity.
Second, it completely removes pokemon from bench and who knows when again you will put him out of deck?

For the second part You can't just shuffle you attacker to deck if you have not prepared another Greninja on bench, or your Glaceon is too much damaged
@Kietharr yo! I've been messing with 4 Devo sprays and 2 Super Scoop Ups in my deck. And must saythat because of them deck was inconsistent. It created 6 item in rotation which you wasnt sure - discard completely or save for later. So i dropped it from deck. Replaced with 2 Acerola and 4 ultra balls
Yeah, that was my main concern with devoting items to reuse of abilities, I tested with scoop ups but like I said, made very dire consistency sacrifices for them especially considering they're flip based, and devo sprays only let you partially reuse a frog which I figured wouldn't be very relevant. I might try to squeeze in another Acerola because I find it's really good both for doing stuff like scooping a hurt Glaceon, then taking the DCE, dropping it on a Greninja then using its GX to kill something on the bench.

30 (frost bullet)+20 (frogadier)+30 (greninja) +130 (greninja's gx move) = 210, so the math is perfect for sniping a benched Zoroark, then Greninja tanks a hit, hopefully I have an energy down already and can then shuffle it back in or Acerola it. I almost want to up my patch count too because it feels extremely key for this deck.
4 Aqua Patch is absolutely crutial in a deck like this (or any other water deck for that matter). My decklist is pretty similar to yours, but I threw in a Shadow Stitching Greninja and a Greninja BREAK to help with adding more damage (and for any Hoopas running around)