Glaceon MD Partner?


Aspiring Trainer
Anyone know of a good partner to pair Glaceon MD with. This will most likely be just a league deck, so it doesn't need to be meta-breaking or anything like that. I was thinking something along the lines of Umbreon UD to create a sort of lock deck. LMK what you think!

I've heard Glaceon variants that also run Vileplume. Using Glaceon Lv.X and Vileplume, you can lock both Trainers and Powers. Players also use Glaceon RR for disruption/less damage. Problem is, the deck has a very hard time against Dialga G. They hit you for weakness and lock your Bodies.
^What bodies? I've got none in this deck. If I go the Eeveelutions route, I'll have the "Undevelop" powers from RR Jolteon/Flareon, but that's about it. If I ran Glaceon Lv. X that'd probably be my only body, but that card is still commanding a premium I'm not willing to pay.

**Edit: Ok so maybe "Evolution Memories" if i choose to include Espeon Prime. I was looking at cards and that one seemed like a good one. The other thing is that this will most likely be just a league deck used to teach the younger kids, and to loan to kids who don't have their own decks or possibly forgot them. I'm hosting league next week at my local game store so I want to have a trainer deck to use.**
Vileplume and Glaceon's Poke Body. You were asking for ideas, so I suggested Glaceplume, which has problems against Dialga G.

For a league deck to teach younger kids, then I'd definitely try out an Eeveelutions deck to teach them about weaknesses, resistance, evolution, etc. (also since everyone loves Eeveelutions). I could see you using Espeon/Umbreon/Glaceon, to prevent damage and hit 80 damage (assuming Belt is attached).
You'll just have to know that BTS is a staple in the Undevelop deck style pretty much, so you can devolve, then evolve into something else, to take advantage of the second attack of each. (Otherwise you have to wait a turn, every time.) Umbreon MD's also a great card to have as well, since it zeroes out all of your retreat AND weakness. Espeon Prime...meh. It's okay but it reminds me a lot of Arceus, but with none of the fluidity.

Umbreon Prime and the UD Eeveelutions (save Umbreon) are not really worth running in the deck, as they don't have as much potential as counterparts within their species. And yes, try and run as many Eevee MD (Call for Family) as possible. I think 3 MD and 1 RR (Signs of Evolution) would probably be best.

Just my thoughts.
You're correct about the UD Eeveelutions, as I definately won't be running them in this deck. Funny thing is, I kinda had the idea to make this deck into a "poor mans Arceus" deck from the beginning. Obviously Arceus is better, but it also takes a lot more time and resources to master, which I currently don't have. So this will have to do for now.

As far as BTS goes, It's not COMPLETELY necessary. You just Undevelop, and re-evolve to a different Eevee that's already on the bench, provided you have one. Yes, BTS makes this so much easier, but I'm completely out of copies and some online retailers are selling them for as much as 12 bucks a piece! Needless to say I don't require them THAT badly.

I've got several copies of Umbreon MD already and will most likely run 2 Umbreon UD/1 Umbreon MD. Free retreat and no weak are definitely nice attributes to have! Also, I believe Espeon Prime is necessary so Donphan/Machamp don't completely Stolen/pillage/destroy this deck. Plus I'm going to run Rainbow especially for it and being able to hit Donphan/Scizor for a consistant 60 dmg(80 with belt) both bypassing Exoskeleton on Donphan, and Special {M} energy/resistance on Scizor are just too fun.

As far as Eevee's go, I run 2 MD and 2 RR. I believe that RR is much better due to the ability to grab the exact 2 Eeveelutions you need to counter whatever it is you're playing against. I run 2 MD because I'm not going to run Collector in this deck(again, no spare copies) and since Dual Ball is very flippy(my Collector substitute...not a very good one but yeah well you know....) I can't always rely on it getting my basics out.
I've tinkered around with Glaceon and it really isn't that bad. It has a decent time with most decks, though DiaglaChomp just really wrecks this deck to no absolute degree possible. Glaceon/Vileplume/Spiritomb w/ eeveelutions techs may work, though as I stated, you're DiaglaChomp is horrid (about 20-80 at best).
I got my glaceon lv X off of ebay in August for $14.. I think it dropped so low cuz this is the last year to run MD. I combo it with glaceon RR and Giratina lv X. Force the opponent to discard or be paralyzed, then force another discard in order for them to attack. Espeon to add 20 hp, and having glaceon lv X be the active, to kill off any uxie setups. Too bad DGX kills the combo more or less.

but glaceon X is amazing in the current format. No need to mesprint drop.