BW/BW2 Gleafy Trade Stall

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RE: Gleafy Trade Stall (March 26 Update)

CML for these please.

UT Shiny Beast Event Zoroark

Plenty of Druddigons

Plenty of Cryogonals
I'd like an UT of each.
RE: Gleafy Trade Stall (March 26 Update)

sheesh why is it no1 on this forum has a ditto for trade to a noob :l
RE: Gleafy Trade Stall (March 26 Update)

I've changed my mind about the drudiggon, so I only want the 2 below. I'll give you a shiny bidoof / bibarel for them once I find their nature.

UT Shiny Beast Event Zoroark

Plenty of Cryogonals
RE: Gleafy Trade Stall (March 26 Update)

Lillipup was skipped and can you CML for Oshawott and Thundorous
RE: Gleafy Trade Stall (March 26 Update)

Lillipup was skipped AGIAN and I was skipped as well
RE: Gleafy Trade Stall (March 26 Update)

Number 1:I replied to Lillipup in your Trade Thread about the trade,wich really wasnt a trade since I have no Tornadus >_>
Number 2:I replied in your trade thread about the Oshawott-ish trade-ish
Number 3:Beisdes,Lillipup hasnt posted anything...

Not being mean,just telling you
RE: Gleafy Trade Stall (March 26 Update)

Gleafeon: could we hold that trade? I'm at my moms, and I don't have wi-fi here. :( I won't go back to my dads (with wi-fi) until Sunday. Could we do it then? Sorry for the huge holdup! :(
RE: Gleafy Trade Stall (March 26 Update)

Gleafeon: I see that you need someone to clone. I can clone pokemon for you in Diamond, if you'd like, with my action replay.
RE: Gleafy Trade Stall (March 26 Update)

I'll give you a Shiny Bidoof (Male) For the 2 pokemon I would like (See above).

I need to trade ASAP, but it's not urgent.
RE: Gleafy Trade Stall (March 26 Update)

@Ilovemypikachu I need cloning services on Black and White at the moment,but thanks for your offer! :)

@Pokemon99 Can you Poketransfer now?If yes,then lets trade. :p
RE: Gleafy Trade Stall (March 26 Update)

Not now. I'm doing homework.

I was thinking Saturday morning.
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