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Gliscor - Blaziken - Vileplume (Masters / BR)


Stray Dog Strut
4 Spiritomb
4-3-1 Gliscor Lv X
2-2-2 Vileplume
2-2 Blaziken FB X
1-1-1 Machamp
2-1 Uxie Lv. X
1 Azelf
1 Unown Q

3 Pokemon Collector
4 Bebe Search
2 Copycat
2 Cynthia's Guidance
1 Palmer

4 Fire Energy
2 Fighting Energy
4 Call Energy
2 Warp

Strategy: Using the old Para-lock strategy with Gliscor X except with Vileplume in the mix. Blaziken is for OHKOing Pokemon after burning poison so I can keep ahead in prizes until time is called, Blaziken also makes for a good disruptor if I don't get the lock going right away with tomb. I don't know about the Machamp line though I stuck it in there just because I had no clue what else to put there, any advise or suggestions?
Well.. since you play 2-2 blaziken fb maybe you could play cyrus's conspiracy? (and other sp stuff) It would speed things up a bit, at least for blaziken. But i don't know how good it would work in a deck around gliscor.

I guess the Cyrus would work for getting Energy and key Supporters for next turn out but the SP trainers would not be that helpful since Vileplume would have a constant trainer lock through the whole game.
You don't need the Machamp. SP's main advantage is Power Spray, and 'Plume kills that. Of course, they can Level Up to remove Paralysis, but you lock their PokeTurns, so they can only do that 4 times. -1-1-1 Champ, +3 Pokemon Communication, to make your Pre-Vileplume setup faster.