Gliscor + Vileplume?


Aspiring Trainer
I need to build a Glisplume deck before BR's, and I want to combine Gliscor with Vileplume. here is what I have so far:

3-3-1 Gliscor (LA? UD? Promo?)
2-2-2 Vileplume UD
4 Spiritomb AR
2 Uxie LA

I was thinking of the UD Gliscor, but I don't know if that works in a deck like this. I also thought about the Promo Gliscor, but he's flippy. Gliscor LA might be good, but I don't have any. Please help me on that.

I need T/S/S, so any help on that is appreciated. Any other tech cards are welcome as well. Just let me know!

Thanks for this, I really want to pull this together for BR's. Please help!

Vileplume UD
Gliscor UD
Gliscor LA
Promo Gliscor
Spiritomb AR
run 4 unown r for draw power. uxie/uxie x
azelf incase gliscor x is prrized, maybe rotom ud
ssu bts
hunter when it comes out.
hope this helps
If you can afford to buy the Regigigas theme deck, it has Gliscor LA's from it. But buying singles online is cheaper for Gliscor. IMO, go straight LA. The Promo is flippy. It is an instant KO if you do get the heads and Poison, but if you don't then Gliscor is stuck if you didn't Paralyze. The UD doesn't work if your opponent has damage on it, so it's really one-Paralyze (of course, taking Poke Turn and Garchomp C as a factor, the UD could probably help a bit).
IMO, running 3 Gliscor LA is still better assuming you're running a Glistomb strategy. It ensures that you'll always have your Gliscor LA, not some other Gliscor.
you may also want to tech in a 1-1 shedinja line as another bouncer, in case your power gets stopped somehow.
i actually made a gliscor UD deck with Muk from UD and Hypno hgss

similar strategy, paralyze with gliscor, then go for the poison and sleep on your next turn. this usually takes out most stage 1's. i also use a few plus powers just to guarantee the KO.
if opponent survives gliscor, then i finish with muk, doing 80 dmg since they are either still poisoned or you put them to sleep with hypno.