Global PokedeX Plus

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Joeypals, you said that the breeding message disappearing was good. Could you explain how?
Not really except that you should have no problems as long as you leave the pokemon alone.
I've been leaving them alone and the message comes and goes but I never see an egg.
Then I have no clue then.
My Failure list:
Togepi: 8 released
Riolu: 3 released
Minun, Bidoof, and Munchlax: 2 released
Mawile, Tentacool, Piplup, Slugma, and Remoraid: 1 released
The cost of seeing these: Priceless. :D
lol no the cost is $0.005 thats right, half a cent.

joey, you fail at grammar. if you say "then" once, you dont have to say it again.
Sonicyellow, they're both fairy.
I know what it is now. Any Pokemon that are ready to have an egg will have an egg appear between the 12th and 20th minutes of every hour.
Same here. I am quite curious. Now, on a side note, my BIG list of people I am done with.
cool kid master555 [2/6], gazza123 [1/2], Theta Sigma [10/5], Roli [4/2], Joeypals [18/18], Crimson Tiger [5/3], Hamlet [3/3], Tobii [14/5], Hakatchi [3/4], Mooke4 [3/5], WildSoul [3/2], Wulphy [6/4], Nico di Angelo [5/5], Honouguma [10/11], NyaoNeko [6/6], lello [3/5], Rinme [1/5], Geek [2/5], zefster [3/6], EienCafe [2/7], CassieStarFox [3/6], dever [3/5], Late [9/5], Moeru [3/2], BladeKuroda [8/7], Alaylith [3/7], Zerxer [1/7], Delicious Pudding [6/6], User 48080 [7/8], Betty [6/4], Chenna [6/7], rabidwolf9 [6/8], VeveKun [6/5], 21coolkid12 [10/7], Silver Simplicity [6/9], Cielo [6/10], Ippikiookami [6/4], Tollero [6/6], Mroczne Kicie [5/6], ToffeeT [6/9], RamTheDragon [6/5], Lexiel [6/7], Serendipity515 [6/11], Halleton [6/6], Patrick I [5/5], Silverdrak [6/7], TeeTop [6/10], averagerasin27 [1/6], severus [1/4], Night Dove [5/6], cute swinub [4/8], Mr Incognito [1/9], Jack Jack [7/10], KiD MiCro [5/5], zami [5/8], Reneeeeee [1/6], junkboat [6/7], A F U G [5/3], mgraczyk [5/5], Spin [7/6], BlackPearl77 [5/5], Nasuada [5/4], Espenkun [5/8], John102 [5/9], Khaos44 [2/6], imnotahick [5/10], petrus [1/5], nacha [7/9], Tsunake [6/6], Tsaka [6/8], Zaki [6/7], Eleuthera [6/5], Drake Flyte [6/12], BlaineMuffin [7/8], Gold The Breeder [6/5], Ztarz [6/8], Alhena [2/11], ToKoMa [8/7], Mogtaki [6/7], Kagamine [7/11], Chwanita [7/11], Squee [6/7], Lina17 [1/5], crazyloser [5/11], Morgis [5/12], Kyske [5/11], ShadowBug [5/5], narcotic [4/6], Shiny Scavenger [5/4], Wizboy777 [5/9], Lightning34 [1/6], Ranahanahanahan [5/7], iiKali [5/3], DrMcCoy [5/5], Harmonious [7/8], Kbman [3/7], Feath3r [5/5], Roxtus [5/5], isayrawr [6/8], tailzfoxy96 [6/7], Cheesestrip [1/6], King Gumball [5/8], ShatteredGlass [5/9], Theory [5/5], SigmaJargon [5/0], eddiexelite [5/5], iGoops [5/6], Black Ice [5/6], ShayDwight [5/4], Plap [6/5], Tashna [5/5], kiki3321 [5/5], JosiePika [3/2], Imposibibble [5/5], Vanika Conchita [5/5], Darth Mommy [5/6], Solaris11 [1/6], psycochick32 [1/6], Mamanator [6/6]
All of these people are people that I have clicked every pokemon/egg in their party.
Did I get a clicker or feeder thing yet? Please check, because I am up to my hair in mass clicking right now.
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