Same here. I am quite curious. Now, on a side note, my BIG list of people I am done with.
cool kid master555 [2/6], gazza123 [1/2], Theta Sigma [10/5], Roli [4/2], Joeypals [18/18], Crimson Tiger [5/3], Hamlet [3/3], Tobii [14/5], Hakatchi [3/4], Mooke4 [3/5], WildSoul [3/2], Wulphy [6/4], Nico di Angelo [5/5], Honouguma [10/11], NyaoNeko [6/6], lello [3/5], Rinme [1/5], Geek [2/5], zefster [3/6], EienCafe [2/7], CassieStarFox [3/6], dever [3/5], Late [9/5], Moeru [3/2], BladeKuroda [8/7], Alaylith [3/7], Zerxer [1/7], Delicious Pudding [6/6], User 48080 [7/8], Betty [6/4], Chenna [6/7], rabidwolf9 [6/8], VeveKun [6/5], 21coolkid12 [10/7], Silver Simplicity [6/9], Cielo [6/10], Ippikiookami [6/4], Tollero [6/6], Mroczne Kicie [5/6], ToffeeT [6/9], RamTheDragon [6/5], Lexiel [6/7], Serendipity515 [6/11], Halleton [6/6], Patrick I [5/5], Silverdrak [6/7], TeeTop [6/10], averagerasin27 [1/6], severus [1/4], Night Dove [5/6], cute swinub [4/8], Mr Incognito [1/9], Jack Jack [7/10], KiD MiCro [5/5], zami [5/8], Reneeeeee [1/6], junkboat [6/7], A F U G [5/3], mgraczyk [5/5], Spin [7/6], BlackPearl77 [5/5], Nasuada [5/4], Espenkun [5/8], John102 [5/9], Khaos44 [2/6], imnotahick [5/10], petrus [1/5], nacha [7/9], Tsunake [6/6], Tsaka [6/8], Zaki [6/7], Eleuthera [6/5], Drake Flyte [6/12], BlaineMuffin [7/8], Gold The Breeder [6/5], Ztarz [6/8], Alhena [2/11], ToKoMa [8/7], Mogtaki [6/7], Kagamine [7/11], Chwanita [7/11], Squee [6/7], Lina17 [1/5], crazyloser [5/11], Morgis [5/12], Kyske [5/11], ShadowBug [5/5], narcotic [4/6], Shiny Scavenger [5/4], Wizboy777 [5/9], Lightning34 [1/6], Ranahanahanahan [5/7], iiKali [5/3], DrMcCoy [5/5], Harmonious [7/8], Kbman [3/7], Feath3r [5/5], Roxtus [5/5], isayrawr [6/8], tailzfoxy96 [6/7], Cheesestrip [1/6], King Gumball [5/8], ShatteredGlass [5/9], Theory [5/5], SigmaJargon [5/0], eddiexelite [5/5], iGoops [5/6], Black Ice [5/6], ShayDwight [5/4], Plap [6/5], Tashna [5/5], kiki3321 [5/5], JosiePika [3/2], Imposibibble [5/5], Vanika Conchita [5/5], Darth Mommy [5/6], Solaris11 [1/6], psycochick32 [1/6], Mamanator [6/6]
All of these people are people that I have clicked every pokemon/egg in their party.