DPPt/HGSS global trading centre♪ shines and events♪

That's a good question. I never found that out. I just ask him to look at my thread. btw Where do you get those avatars? I see them going around but never knew where they came from.
You posted on someone else's thread that one of the Jirachis was from the GTS. I'm assuming it's not the one you traded me?
My: Shiny (Biteing-Thunder/Fire/Ice Fang & Bite/Crunch)
Your: Shiny 10th anvi Raikou.
Light Venusaur said:
^Look on my Wi-Fi thread. (Under the out-dated shinines banner).

Shiny 10aniv Raikou any of these shiny pokemon

Porygon-Z Timid Nature Level 100
Machamp(male) Mild Nature level 51
Medicham(male) Calm Nature level 37
Metagross Bashful Nature Level 55
Azelf Lonely Nature Ut