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Go-oh (Gallade/Ho-ohEX)


So, I am testing various decks for states and this is one in the early stages that I believe can prove as a great threat (5-3 in testing so far).

4 Ralts (PS)
1 Kirlia (PS)
4 Gallade (PS)
3 Ho-ohEX (DRE)
4 Durant (PS --- Call of Backup)

4 Double Colorless
4 Plasma
1 Psychic
1 Fire
1 Lightning
1 Water
1 Grass
1 Metal

4 Rare Candy
4 Pokemon Catcher
3 Bianca
4 Professor Juniper
4 Ultra Ball
3 N
3 Skyla
1 Bicycle
2 Colress Machine
1 Computer Search
1 Switch

Strategy: Use Ho-ohEX to power up Gallades 1st attack. Pretty simple.

Quick notes:
~I use Durant because IMO it is the best non-ex Plasma Pokemon we have available at the moment. I use it as a semi-starter and a way to get quick energy on it via Colress machine.

~I am up in the air on what to do with Gardevoir right now. It is useful once every 2-3 games, but, I don't know if that justifies having a spot in the deck.

~I am thinking about adding in a Revive since I don't have Super Rod to replenish Ralts. If not Revive, then Ditto + Super Rod.

Thoughts? Suggestions?
No Skyla? With a Durant start and Skyla, you can almost guarantee a T2 Gallade. I personally wouldn't use Gardevoir because it only doubles Psychic energy on Psychic Pokemon, so even if you have both your Psychic energies on a Gallade (not very likely), it's only an extra 40. I think that maybe just a single copy of Mewtwo would be helpful. When i played around with Gallade, any Mewtwo heavy deck would wreck my setup, which is why I like Emolga over Durrant, even if you can't Colress Machine to it.
I updated the OP. The most frustrating thing about this is having Professor Juniper and Double Colorless in the same hand with no other supporter. I have seriously considered dropping Juniper for various other draw, however, I know that the deck will most likely suffer in terms of getting Ho-oh in the discard.
I really like this deck. I'm looking to build a Ho-oh variant and it's nice to see someone changing it up! I'm interested in how this does.
Just a question, why not run Emogla (dragon exalted, call for family) over durant?
Because Emogla does get 2 basic pkmon and onto the bench, if you have colress, you can increase the draw.
While Durant lets you get any pkmon, but if you don't have bench ralts on your T1, your T2 kind of stuck.

Especially you are only running two colress machine....
He uses Durrant so that it can be Colress Machine'd to. I personally prefer Emolga since whatever you got can't be N'd out of your hand.
Ok, so I've actually been trying this out because I've been playing Ho-Oh and Gallad seperately and was kind of envious I didn't think of this myself, but I've found that Fliptini was really helpful for stalling with Ralts's and Kirlia's attack when you can't get Gallade on the field. Just thowing that out there.
I would definatly consider playing Mewtwo he benefits almost the same way that gallade does and he's really good. He's an ex for a reason. Also, have you considered some ether easy way to build up your energy supply