God’s Plan — Arceus VSTAR’s Unique Place in Standard


PokéBeach Articles Editor
Articles Staff
Hello PokeBeach readers! Isaiah here, and I am happy to be writing another article for you all! Last time I talked about the Radiant Charizard variant of the Lost Zone archetype and why I felt that it was in a great place in the current format, and as the Milwaukee Regionals have just concluded and we get closer to the Fresno Regional Championships, my position on this deck stays the same, with the deck being one of my main considerations for the Milwaukee Regional Championship due to its reliable and straightforward gameplans in most matchups, even if it’s not what I ended up playing.

Speaking of reliable and straightforward gameplans, there is no single deck in the format with a more stable gameplan than Arceus VSTAR decks...

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First of all, I'm really glad to see a free-to-read article for once! Thank you for the effort.
I came back to the game -just digitally- after almost a year, and being able to read complete, interesting articles like this one makes me a little bit more excited. And it also helps me getting informed about the current state of the game.

And since I recently finally got my hands on enough digital Arceus, Duraludons and Giratinas, I am now even more motivated to try out those two variants! :D
Yes, the free articles are a blessing! I've found that path can easily be cleared by mew though.
Yes, the free articles are a blessing! I've found that path can easily be cleared by mew though.
Speaking from my experience of playing Mew VMax quite a bit, it is not that easy, specially when combined with hand disruption. At least I see these decklists don't play Lost Vacuum, so a Mew player in an open decklist tournament can at least try to play their Forest Seal Stones as fast as possible to get out path... I guess :p