Okay so, after searching around the internet and on the Pokemon website I can't find an actual answer for this, I'm probably just dumb but I might as well ask: A few of my friends and I live in Boston, MA (Where Pokemon Worlds is being held) and we do NOT have Worlds invites, is it still possible for us to go to Worlds? I don't mean can we play in the World Championship, I already know we can't, but can we go to the convention center and spectate matches and just pal around with other Pokemon fans? Is there any kind of requirements, like tickets or admission? I really have no idea..
TL;DR : My friends and I don't have World invites but we want to go WATCH Worlds (Not play in Worlds) cane we or are we dumb?
TL;DR : My friends and I don't have World invites but we want to go WATCH Worlds (Not play in Worlds) cane we or are we dumb?