Wi-Fi Trades Golem's MyPlayer thread(with SHINYS)!!

Do you want to trade a Shiny Vileplume or Bellossom and a Lati@s(both!) for your Shiny Metagross and all 3 Johto starters?? If you want to, I will add 3 Rare Bones if you add an Electrizer. Deal?
Say wha? Ok I accept! However I only have 2 starters.....Give me some time. I'll pm you when I'm ready(shiny vileplume and latias)
golem1996 said:
Say wha? Ok I accept! However I only have 2 starters.....Give me some time. I'll pm you when I'm ready(shiny vileplume and latias)
This is gonna take a LONG time! I haven't cloned the metagross, my cyndaquil is the only one of my typhlosion chain, My Feraligatr won't have an egg with my Ditto, and my brother won't give a chikorita! And WILD ELEKID HATE ME!
I'm VERY INTERESTED:D!!! Shiny groudon for Lv. 100 Shiny Lugia? Give me a while to clone.

P.S. yugi12321, i'm still interested in the regular groudon.
ok just pm me when you're ready and if you want anything else check my player thread because I'm interested in suicune.