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Standard Golisopod GX / Garbodor V1.0


Aspiring Trainer
Hello again Pokebeachers!

I've been playtesting a few decks recently (which I'll be posting some of them soon) and obviously, at least most of us have seen Golisopod/Garb before. Here's my decklist:

3x Wimpod (Wimp Out)
3x Golisopod GX
3x Trubbish
2x Garbodor (Trashalanche)
1x Garbod0r (Garbotoxin)
1x Alolan Vulpix
1x Tapu Koko (Flying Flip)
1x Tapu Lele GX (Wish I had at least 2)
1x Tapu Fini GX

4x Professor Sycamore
4x N
4x Acerola
3x Guzma
1x Brigette

4x Ultra Ball
4x Choice Band
3x Float Stone
2x Field Blower
1x Heavy Ball
1x Rescue Stretcher
1x Energy Loto

4x Grass Energy
4x Rainbow Energy
4x Double Colorless Energy

Initial Thoughts:
- Recently tried the deck with Warp Energy... Felt it was good, but I'd have to have a Golisopod GX set-up already for the First Impression to work properly.
- A 2nd Lele GX would make the deck a bit more consistent.
- I'm on the fence about Energy Loto, very helpful when grabbing DCE / Rainbow Energy (when it wants to of course)
- Tapu Fini is a card that I added recently to help any matchup (i.e: Gardevoir with an active with tons of energy, Metagross as well) and as well to help the Volcanion matchup every once in a while (When Unit Energy comes out that'll be an auto-include in this deck IMO, and would make Fini more viable)

I think this deck can be tinkered a bit more to make it optimal, I'd love to hear your thoughts on the deck list!

- Firewyn
-1 Energy Loto
-1 Choice Band
-1 Grass

+1 Guzma
+1 Garbodor BKP
+1 Float Stone

These are just small tinkerings that may help the deck. Good luck!